
One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)

When reborn in a world as a Fishman, in a world where you can chase after your ambitions and have unimaginable physical power... being average isn't something he plans to do. But his ambition is too big for just him to acomplish by himself... well then... he will simply have other people whom he knows will support him. And who is more supportive than family... He has no cheat, nor any amazing talent. His strongest weapon is his common and future knowledge. —————————————————————— Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N for 30+ chapters in advance: patreon.com/HolyJoker JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimer** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime & Comics
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135 Chs


[A/N: The truth is that the MC is heavily injured and assaulted by all sides. Some people seem to see only the MC vs Katakuri. Katakuri obviously won't become some Yonko level fighter. By that logic, Franky is already a Yonko powerhouse as he was easily able to push Big Mom away from the fight... In this Katakuri has an overwhelming field advantage. And this is a Big Mom Pirates vs Jaw scenario. Not a Katakuri vs Jaw scenario.]

Chapter 24

Title: Kneeling...


As the countless mochi, punches wreck my body, and I start feeling some dull internal pain. I calm down and look into the future for the next 1.5 seconds again and as I see where the next punches will exactly come.

Fwosh! Fwosh! Fwosh!....

I easily dodge them all, using my midair maneuverability to my advantage. Though sadly it seems like my legs are actually cramping and soon I will get too tired to even continue this high-intensity battle. I mean I have the physical stamina to probably fight for a whole day straight, but mental stamina is a whole other thing. I will come to a time where my Haki will get weaker… and weaker until I get too tired to use it at all. But I wouldn't even need to get too tired until I can't use Haki. I just need to be tired enough until I can't use the future sight at all and I am pretty much done. My injuries are piling up and one lucky cannonball to the head will knock me out. Pretty much killing me…

I know that I can't handle this situation any longer or I will die. I can take this as a win since I now learned future sight Observation Haki, though it seems to kinda pale in front of Katakuri, when I continue training it, these 1.5 seconds vision into the future will continue to get longer and longer. 


I feel a fist hit me at the top of my skull and I feel like it's pricking my brain, I almost passed out, but it was either that or getting another large cut on my back by a giant genie.  Suddenly Katakuri jumps back and the next thing I hear is.

[Ikkoku Sovereignty]

Immediately I use Geppo to try and fly up, but a rope of mochi grabs me by my ankle not letting me escape, so I had to brace it. As I looked closely at it… I suddenly got an idea…

I think I can use this attack to my advantage…

So I just touch my back to get some blood in my hand allowing me to use low levels of Fishman Karate.

<Splicing Wave>

A small flying blood blade is formed and it cuts the mochi rope, and that is when I immediately concentrate all of my Haki on my front body leaving my back almost unprotected.

<Armament: Hardening>

I then also tighten all of my muscles, creating a double defense.

<Tekkai> (Iron Body)


And I take Big Mom's hit head-on. Immediately I can feel it grinding against my Armament Haki. I don't even try to disperse the move and simply protect myself from it as… I just use it to fly away from the fleet at breakneck speeds. 


I fly away so quickly that no one can really do anything to me. Hehehehe… Big Mom, the stupid b*tch… you just gave me an escape route.



After a couple of minutes, I can no longer see the fleet, but Big Mom's attack is still going on, though it has weakened now so I just use Geppo to slip away from it. Though I do twist my ankle a little due to the enormous strain that I have to put into it.


But I just fall in the water, I don't even resist the cooling effect of liquid, I don't even care about the pain of the salty water gets into my wounds and giving me even more excruciating pain. I just took a deep 'breath' underwater and relaxed. I… wanna actually sleep in here… I am so tired. My eyes are about to almost close...


I have to internally scream at myself to wake up, but even that is because as the adrenaline wore off, a strong sense of sleepiness ascended to me. I put my hand under my shirt and wince a little as I touch my already dead Dendenmushi. Seems like I have no way to call help to myself.

In the end, only by willing myself to move do I do so. I immediately start swimming even deeper underwater. I know that if I am deep enough, Big Mom would in no way be able to get to me, no matter how much the fat old hag tries.


Thankfully I can find an island after only five hours spent swimming in one direction. As I arrive at the island, I see that it is only a small island with only a small village in it. By the number of houses, I would guess that only around 500 people live here. I also have another problem… I look like a monster, and that is not because of the blood. But I look like a fish type monster out of a children's book.

Still though, in the end, I just exaggerated my limp and acted hurt. My wounds have already closed up and stopped bleeding, but I obviously need some medical assistance. My body hurts all over… and I have multiple broken bones, burns of different degrees, and even a concussion I believe. 

So I just walk to the village, and as soon as people start seeing me. They immediately back off, some of them have terrified looks as they saw me. By using my Observation Haki, I can tell that most of the people seem to be feeling pity for me. I decided to go towards one of the people who was feeling the most pity for me.

I limp towards him a little slow and as I am ten meters away from him when I simply ask. "Where is the doctor of this village."

He seems a little surprised and even scared. But in the end, he just points towards one of the bigger looking houses. I nod at him and say. "Thanks…"

I start limping towards that place. Haki is truly an amazing thing, my Observation Haki developed strangely. Just like the future Blind Admiral Fujitora, I can read people's feelings too. I guess my desire to not be betrayed and not trusting my subordinates is how this developed. Now I don't have to worry about betrayal anymore, because no matter how good someone is, they can't hide their feelings 100% all day long.

Anyway, I go towards the doctor's house and knock on the door twice.

Knock! Knock!

"Coming." Says a voice from the inside. Then the door opens and an old man, with a bushy white mustache and bald head, comes outside. He has his eyes closed and he scratches the back of his head.

*Yawn* He then yawns, finally opens his eyes and looks at me.

"AHHHH!" He immediately screams and falls on his but and starts scampering backward. I am not hugely big like some people in this world, I am only around 1.85 cm (6'1"). But Fishman are scary looking to humans, and the latter are always scared of something that they don't understand. I would have honestly had the same reaction in my first life if someone looking like me knocked on my door.

"Yo! Doctor, as you can see I am in the need of some help. Gonna offer me some?" I say in a friendly tone. Trying to put him at ease with my words.

"N -No way I w -will help a m -monster like you." Says the doctor, even as he is scared as hell he still says that.  

Sheesh talk about discrimination, but it doesn't matter. Killing him now would be useless to me now. Plus being angry at him would be useless, will I being angry at him heal me? Obviously not. 

Well, there is only one option left then. I am too tired and weak to even try forcing people to heal me. They might even deliberately try to injure me during the healing process. 

So I just kneel in front of him and say. "Sir… please help me…"



As we see the MC shows another side of his. He kneels in front of a normal doctor as long as it benefits him. The MC is not a mad man or someone who lets his pride get in the way of his actions. He might seem like a blockhead when he challenged Big Mom, but every one of his actions was calculated. He knows that with his current injuries, he could probably still kill all of the people in the village easily. But that wouldn't bring him any joy, nor benefits. So he won't do anything like that.

P.S: When this story reaches 1000 Power Stones, it will get +1 Bonus Chapter that day.

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(32 Chapters in Advance)

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