
Chapter 4

Talisman Upgrade

The day to go to sea finally arrived.

Today is Luffy's seventeenth birthday, and it is also the day he, Ace and Sabo have agreed upon.

Now, the small sailboat full of hope is quietly docked at the Pier of Windmill Village, waiting for its owner.

I think back then, Ace went to sea from here.

I heard that even further back, Garp also went to sea from here.

Sami's conclusion was: "Three people, grandfather and grandson, look like birds."

Luffy complained to Sami while moving the box: "Hey, Sami, why do you have to move so many things? Your things are too It's too much!"

"Shut up! It's not because you ate all the food you prepared." Sami said angrily.

Yesterday, the Hogg family gave Sammy five full buckets of food. Bread, bacon, and fruit filled the cabin to the brim.

Especially fruits, they are big and full of water.

Sammy was still thinking that even if Luffy was a big eater, these supplies would be enough to last them until they reached the nearest town.

At worst, you can just eat less.


one night.

Luffy ate it all.

I didn't get any at all.

What a beast!

I had no choice but to get a lot of supplies from Maginot and the village chief's house before setting off.

"Really? I am indeed very powerful, hahaha." Luffy laughed heartlessly.

"Move quickly and fill up the cabin."

"Okay." Luffy heard this and sped up his hands and feet, moving quickly.

"Hey, Sammy, what is this? It doesn't look edible, right?" Luffy asked Sammy, holding up a small statue.

"That's the secret weapon I prepared. It's very important not to lose it."

"Really?" Luffy touched his chin, "Looks like a swordsman, is he your friend?" "

No, yes. A powerful swordsman from another world named Zaraki Kenpachi, I carved it for fun," Sami said.

Because the Rat Talisman can resurrect various statues for his own use, Sami keeps a lot of statues in stock for emergencies.

Most of them are animals, but there are also some characters, although most of them are too low in level for him to summon.

"Swordsman? He looks very powerful. Yoxi, find him to be my partner." "

I told you he was from another world. How could you find him?"

"What? It turns out he is from another world. There is nothing wrong with him. It's not fun." Although Luffy didn't understand what another world was, he still understood it if he couldn't find three words.

So I immediately lost interest.

Sami couldn't help but asked: "What kind of partner do you want to find? Luffy"

"Well, a musician, so you can sing." Luffy thought seriously, "Shanks and I made an agreement to find a group of people in the future Let's find the big secret treasure together and become the Pirate King."

Luffy said, twirling his fingers, "Just find ten, and now there are nine besides Sammy."

"Okay, then let's go to the nearest Shields Town. Let's see if anyone wants to join our pirate group," Sammy said.

At this time point, Sauron should be in Shields Town just like the original plot.

Sami is still looking forward to Soda.

After moving the things, Luffy politely said goodbye to everyone one by one, and then quickly jumped onto the boat holding his straw hat.

Sammy pulled the sail and said, "Let's set off, Captain."

"Well, Sammy, I can't wait." Luffy grinned and said, "Ace, Sabo, I'm coming! One Piece I'm determined."

Sami smiled slightly. It seemed that this guy had probably been holding back a lot over the years.

It's hard to imagine that Luffy could have endured such a long time in Windmill Village.

Especially in the three years after Sabo faked his death and Ace went to sea again, if he hadn't made the promise to go to sea at the age of seventeen, he might have crawled to the new world.

With a "swish" sound, Samira lowered the sail, and the sea breeze immediately blew it up. Then, with the sound of rippling sea water, the small sailboat slowly sailed away from the dock and rushed towards the blue.

"Let's sail, Captain!"

"Yes." Luffy sat obediently on the roof of the cabin, where he had a wide view and was the special seat he had just reserved last night.

"Sit tight."

"I know."




Huge water splashes suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea. The splashing waves were as high as seven or eight meters, and a huge creature emerged from the sea like lightning.

Someone on the shore not far away immediately exclaimed: "It's the King of the Near Sea!"

"Luffy, it's dangerous!"

"Luffy, the adventure is over, go home!"

The anxious shouts did not make Luffy waver for a moment. He calmly called out: "Sammy."

"Yes, Captain."

How could Sammy forget the King of the Offshore, Luffy's first enemy when he went to sea?

The moment the King of the Offshore opened his mouth and bit it down, waves rolled up again in the depths of the sea.

The astute King of the Near Sea sensed the danger and swerved to dodge.


The sea water churned violently as if it had been boiled. Following the sharp scream of the offshore king, a large handful of bright red blood mixed with white foam emerged from the depths of the water.

A huge great white shark was like a ghost. After lurking, it gave the king of the offshore a cruel blow.

Facing the king of the offshore, which is dozens of meters in size, this 6-meter-long great white shark is simply a child.

But it was it that not only succeeded in the sneak attack, but also bravely rushed towards the furious opponent who was in severe pain.

It is the water fighting beast Giant Shark No. 1 summoned by Sami – Sami thinks this name is very domineering.

"Oh ho ho, Skye." Luffy shouted excitedly, "Kill him, Baymax!"

"Don't give my pet a random name!"

Giant Shark No. 1 hit him head on, and the offshore creature was well prepared. Wang took a bloody bite.

Just when he was about to bite, another great white shark suddenly rushed out of the sea and bit it hard on the neck.

Giant Shark No. 2 succeeded in another sneak attack.

"Aang!" The offshore king shouted in pain.

It couldn't stand being hit hard one after another. It stirred up the sea water crazily, and the waves came overwhelming. The small sailboat shivered like a leaf. , two great white sharks were tossed around by the waves.

"Sure enough, the ferocious monsters on earth are as weak as rookies in the world of One Piece."

Even though he has been seriously injured twice, the power of the Neptune's anger cannot be underestimated.

"Luffy, the boat is going to capsize if you don't take action!"

"Rubber rubber pistol!"

A big, long rubber fist stretched out at high speed and hit the King of the Inshore Sea hard.

The giant monster who was making trouble and showing off his power was knocked unconscious by this punch!

The rubber fist lives up to its name.

The comatose King of the Offshore fell straight into the sea, creating a huge circle of water splashes. The two great white sharks that were swimming aside saw the opportunity and immediately pounced on it. The sea surface rolled rapidly, and blood, white foam, and azure blue instantly mixed together. one slice.

Beating up drowned dogs is their specialty.

Almost at the same time, Sammy heard a clear "ding" in his head.

He had only heard this sound the moment he was reborn!

He had been waiting for this kind of voice for twenty-three years.

This sound is the sound of happiness when the experience bar of the spell system is full.

Sammy immediately turned on the system.

"Twelve Talisman System:

Name: Sammy

Already Owned Talisman: Rat Talisman lv1

Experience Bar: 0%

Already Owned Experience Star: 1 Star"


Experience star!

Whether it's the experience stars needed to upgrade existing talismans or unlock new talismans, it's finally here!

"It's been twenty-three years. Do you know how I have lived these twenty-three years?"

"Upgrade the rat charm immediately!"

Sammy almost shouted.

Following Sammy's command, an existing experience star immediately turned into fragments and burst into pieces. Then, the level 1 behind the rat charm instantly changed to level 2.

New instructions appear.

Rat Talisman lv2:

① You can resurrect and control three ancient species and ten ordinary species,

② You can resurrect and control ordinary species characters

, ③ You can restore some modern items.

"Ancient species?"


"Modern objects?"

Everything excited Sami.

"Calm down, calm down, now is not the time." Sami took three deep breaths and calmed down his restless heart.

This kind of thing had to happen in the dark and the wind, in the corner behind a tree…

He calmed down and slowly came back to his senses.

Luffy was still standing motionless at the bow of the ship.

"What's wrong, Captain, are you lamenting that you defeated your first opponent?" Sammy joked in a good mood.

Luffy turned his head, his eyes glowing with gold and his mouth watering.

"Sammy, I want to eat shark meat!"

"Shut up, you idiot!"