An ordinary boy dies and is reincarnated into the body of none other than Monkey D. Luffy, equipped with a Randomizer System. What he doesn't realize is that this system doesn't just influence his life, it influences the entire world around him! Note: This is NOT! a Chinese novel translation!
Raphael: <>
System: []
After leaving the small inhabited island behind, Luffy, Uta, Zoro, and Kuina continued their journey toward Orange Town. Knowing the trip would take at least a week, Luffy decided it was the perfect opportunity to start teaching Zoro and Kuina the basics of Haki and Total Concentration Breathing. Even Uta wanted to learn these techniques due to the stamina requirement for her new powers.
Before beginning the training, Luffy decided to lay everything on the table. He explained his mysterious "Devil Fruit" that allowed him to summon random and unique items and use a personal storage space. He also demonstrated his crystal manipulation abilities and revealed the unique powers Uta had gained from the Devil Fruit he'd provided her, solidifying his outlandish claims.
Zoro crossed his arms and shook his head, his expression both bewildered and impressed. "I was right about you… you're really fucking absurd!" he muttered. "Yesterday, I thought Devil Fruits were a myth. Now, I think I've seen two of the strongest versions of them."
"I mean, you could say that," Luffy replied with a casual shrug, "but not really. The Devil Fruits I get from my fruit are special—they don't exist in this world. So technically, you still haven't seen the best that this world's Devil Fruits can offer, and neither have you seen the best that my fruit can offer either."
"Hey, you said that your Devil Fruit gave these sai to you, right?" Kuina asked, twirling the weapons in her hands as Luffy nodded his head. "So that means you can get even more amazing weapons in the future!" she said, her face lighting up with anticipation of getting even more unique weapons.
"Yeah, probably," Luffy admitted. "But that doesn't mean every weapon I get will be for you." He quickly dampened her excitement. "The weapon needs to suit your personality and fighting style. Now, since you're aiming to be a Weapons Master, that works in your favor—but there might be times when I'll prioritize someone else if a weapon fits them better."
"Fine!" Kuina said, sulking a little. "It's your power, after all. Do what you want!"
Luffy sweat-dropped comically. 'Well, she's surprisingly bratty and childlike once she lets her guard down,' he thought, not quite sure how to handle her sulking.
Clearing his throat, Luffy clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Anyway, let's get started. Today, we're diving into Haki and Total Concentration Breathing," he announced. A cruel grin spread across his face, one that instantly sent shivers down Uta's spine. "I'm warning you guys in advance: this is going to be hell. You'll hate me during the process, but when you see the results, you'll love them."
Kuina gave him an unimpressed look. "Does he have to overdramatize everything?"
"No," Uta groaned, rubbing her temples. "He's not overdramatizing. Trust me, I tried learning Total Concentration Breathing before and gave up. I wouldn't be trying again if it wasn't for my teleportation powers draining my stamina so fast. Six trips solo or three with passengers, and I'm drained for a considerable time."
Zoro, meanwhile, was unfazed. "I don't care how hard this training is," he said confidently, folding his arms over his chest. "If it can make me stronger, I'll handle it."
"Same," Kuina added, her grip tightening on her sai. "If I wasn't ready for hardship, I wouldn't be out here at sea in the first place."
Uta groaned, slumping her shoulders dramatically. "Ugh! Why am I stuck with a bunch of muscleheads?"
"Uta, stop killing the mood," Luffy chided, narrowing his eyes at her. He then turned to Zoro and Kuina with a nod. "Good mindset. Keep that up, and you'll master these techniques in no time," he said, and he actually meant it.
Luffy was confident for a reason. It had taken him almost a year to master the basics of Observation and Armament Haki as well as Total Concentration Breathing from scratch. Now, although he did have a manual about learning Haki, it didn't make it any easier to understand the instructions written inside the manual. They were quite vague at best, which kind of made sense to him. If it were this easy to learn and teach Haki, it would already be commonplace throughout the seas.
However, unlike everyone in the world, Luffy had one major advantage: Raphael, his super-intelligent, AI-like friend. Raphael had managed to develop a way to learn a fictional technique by just studying the source material. Now that Luffy had used both of those techniques for quite a while, it had given Raphael enough time to study them and develop a way to cut learning time for them in half, making the training process for his crew far more efficient.
Luffy's grin widened, a glint of challenge in his eyes. "Well then, let the hell begin!" he declared, slamming his fist into his palm.
A week later, Luffy and his crew finally spotted a large island on the horizon, its silhouette marked by visible human-made structures. The sight of the town confirmed that they had finally arrived at Orange Town.
During the journey, Luffy had continued to push Zoro, Kuina, and Uta in their training. Although neither Zoro nor Kuina had managed to manifest Haki yet, which was fine by Luffy since he hadn't been expecting immediate results, he was still impressed with their dedication. They trained tirelessly, following his every instruction without a single complaint.
Uta, despite her constant grumbling and dramatic sighs, also gave her all when it came to mastering Total Concentration Breathing. However, mastering the technique required pushing one's lungs to their absolute limit, and training on a small fishing boat didn't provide the ideal environment. The lack of space and limited resources made it difficult for him to give her any substantial exercise to help her.
Luffy himself, despite overseeing the crew's progress, was hitting his own roadblocks. He had already mastered the techniques he was teaching, and while his Diamondhead powers were powerful, they had stagnated at 35%, no matter how much he used them. Raphael had a theory: Luffy's abilities were not getting stimulated enough in controlled training scenarios. His powers were reaching a plateau because he wasn't using them in high-pressure, real-world situations. In short, in the nicest way possible, Raphael told him to stop relying on Haki all the time and start using his Diamondhead powers while dealing with troublesome people like Morgan if he wanted to break through his current limits.
Luffy had taken the advice to heart, but for now, he shoved those concerns to the back of his mind. Right now, his focus was on the island ahead, feeling kind of excited to meet Buggy and test his crystals against the annoying clown and his ridiculous Chop Chop fruit.
However, as the boat got closer to the port, Luffy's excitement faded, replaced by confusion. His eyes narrowed as he took in the scene before him.
The town wasn't at all what he had expected. He had anticipated a gloomy, oppressive atmosphere—the kind that came with a town under the control of Buggy's crew. Instead, Orange Town was bustling with energy. People moved freely through the streets, and laughter echoed through the air. Children ran past market stalls, and merchants enthusiastically sold their wares. The port itself was lively, with fishermen unloading their catches and dockworkers going about their business with bright smiles.
"What the hell is going on here?" Luffy muttered to himself as their boat docked at the port.
1 week ago
While Luffy was recruiting Zoro and Kuina to his crew on a remote island a little far away, on Orange Island, the atmosphere was tense, and everyone was hiding inside their houses due to the invasion and takeover of their town by none other than the Buggy Pirates.
It started six months ago when one day the Buggy Pirates arrived in this town and, before anyone knew it, announced it as their own territory. The people of the town, of course, tried to fight back, but Buggy and his men ruthlessly killed any and all people who tried to oppose him. In the end, any and all hope for freedom was crushed, and Buggy established his rule over the town with no one to oppose him.
But today, something unexpected happened. For the first time in what felt like years, the people of Orange Town saw a Marine ship docking at their port. The townsfolk peered out from behind their closed doors and curtains, watching with a mix of hope and fear. A man with pink hair disembarked, his Marine coat billowing behind him as he strode onto the dock. His frown deepened as his eyes fell upon the Buggy Pirates' ship docked nearby.
His frown deepened even further as Koby, the Rear Admiral, walked further into the town, immediately noticing the bleak atmosphere. The streets were eerily quiet, and most of the buildings were boarded up or had visible signs of damage from pirate attacks. 'Something is definitely wrong here,' Koby thought as he continued forward.
His footsteps eventually brought him to a house with a white dog standing guard at the entrance. The dog growled at Koby, baring its teeth, telling him to stay away from the house.
"Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" Koby knelt down, trying to calm the animal, but the dog continued to glare at him, not willing to move.
Suddenly, an elderly man with curling gray hair and bespectacled eyes approached. "Ah, Mr. Marine, please don't be offended by little Chouchou here," the man said.
Koby stood up, shaking his head. "No offense taken. But who are you, and what's going on with this place?" he asked, looking around.
"My name is Boodle. I'm the mayor of this town," the old man introduced himself, his face shadowed with the weariness of a man who had carried the burden of his people's suffering for too long. "As for what's wrong..." His expression darkened as he told Koby about Buggy's reign of terror—the murders, the oppression, and the absolute hopelessness that had consumed the once lively town.
Koby listened intently with a serious expression on his face. After Boodle finished, Koby placed a reassuring hand on the mayor's shoulder. "Don't worry, sir. I'll take care of those pirates. I apologize that it took us this long to recognize your suffering. But I'll fix it today."
With that, Koby turned and walked back to his ship. Upon returning, he immediately called for his men. "Listen up, everyone!" Koby's voice rang out, drawing the attention of the Marines. He then explained the situation in Orange Town. "It was Marine negligence that allowed this terror to go unchecked. Today, we correct that mistake!"
He issued orders quickly. "You all form a perimeter around the town. Don't let anyone escape. As for Buggy and his crew..." Koby cracked his knuckles, a cold smile forming on his face. "Leave them to me."
The Marines saluted and moved swiftly, following Koby's orders. Soon, they were stationed around the town, blocking every possible exit route. Meanwhile, Koby prepared to confront the pirates when a familiar voice interrupted him.
"You sure you don't want any help with this one?" Kujaku asked, folding her arms over her chest as she stood nearby.
Koby waved her off with a grin. "Nah, I've got this. I left you to deal with everything in Shells Town, so this one's mine. Besides, you deserve a break. So sit back and enjoy the show."
"Sure, just send someone to call out to me if things get dicey on your end," Kujaku said, dropping the topic. She knew that Koby was more than enough to handle anything the East Blue could throw at him.
"Well then, Kujaku, see you in a bit," Koby said and jumped out of the ship. Then just as he was about to head towards the Buggy Pirates' base when suddenly he once again noticed their ship and an idea crossed his mind. He immediately called two of the Marines stationed near the boat and asked them to check for any valuables inside the Buggy Pirates' ship and to bring them out.
A few minutes later, the Marines returned with a handful of treasure and items looted from Buggy's ship. Koby nodded, then picked up a fist-sized rock from the ground. Then a greyish-silver sheen covered the rock and without wasting time, he hurled the rock at Buggy's ship with incredible force. The impact created a massive hole in the ship's hull, and within moments, Buggy's ship began sinking to the bottom of the harbor.
The townspeople, peeking out from their homes, gasped in astonishment before bursting into cheers. For the first time in months, they saw the symbol of their oppression destroyed. Kujaku rolled her eyes from the sidelines, muttering under her breath, "Show-off."
Once Buggy's ship was completely submerged, Koby turned and made his way to the pirates' base.
Inside Buggy's hideout, panic reigned.
"Hurry up, you idiots! The Marines are here!" Buggy the Clown shouted at his men, his face red with fury. "We need to get out of here before they catch us! And don't leave anything behind! If I lose any treasure, I'll sell every one of you to get it back!"
The pirates scrambled, stuffing valuables into bags as fast as they could. But suddenly, a calm voice interrupted the chaos.
"Now, now, Buggy," Koby said as he strolled into the hideout, his Marine coat draped over his shoulders. "Is it really wise to threaten your men when the Marines are here?"
Buggy spun around, his jaw dropping in comical disbelief. "Whaaaat?! What the hell is a Rear Admiral doing in East Blue?!"
"Who knows," Koby shrugged with a grin. "Maybe it's karma catching up with you. After all, don't you think it's time you repented for what you've put these people through?" He slammed his fist into his palm, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "Now, you've got two choices. First, you can walk out of here and quietly surrender to the Marines. Or second..." Koby's eyes gleamed dangerously. "I can beat the crap out of you and drag your unconscious body back to the ship."
For a moment, the room was silent. Then, without hesitation, Buggy's men bolted for the exit. Some rushed past Koby, throwing down their weapons and surrendering to the Marines. Others desperately tried to escape the town, hoping to avoid capture. In the end, only three people remained in the room: Buggy, the captain clown; Mhoji, the fat fur-wearing man riding on a huge lion; and Cabaji, the slender black-haired man with swords on his waist.
"Who the hell do you think you are, huh?" Mohji, the lion tamer, sneered. "You're just one guy! We can take you out easily!"
"Yeah, Boss, we can beat him and use him to negotiate our way out of here," Cabaji added, drawing his swords with a wicked grin.
"Oh, you want to capture me?" Koby, unfazed, simply smiled. "Go ahead. Try."
Buggy, meanwhile, was sweating, unsure if his minion's plan would work or not. After all, he used to be a member of the Pirate King's crew and knew that one doesn't climb the ranks in the Marines without considerable power or connections in high places. Now the question was, which category did the Rear Admiral in front of him fit into?
Meanwhile, acting on their words Cabaji and Mhoji rushed toward Koby who stood there without moving and just observed the incoming attack. But then just as they were about to hit him suddenly he coated his fist in a steel-like sheen and before they could even react slammed his fist into their faces and both pirates were knocked out cold, crumpling to the floor.
Buggy's eyes bulged. "You're a Devil Fruit user!" he shrieked, pointing at Koby with trembling hands.
"Oh, you noticed," Koby said dryly, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, was kind of Devil Fruit is it?" Buggy, ever the opportunist, asked in a falsely enthusiastic tone, thinking about how if he survived this, he could sell information on this Rear Admiral for a considerable amount of money.
However, Koby, who was unaware of how tricky and cunning Buggy was, didn't think much of Buggy's question as he wasn't perceiving him as a threat at all. "Well, I guess there's no harm in telling you since you'll be going to Impel Down for a long time," he said, however in the meantime his hands weren't idle either as he was already moving and handcuffing both unconscious men and tying them with the rope he had on him.
"I have eaten the Haga-Haga no Mi (Steel-Steel Fruit) which makes me a steel man," Koby explained as he advanced towards Buggy to arrest him. "My fruit, along with my training, allows me to hit fast and incredibly hard," he finished as he stood in front of the Clown. "Now, tell me, Buggy, are you going to come quietly, or do you want to join your friends over there, unconscious and tied in a rope?"
Buggy's face contorted with fear, but he quickly raised his hands in mock surrender. "No need for that! I surrender!" He shook his head vigorously. "There's no way a normal guy like me could fight a Devil Fruit user like you."
"Smart choice. I hate unnecessary violence," Koby said, slapping the cuffs on Buggy's wrists. "Hopefully, some time in Impel Down will make you rethink your life choices," he said and started escorting Buggy out of the hideout, not seeing a cunning smile on the Clown's face whose eyes were fixated on the cuffs in his hands... normal cuffs in his hands.
Laughing internally, Buggy kept walking while waiting for his chance to escape. No matter what, Buggy knew he was going to survive. After all, in his mind, he knew that the Great Buggy always survives.
However, at that time, neither Koby nor the people of Orange Town knew about it, and neither one cared about it either. After all, finally, the plague known as Buggy Pirates was gone from Orange Town, and the people of the town were celebrating once more.
"Well, that was a dud..." Luffy muttered, leaning against the edge of his ship, eyes narrowed at the lively port of Orange Town. 'Whoever this Rear Admiral Iron Fist is, that asshole robbed me of my valuable achievement points!' he thought bitterly, cursing the Marine officer who had swooped in and taken down Buggy before he could get there.
After hearing about the events that had transpired a week ago—how Buggy had been defeated and the town freed by a Marine—it quickly became clear to Luffy that there was nothing left of interest in Orange Town. Buggy was gone, and the town was no longer in danger. With a sigh, he headed back to the boat. Before leaving, he gave Zoro and Kuina some money and told them to buy whatever supplies they needed for the journey.
"Kuina," Luffy had said, "make sure Zoro doesn't wander off and get lost."
Kuina gave him a nod of understanding, while Zoro scowled but didn't protest. His bad sense of direction had become a running joke on the ship, and at this point, he didn't care enough to fight them.
Now, with Zoro and Kuina busy gathering supplies, Luffy turned to Uta, who was lounging on the deck. "Hey, Uta, can you check the map and find the nearest island from here?" he asked.
Uta stretched and reached for the map, spreading it out in front of her. After a few moments of scanning, she tapped a spot on the paper. "Looks like the nearest place is Gecko Islands… Oh! Isn't that where Yassop's hometown is? Syrup Village?"
"Yeah, Syrup Village. That's the one," Luffy nodded. "Alright, once Zoro and Kuina get back, let's set sail for Syrup Village."
With that decision made, Luffy headed toward the cabin. "I'm gonna take a nap. Don't bother me unless it's important," he said casually over his shoulder as he entered the cabin and shut the door behind him.
Once inside, Luffy locked the door, flopped onto the bed, and pulled out his smartphone. "Let's see what Oda's been cooking up lately," he murmured, grinning as he opened up the app and scrolled through the latest chapters of One Piece.
To be continued...
The More You Know!
Devil Fruit: Haga-Haga no Mi (Steel-Steel Fruit)
Type: Special Paramecia
Powers: Haga-Haga no Mi allowed its user to turn their surroundings as well as their own body into steel. After gaining mastery over fruit, one can manipulate their internal temperature to heat the coated limbs of their body.
Weakness: Usual Devil Fruit Weakness, Extremely High Temperature, Rust, and Corrosion.
Counter Parts:
Logia- Tetsu Tetsu no Mi (Iron Iron Fruit)
Zoen - Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Dwarf
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