
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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303 Chs

Unwarranted Conflict and Options

_________ POV Narration_________

Luffy and Enel stared at each other for a bit. Luffy's gaze was fierce, Enel's gaze wasn't quite as determined, he looked mostly frustrated really.

'Things go from bad to worse...' Enel didn't think that he said anything bad to Robin. He didn't even consider the possibility of Luffy getting mad at him.

Thing is, without much knowledge of Robin's background, the crew couldn't really know which part of Enel's words had triggered such a drastic response from their usually stoic archaeologist.

They also couldn't know whether or not he did it on purpose or if it was truly accidental.

"Luffy... Stop. It's fine. He didn't do anything." Robin ended up calming down and stopping the situation from de-escalating further.

"Still... I don't like him. Even the people before were acting weird around him..." Luffy's suspicions were mounting, and the rest of the crew all thought the same. All besides Robin.

"I don't care what you guys think of me. You are welcome to leave my home at any time, no one is holding you here." Enel stopped bothering to salvage the situation and basically just told them to leave.

He was an old man, he wasn't about to start apologizing for no reason to people half his age.

"One last piece of advice..." Enel pointed his hand in a general direction. It looked as if he was pointing at something in the room, which led some of the straw hats to turn their heads. Only to stare at a wooden wall.

"Go straight in that line and you'll find the green-haired swordsman, you will also find the city of gold. People here don't put much value in gold, so you might be able to get some for free."

The door of the cabin then opened up with force, prompting the pirate crew to leave. Luffy and the rest didn't have any objection, Robin did look quite regretful, she seemed to appear rather sorry about what had happened.

"One last thing for you..." Enel appeared in front of Robin just as she was leaving, which scared her quite a bit, the straw hats were also shocked, as not one of them could even catch Enel's movements.

"Here. Just so you don't go snooping around the island too much, the natives might not like that..." Enel gave her the parchments that contained all of the Ancient texts within the Sky islands.

The straw hats looked at Enel with some confusion... But also plenty of wariness.

'Would anyone of us be able to react if he attacked us seriously?' Was the thought that managed to ring through their minds and even terrify some of them.

Robin bowed a bit and thanked Enel. "Sorry for inconveniencing you like this..." She then walked out alongside the rest of her crew.

Enel didn't bother to say anything.

_________ POV Enel _________

In truth, I already know that the bad opinion most of the straw hats have formed of me is due to the altercation with the tribal warriors that just happened outside.

Maybe Luffy's curiosity at the time allowed him to stroll in here to see who exactly I am. And me stressing Robin out to that extent might've been just putting more fuel to the fire.

Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose, and first impressions matter a lot in this world. Hell, Luffy's crew is mostly gathered on first impressions.

The captain just sees someone, if he likes their demeanour or looks he just ends up inviting them to join him.

This is why I had hoped to stage some type of series of events that would lead up to our meeting, to prevent a shit-show like this from happening.

It's also partly my fault since I stopped monitoring the entire Sky island a while back. If I still had my Haki spread around this could've been avoided.

Even worse, the straw hats are basically still children, so most of them didn't even fully get what I and Robin were talking about. They just saw that I was making Robin very uncomfortable and got mad at me.

It would've been nice to form a friendship with a future Yonko, but I guess that doesn't really matter at this point. A hit and a miss, as some would say.

I still need powerful allies though. I am not foolish enough to think that my devil fruit will be able to save my ass against the combined might of the entire world.

This will be more akin to a game of chess... One between me and the World Government.

I plan on being a bit more involved than a king though. Problem is, my side of the board is completely empty.

That's why I need to have powerful friends. This failure is disappointing, but I thankfully still have other options.

I'll just have to make sure to get friendly with another Yonko... The problem is that Big Mom is a stupid slob and Kaido is a battle maniac with lacklustre morals...

I'm not even going to talk about Shanks, that man is far too sketchy, he's more dangerous than both Kaido and Big Mom. Even worse, his connection to the world government as well as his goals are completely unknown to me.

It's better to stay away from someone if you have no clue what they wish to gain from their actions. Mihawk appears to be friendly with Shanks, and I don't really care much for swords... So he's also out.

This leaves me with three distinct options.

One of them being Whitebeard and his children. I can think of a few ways of befriending them right from the get-go.

Their crew is rather big and they would be of great help going against the World Government.

Another one is the revolution army... But I also don't know much about their leader, nor do I know their commanders very well.

I just know they directly oppose the World Government, so they'll likely become my allies regardless.

My last option, and the one that currently makes most sense... Infiltrating the marines or Chiper Pol and looking for more secrets within the World Government. With my powers, it would be easy to rise within the ranks rather quickly.

This would also allow me to learn the six powers and Armament Haki, rising my current power to new levels.

Problem is, my appearance would definitely arouse suspicion from the World Government and the Marines.

Having an admiral-level figure just roll up and ask to join isn't ideal. Too many things can go wrong and my background can't really be checked at all.

So if I go in, I need to hide the fact that I have a devil fruit, or pretend to have another devil fruit.

I wouldn't even need to use my Devil fruit much anyway, the only reason I am going there is to strengthen my body and Haki.

From all of my options, I need to think of a path to take in the future... Thankfully I still have time, no one knows about me, and no one knows of my goals.

Truth is, I know that I will never be able to publish the truth of the world with the current government still in power. And if I did, they would simply spread lies about it and call it propaganda.

Therefore, I need to make sure they don't get in my way.

I have the fortune of being ten steps ahead of my enemies, this is because they don't even know we are enemies yet.

If I play my cards right, they will only find out I am an enemy when it's far too late.

I just need to think about how to proceed...


Hope you liked the chapter!

I think it's obvious that I wasn't about to make the mc join Luffy :)) I usually tend to head in a different direction than that of the plot, so just following it would feel a bit wrong.

Also, Luffy and the others still need to go through plenty of hardship in order to grow, having a person that can just one-shot everything in the first half of the Grand Line would mostly hinder their development.

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