

"You're on mister!" said the kid as he was sure that he would beat Alex. "Alright you shoot first so that I could see how good you are." said Alex as he was taunting the kid, but the kid didn't mind him as he was busy concentrating to hit his targets.


Successive shots were fired by the kid and all of them hit the bullseye. The kid looked at Alex with a proud expression as if saying 'Try to beat that!' while Alex just smiled and brought his gun and as he was looking at the kid, shot his gun.


After shooting, the kid was surprised at Alex's result as he also hit all of the targets. The kid was saying in his mind 'Fate has given me a worthy adversary today. Whatever the result, I will accept wholeheartedly.' while saying "Let's go again. Let us decide the winner with this." Alex nodded and gestured the kid to go first again as he has a plan to make this kid admit his defeat and make him join his crew. The kid starts to prepare to shoot again the bullseye because he thinks that Alex's first try was a fluke and he will not repeat the same result again. He breathes in and out and calms himself down and starts to shoot.


The kid still managed to hit the bullseye and had a smug expression and said "It seems fate favors me today mister. You better prepare your million berries as you can't beat me." Alex chuckled a bit and said "Don't celebrate just yet kid. So I can pick any of these targets to shoot right?" the kid was a bit pissed when he chuckled but regained his calm expression as he said, "Yeah you can hit any of the targets here as long as you hit the middle which I doubt you will. Fate has declared me as the winner the moment you challenged me." Alex just smiled and prepared to shoot as he was planning to shoot the farthest target since for him it was child's play.


The kid saw Alex again not missing and was nervous but then saw that the last shot never hit the target and he said "See, I told you it was my win the moment you challenged me. Now pa-" but was cut off by Alex as he saw him pointing at the farthest target and was shocked at what he saw. He saw that the farthest target had been hit exactly at the middle. He was surprised and didn't know whether he could have done that himself as he said "It was my loss today but I'll beat you soon enough..." he pauses a bit and says "...Captain." Alex was happy that he joined the crew and said while reaching out his hand "Welcome to the crew! My name is Alex. what is yours?" the kid reached out his hand and shook Alex's hand as he said "Van Augur. My name is Van Augur."

After recruiting Van Augur to his crew, Alex was ecstatic since Van Augur would grow into one of if not the best snipers in the world. As he was thinking about how Van Augur would dominate the world with his accuracy, Van Augur spoke up, "Captain, can you teach me your techniques? You have a lot of years of experience using a gun." Alex replied to him "How old are you, Van Augur?" Van Augur replied "I'm fifteen years old now. Why do you ask?" Alex smiled and replied "Well, we aren't far apart. I just turned eighteen this year." Van Augur was surprised as he thought Alex was in his mid-twenties and said "How did you get this good captain?" Alex replied, "I used Haki to see the target." Van Augur was not familiar with the word and asked "What is Haki?" Alex then explained what Haki was to Van Augur and Van Augur was surprised at the potential of sensing your surroundings which could help him shoot anyone around him without him needing to look at his scope. "Captain teach me this Haki thing. I want to become the best marksman in the world and this might help me breakthrough." Alex replied "Of course I'll teach you, you are part of my crew now. By the way, where are your parents?" Van Augur had a sad expression for a moment which was seen by Alex but regained his calm expression as he said "I don't have parents as they died when bandits raided our home. That was also when I realized that I had a talent for shooting since I shot all of the bandits in their heads." Alex was saddened by his backstory and comforted him by saying "You don't have to worry now, the crew and I will protect you so believe in us having your back and we will believe in you having our backs as well." Van Augur just nodded and did not say anything else but he was thinking 'Fate really gave me another chance at having another family. This time I will protect them even if it kills me.'

The pair went back to the ship after roaming around the village and met with the crew after they bought another den-den mushi for Van Augur. "Guys, we have a new crewmate. This is Van Augur, our new sniper." Alex introduced Van Augur to the crew and the crew introduced themselves and already treated him like they were sailing for a long time now. Van Augur despite his calm expression, felt warm in his heart because he, growing up, never had the luxury of spending a lot of time with his family. The crew, right now, is the closest he has to a real family, so he swore in his heart to always have their backs and protect them.

After introducing Van Augur to the crew, Alex and his crew encountered three pirate groups and were surrounded by them then the one leading them asked Alex "Oy! Are you 'Asura Hands' Alex and the Asura Pirates?" Alex knew where this was going but still answered him "So what if I was? I'm sorry but I don't swing that way so you guys better leave now before I get annoyed." the man got angry and shouted, "Attack them and leave none of them alive!" Alex saw that his group would attack stopped them and said "Van Augur, this is your time to shine." Van Augur nodded and brought out his gun not wanting to disappoint his new captain.