
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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303 Chs

Calculations and Slight Misunderstandings

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel flew above the clouds, his ship breaking through the wind as his mind ran several calculations around the logistics of breaking Garp out of Impel Down and how that was going to affect the world.

Enel knew that the World Government wouldn't have the guts to announce Garp breaking out, just like they didn't have the guts to announce his imprisonment.

So, technically, all Enel needed to do was to break him out once. After that, Garp would just be able to return to his home and retire.

The World Government would likely refrain from sending any agents after him, as they would all most likely die.

Garp wasn't called 'The Fist' for no reason.

Enel had felt his punch during the war, and it had done almost as much damage to him as his clash with Whitebeard had.

Garp, Whitebeard and Akainu were the main reason why the bones in Enel's hands were cracked all over.

Garp was still taking it easy on him though, so Enel knew that Garp was certainly capable of more.

The only reason Garp was being captured was that he had let himself get captured. That much was obvious.

But, since diplomacy didn't work once, Garp was unlikely to let them capture him twice.

Enel already had plans on how to break him out of prison, it was also rather well-thought-through. But that would have to wait...

"I don't care where you are taking me, you trashy Government Agent! I won't be using my devil fruits for you little shits!" Jewelry Bonney was currently still on his ship.

She was still blindfolded, her pin locks tied together with her eyes.

Her clothes were rather tattered, but she was still wearing her usual white, low-cut tank top as well as her orange and black striped buckled shorts with long, thin suspenders.

She was currently not wearing any shoes(they probably remained stuck in some ice), and she had likely lost her jacket along the way.

She also had seastone cuffs on her hands and a seastone collar tied to them by a thick steel chain.

"..." Enel hadn't really said anything to her, she had become more of an afterthought after he had heard the news about Garp.

Still, he couldn't exactly bring her along in his stroll to Impel Down, Magellan would likely kill her in seconds, probably by mistake too...

She was struggling against her chains, Enel wondered how he would go about convincing her to sit still on the Sky Island, where no one would be able to do anything to her.

The World Government had absolutely no influence in the sky, that was why Enel was returning there.

Besides, now that he was called the Sky King, actually living in the sky was more than fitting.

"Oi..." Enel said as he cut off her blindfold, Bonney squirmed away, trying to kick Enel who dodged by simply sitting back in his chair.

She was kicking toward Enel, but she was also blinded by the sun, as she wasn't expecting her blindfold to be taken off.

In the process, she lost her balance and was about to fall tumbling out of the ship, Enel simply sighed in frustration, as a part of the ship extended and quickly pushed her back on the boat.

Bonney rubbed her eyes, still weakened by the seastone as she quickly started looking around, studying her surroundings as her eyes widened when she finally realize that she was above the clouds.

"W-where the fu-" She then turned around, and she went completely mute when looking towards the person transporting her.

'Why are his earlobes so long?!' She thought to herself as she then got to study his face.

At that point, she turned completely white, as confusion also started stirring within her.

"S-Sky King Enel?!" She said as she reeled back once more. Enel also raised an eyebrow at this point, he had hoped for a different reaction.

"In the flesh... Did you think you were being taken to the Holy Land?" Enel decided to not dwell too much on it, speaking up in an attempt to somewhat ease her worries.

"... I guess? Why am I being personally transported by the 'Fifth Emperor'?" She seemed to recover quickly, probably hoping that Enel was just trying to harass the marines and didn't know about her devil fruit.

"I saw the situation and didn't think it fair for a newbie to be hunted down by an Admiral," Enel said with a bit of a fake smile as he remembered himself hunting down newbie pirates sometime in the past.

"I see... Well, thank you, I guess?" She was obviously still confused and distrustful of Enel. Which was to be expected given the circumstances.

"What are the chances of you taking off my cuffs?" Bonney asked as she looked at the clouds around her and whistled a bit.

"I don't know... What are the chances of you trying to attack me if I do take them off?" Enel said as he twirled one of his earlobes around his wrist.

"Look... I may be a newbie, Worst Generation and all that, but I am not suicidal." She raised both of her arms as she tried to wipe some sweat from her forehead.

"Figures." A tendril then extended from the ship, entering the keyhole for both her cuffs and her collar.

A mechanical click was heard as the restraints parted and fell to the floor of the ship then they disappeared, seemingly swallowed by the gold as if by quicksand.

Bonney looked at the tendrils with weariness as she started rubbing her wrists and her neck, her powers also slowly returning to her.

"Thanks... Now, where exactly are we headed?" Bonney asked as her confusion was far from sated.

With her restraints off, she was somewhat certain that she was no longer a prisoner.

She knew from the fact that Enel had saved Ace and Whitebeard, two people that she respected quite a bit, that he wasn't exactly a bad person.

"Well... I'll be frank with you. We are basically heading to my home." Bonney looked at Enel weirdly as some fear crept in her gaze...

'Crap... He's a pervert!'

"I-I see... I'll just be getting comfortable for a bit..." Bonney said as she started turning into a younger version of herself.

Now she was looking around 10, and her clothes were a bit too large for her, but they still fit her, thanks to the fact that she always worse skimpy clothes, they seemed just regular size for a child's body.

"That's an odd way of getting comfortable..." Enel said as he tilted his head for a bit.

"That is just how I like it! I'll probably remain like this for a while..." 'At least until I manage to run away from you!' Bonney was already trying to create escape plans in her mind.

But she knew that escaping while in the middle of the sea was impossible.

The ship was also small, so Enel basically had his eyes on her at all times, simply jumping was both suicidal, and unlikely to work.

"Well, do whatever you want. I guess you do look a bit cuter now." Enel said with a smile, his grandfatherly instincts kicking in a bit when seeing her as such a small child.

This didn't get to happen with Sugar, since she was a demented individual, but Bonney also did have a demeanour that fit her child form, so Enel didn't mind.

Bonney certainly minded though. Her eyes widened a bit as her face turned a shade whiter than usual. Her back trembled a bit as she did her best to look away from Enel.

'Holy shit I need to escape this guy! He's a complete pervert!'


Hope you liked the chapter!

Welp, arrived at the resort and just finished swimming a bit :)) got back to my room in order to write a bit.

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