
One Piece: Reincarnated as Vivi

An inhabitant of our world suffers an untimely death after a meeting with a strange old lady and wakes up in the body of Nefertari Vivi. Upload rate: 5-6 chapters a week. Support me on Patreon -patreon.com/Kriogenix You can get 10 advanced chapters ahead of time. Extra info: - The story is going to follow the adventures of the Strawhat crew. This will not be an AU. - The fic is going to be told from the perspective of the MC. That means that many events will the omitted or skimmed over if the MC is not present. Some knowledge of canon will be required. - There will be romance later on in the story but it will not be the main focus. The pairing has not been decided yet (feel free to give recommendations). But it would most definitely be a female. Even if you don't like yuri, don't worry because as I said, it will not be the focus of the story in any way. But I just feel that a fic with no pairings is missing something.

Krio_Genix · Anime & Comics
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347 Chs

Chapter 6: Rainbase

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 6: Rainbase

The group was resting while Luffy and Usopp went to buy some water.

"We should not have sent those two alone." Said Sanji.

"It's only a simple errand. Even they can manage that." Answered Nami.

"I wonder…you don't think they'll come back with trouble?. Maybe we should be prepared for that." Said Zoro.

They then heard a loud commotion close by.

Sanji was the first one to spot the problem.

"Crap…they have been found by marines!." Exclaimed Sanji.

"What?!. Then why are they running towards us then?" Yelled Nami.

They all started running and Luffy caught up to them.

"Guys!, the marines are coming!." Screamed Luffy.

"That's because YOU brought them to US!" Zoro pointed out.

"This isn't good, we are calling too much attention to ourselves like this. Baroque Works is going to spot us." Said Sanji.

"Too late for that." Said Zoro while observing some suspicious individuals looking at them with angry expressions.

"Let's go then!." Luffy decided.

"Go where?" Asked Vivi.

"To where Crocodile is." Answered Luffy.

Vivi nodded her head and continued running. She knew that this was not going to end well. She then spotted a giant casino in the shape of a pyramid.

"There!, that's the place where Crocodile is," Vivi said while pointing towards the giant structure.

"We should scatter to lose the marines." Suggested Sanji and Zoro agreed.

"Okay, we meet back up at the Croc's house!." Said Luffy before running in a different direction.

"They split up!" "Don't let them get away." Yelled the marines.

Vivi saw Smoker pursue Luffy and decided to run into a different area. She continued running for one more minute before stopping and realizing that she was alone.

Then she heard a voice coming from an ally.

"We finally found you, Miss Wednesday. The boss wants a word with you. Why don't you come peacefully?." A man said.

She was quickly surrounded by at least twenty armed men.

'They are billions. The weakest members of Baroque Works. Can I win with my current skills?'

She already knew the answer but she wasn't planning on going down without a fight. She pulled out her weapon from her sleeve and slashed the throat of the closest man using the sharp jewels attached to the string. She has spent the last three days on the ship practicing a few attacks.

The man did not expect her to fight back and was caught by surprise. He fell while clutching his bleeding neck.

She did not have time to worry if that man was going to die or not before another one attacked her.

"That bitch!. Get her!." Another member said.

She tried to keep them at a distance while swinging the string and managed to take down a few more men, but they were too many and some of them had guns.

She heard a loud noise and felt something hit her shoulder.

Vivi felt a flash of pain and blood coming from her wound.

"Idiot!, don't shoot her. We need her alive!." The one that seemed like the leader of the group yelled at the shooter.

Too much blood was starting to pour out of the gunshot and she was forced to use one hand to cover it. Leaving her only one hand to defend herself.

'This is not looking good. I won't be able to keep fighting like this.'

"Knock her out already." The man ordered.

Three men approached her, but before they could touch her, they were attacked by something that came from above.

"What is that?!, a bird?" One of the men asked while looking up.

Sounds of gunfire were heard and the men started to go down.

"Shit, that bird has a Gatling gun! Take cover. "The leader said.

While the mercenaries run for cover, the giant bid came down once again and grabber Vivi in its claws, carrying her away until it stopped on a nearby roof and transformed into a human.

"Nice to see you again, Princess." The man said. He then noticed her gunshot wound. "Princess, you are hurt!"

Vivi did remember this man, not only from fantasy but also from the original memories.

"I'm okay Pell. Is not that serious."

"Please, wait here a moment, ill go finish them off." Pell then transformed again and started shooting at the mercenaries.

"That's Pell the Falcon. The strongest warrior on Arabasta, we are screwed!." One of the men said.

Vivi observed the fight from above, it only took Pell less than a minute to dispatch all of the remaining mercenaries.

'I need to get a devil fruit…I'm too weak as I am right now. Can't even take care of some normal guys...' She thought.

"An impressive display." Vivi heard a voice coming from behind her and turned around.

A familiar woman with a long white coat and a cowboy hat was standing there, looking at her with a confident smile.

She was about to call her by her name but managed to control herself. 'Robin is still working with Crocodile at this point. I need to be careful

"Right…you are Miss Sunday, correct?" Said, Vivi.

"Is Miss All Sunday, but no matter, I need you to come with me, Princess. The Boss wants a word with you. " Said, Robin.

She was not making any movement but Vivi knew very well that she could easily attack from afar using her devil fruit power.

Pell descended from the sky and placed himself in front of Vivi.

"Princes, stay behind me, I'll protect you."

Robing looked at Pell without change in her expression.

"A human that can fly. Quite magnificent…but….are you stronger than me? I wonder."

"If you are here to harm the Princes, then we will find out." Pell threatened.

"I just want to take her to our mansion and introduce her to my friends." Smiled Robin.

"Out of the question." Pell prepared himself to attack and so did Robin.

'I need to stop this. Pell has no chance to win and will just get unnecessarily injured. He may be of use somewhere else.'

"Wait, there is no need for the two of you to fight. I'll go with You, Miss Sunday. I also want a word with your Boss." Said, Vivi.

That seemed to surprise both of them, but especially Robin.

"Your cooperation is unexpected but quite welcome. I don't enjoy fighting that much." Said Robin.

"Wait, Princess. I can't allow you to go with this woman….who is she anyways?." Asked Pell.

"Oh, she is the second in command of the mercenary organization that is trying to take control of this country." Answered Vivi.

When she tried to walk towards Robin was stopped by Pell who was grabbing her arm.

"Is too dangerous to go with her. Let me-"

Vivi interrupted by raising her hand.

"As your princess, You must follow my commands, correct?."

Pell nodded and she continued.

"The Baroque Works, led by Shichibukai Crocolide is trying to take over Arabasta by inciting a rebellion. I order you to go and inform the King to make preparations for a possible civil war. That is my command. I will be fine."

Pell seemed hesitant to let her go but eventually nodded at her and flew away.

Vivi approached Robin who had been patiently waiting for her to finish. Robin gave her a smirk.

"That expression doesn't suit you at all, Miss Sunday. Let's go." Said, Vivi.

Robin dropped the smile and looked at Vivi with interest.

"You seem very different from what I heard, Princess. I thought you would be more emotional."

Vivi is away from Robin.

'That makes sense I suppose. The original Vivi was a teenage princess who was seeing her beloved country being ripped apart, of course, she was going to be more emotional. Me, however? I have never been the emotional type and on top of that, this whole experience still feels surreal to me, like I'm expecting to wake up at any moment.'

She looked at her hand covered in her blood.

'But the pain I have felt since I arrive here is very authentic. This is not a dream. Whatever this is...is real'

She turned back to Robin.

'Its time to meet a Shichibukai'