
One Piece: Pirate King's Path

Years before Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates set sail, there is a boy, who is living in a little village in the East Blue, whose dream was to have freedom. He dreamt of being free and having no restrictions. And this dream led him to many adventures, many friends, and many enemies. But that is a story for the future. Join Alexander D. Great in his journey to become the man with the most freedom like his idol, Gol D. Roger. The man who stands on top of the world. The man known as the Pirate King. This is my first novel and I am a newbie author. I am just doing this for fun and this idea just popped into my head. This novel may not follow the canon and there might be some mistakes along the way please forgive me for those. There will be no harem the MC will have his pairing. Leave your reviews and tell me what I can improve in the story. Thank you very much! P.S. I don't own anything in this novel except my OCs. I also don't own the cover. If the cover is yours and you don't want me using it, just tell me and I will remove it. Thank you again

ImStar0710 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Frog in a Well

Six months later in Ruhn Forest, Alex and Franco are hitting each other's heads with a stick while Vincent is just watching them on his chair and eating popcorn. Vincent was laughing that they couldn't awaken it and they keep hitting each other's head with a stick. While Vincent was laughing, Franco, who was about to get hit by the stick, suddenly dodged the stick even when blindfolded causing Alex to miss and fall face first on the ground. Vincent seeing this, stood up from his chair and went up to Franco, who was still confused with what happened, and said "Congratulations my boy, you have awakened Observation Haki."

Alex hearing what his pops said suddenly stood up from the ground and exclaimed "OY FRANCO THAT'S SO COOL! BUT I'M NOT GONNA FALL BEHIND. HIT ME!"

Franco followed the order of his captain and continued the exercise until a few hours later.

When the stick was about the hit Alex, he also dodged it and was amazed by how it felt "OY POPS! I DID IT AS WELL I HAVE AWAKENED IT!"

Vincent was amazed since it was just a while ago when Franco awakened his and now Alex awakened his.

'It seems that my son and his friend are really special. To think that they awakened it so fast.' thought Vincent

"Well after awakening your Observation Haki, you should still train it because if you train it to a high level you can have the ability to sense your opponent's presence, strength, emotions or intent and at a higher level you can have the ability to see the future." said Vincent

"SEE THE FUTURE!!! SO I CAN PREDICT WHAT PEOPLE WOULD DO BEFORE THEY EVEN DO IT!!! THAT'S SO COOL RIGHT FRANCO?!" shouted Alex as he was excited because of the thought that he might be able to see the future while fighting.

"Alright since the both of you have awakened your Observation Haki, we will now try to awaken your Armament Haki. Don't be too cocky since you've awakened your Observation Haki. Armament Haki is really hard to do especially for you kids. So, what you have to do is to manifest your spiritual energy and form a sort of armor around your body or your weapons. This type of Haki could enhance your body or harden your body. You could also imbue it on your weapons so you can harden your weapons as well. This can also hurt Devil Fruit users, but I will teach you what Devil Fruits are in the near future so don't worry about that first." explained Vincent as he showed that his fist was covered in a black armor.

"So Uncle, basically we have to concentrate our spiritual energy to cover our bodies or weapons?" asked Franco

"Yes Franco that's basically what Armament Haki is. But like Observation Haki it has its advanced techniques when you perform and train it a higher level. When you've trained it to an advanced level you could emit Haki from your hands or weapons. And when trained to the limit could cause internal destruction which when you hit anyone or anything it would destroy them from the inside-out." said Vincent

"ALRIGHT FRANCO LET'S DO THIS!" shouted Alex as he can't wait to get started.


Two years after learning Haki, Alex and Franco have been training their bodies, Haki, and their weapons diligently and have been steadily improving. Franco, who has shown to have a natural talent for Observation Haki, could already see 0.5 seconds in the future. While Alex could still not breakthrough that hurdle, but his Armament Haki is in the Imbuement Stage as he could already coat his swords with Armament Haki. Vincent was proud of the progress of his two pupils and stopped their training for today as he had something to tell them.

"Alright training's over for today. Both of you come here I have something to say to the both of you." said Vincent

"Okay what is it pops?" asked Alex

"I wanted to say that I have nothing more to teach you as you would have to go through life and death battles in order for you to improve yourselves. Well before you both graduate as my students, I will teach you about how big this world is and how weak you both are compared to the powerhouses of this world." said Vincent as he brought out books from his bag and handed them over to the two kids.

Then Vincent started to teach them about the Marines and their rankings, the World Government and their Cipher Pol groups, and the Pirates and the Yonko who were the 4 most influential and powerful pirates in the New World.

After that Vincent threw them in the forest where the both of them would fend for themselves for two years to train their battle instincts and to hone their skills.

My novel will still follow the canon timeline, but since my OCs would be added there are more things that would change in the One Piece World. This novel is just a product of my ideas that I got while I was reading about One Piece.

Thank you for reading my novel. Please tell me what you think of the novel and what I can do to improve it.


If I made some mistakes you can put it in the comments below. Thank you again and enjoy!

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