
Chapter 62: Find the keys

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 62: Find the keys

When they entered the tower, there was someone already waiting for them.

"Wait!" A big, round guy who was hanging from the wall called for them.

"What is that thing?" Asked Luffy.

"Chapapa, you won't find Nico Robin even if you go to the room you saw earlier. Lucci took her to the gates of justice…oh and the chief went there too."

"But I won't tell you how to get there…and Us, CP9 won't allow you to follow because we received orders to obliterate you! chapapa. You will never find Nico Robin unless you defeat us!"

He took a small key out of his pocket and show it to us.

"Look at this."

"A key?"

"A key to what."

The crew was confused about where this was going.

"Is a key to the sea-stone handcuffs that Nico Robin is restrained with." Revealed Fukurou.

"Sea-stone?" Asked Chopper.

"Is a stone than nullifies devil fruit powers. I heard that it has the same effect that falling into the sea." Explained Nami.

"Is that why Robin is not fighting back? she must be mortified!" Said Chopper.

"Even if you somehow were to save Nico Robin, sea-stone is harder than diamond, you will never those handcuffs off." Exclaimed Fukurou.

"If you don't mind that, go ahead and rescue her, chapapapa!"

He then jumped away with geppo before Luffy managed to land a hit on him.

"Damn it! He got away. It seems like He can also use those techniques." Said Luffy.

Vivi waited until Fukurou had positioned himself against a wall to make her move.

She separated a part of herself and let the water move slowly until it reached the wall where He was standing and it started to make its way up to its target.

"Don't rush! I never said that mine was the real key!" Said Fukurou while keeping some distance from the crew. He dint seem to notice what Vivi was doing.

"Maybe this is the key to a different set of handcuffs chapapa. There are currently five members of the CP9 in this tower. Each of us is holding a key and waiting for you."

"Then, we won't know if it's real or not until we take the key from you guys and tried it on Robin's handcuffs." Said Zoro.

"What a crappy way to play for time. While we are wasting our time here, you are probably planning to take Robin to the Gates of Justice." Said Sanjii.

"We should just ignore him and take Robin first. We can worry about the keys later." Suggested Nami.

"Chapapa, you are smart. But if try something like that. I'll just toss this key into the sea. chapap-"

A blob of water appeared behind him and covered his face, choking him. The surprise also made him lose his hold on the wall and fall to the ground with a loud thud.

The key fell next to him and Vivi picked it up.

"What is going on? what happened to him?!" Asked Franky with shock.

"That's Vivi's ability. She ate the water logia fruit." Answer Nami with a proud smile.

Vivi tossed the key to Lufffy. "You keep this, Captain."

Luffy took it. "Right."

Vivi approached Fukurou, who was still struggling to remove the water from his head.

She took out her dial and place it on her hand.

"You guys should get going, I'll take care of this one." Said Vivi.

"What do you mean, Vivi? You already won." Said Sanji with a confused face.

Fukurou took a small knife from his pocket and stabbed the water with it.

Vivi felt a sharp wave of pain as the knife penetrated the water and then she felt like losing control of her powers.

The water that was covering Fukurous head lost its shape and splashed against the ground.

"So, that's what it feels to be attacked with sea-stone. It's very unpleasant."

Her powers returned as the weapon was no longer in contact with any part of her.

Fukurou started coughing and trying to recover but Vivi gave him no time for that.

She was already on top of him. She placed the dial against his face and before Fukurou could even make a sound, she activate it.


The shockwave traveled through the CP9 agent's skull, turning his brain into mush, and then left its body shaking the entire tower. Vivi's arm exploded, splashing water everywhere.

"What was that!" Asked Franky.

"That dial…" Zoro looked at Vivi intensely.

"Vivi, what kind of dial was that?!" A shocked Usopp asked. "It looked like an impact one but a lot stronger."

"That was soo strong! Let me borrow it sometime." Requested Luffy.

Vivi recalled her water to reform her arm and picked up the dial.

"I don't think that would be possible, Captain."

There was a crack on the surface of the dial.

"I have the feeling that I will not be able to use it many more times before it breaks."

"Oh… that's too bad," Said Luffy with some disappointment.

"Well, let's go!, there are still four more of those guys to take care of." He then took off running.

Sanji and Zoro also nodded and went up the stairs.

"Wait for me!" Said Chopper as He rushed behind them.

Franky keeps his eyes on the fallen CP9 member.

"Is He dead?" He asked.

"Does it bother you?" Vivi asked back.

"I suppose it does a bit. I and my family have captured many pirates but we never killed any of them."

"Makes sense, it also made me uncomfortable, I only did it when it was the only choice. But…those things!" She pointed at Fukurou.

"Are not worth considering as human beings. CP9 members are nothing but tools at the hands of very dangerous individuals. They will kill you and your entire family with no hesitation if that was their mission. They would not even question if that is the right or wrong thing to do. I just broke that weapon so it cannot be used again to hurt innocent people, like your friend Iceberg."

"If you put it like that…" Said Franky.

"We can't waste more time here. Robin is waiting for us!." Exclaimed Nami.

"Right, let's go!" Said Vivi.