
Chapter 70

Since the dragon spoke to Sakazuki half a month ago, he left Marine Base. Sakazuki didn't ask him what he was going to do. Now he hasn't returned for half a month. Sakazuki has more or less guessed what he wants to do.

Sakazuki, who is familiar with the plot, is naturally very clear about what the dragon is about to do. Leaving at this time is nothing more than the upcoming or the revolutionary army that has been born. He should contact his companions.

Sakazuki didn't have much feeling about the organization of the Dragon's formation of the Revolutionary Army, because the Revolutionary Army targeted the World government, not Marine. It can also be seen in the plot that the Revolutionary Army did not act on Marine at all, and the World government Nor did Marine act on the revolutionary army, and most of them were other subordinate organizations of the World government.

To be honest, Sakazuki himself doesn't have a good impression of the World government, especially the self-righteous Celestial Dragons. These talents are the most important factor in the chaos of the world, so even if he knows the purpose and actions of the dragon, he does not Will take care of it, if Dragon really has the ability to oust Celestial Dragons, he will only stand aside and applaud.

Two days later, Claude came to Sakazuki again, gave him a printed piece of paper, and said, "The urgent call from the headquarters belongs to you."

After Sakazuki took the look, his brows were tightly twisted together, and then the paper was burned immediately, but his brows were not stretched out, as if something difficult had happened.

"You have to be careful, Sakazuki." Claude had also read the content on the emergency telegram, so he couldn't help but remind him when he saw Sakazuki frowned.

Sakazuki sighed, then said to Claude, "I see, don't worry, I'm fine."

After a few more days, the dragon finally returned to Marine Base.

"It's over?"

After the dragon came back, Sakazuki didn't say anything more, and asked directly.

Long replied: "It's done."

Sakazuki nodded and said, "Since it's finished, let's go back. The headquarter has already urged several times."

"Don't you continue to practice in New World?"

When the dragon heard that Sakazuki was going back to Naval Headquarters, he asked strangely, because he had left the base a long time ago, so he didn't know what happened later, so naturally he didn't know that Kuzan and Polusalino were already there. Go back, and Sakazuki stayed only to wait for him.

Sakazuki said, "Do you think we can still act at this time?"

Long suddenly patted his head and said, "Yes, why did I ask such a stupid question."

Today's New World is no longer what it was when they came. Today's New World is an authentic pirate who is in charge. Pirates from all walks of life are trying their best to compete for the position of the Four Emperors. MarineG1 branch was forced to retreat from New World. At this time, if they continue their previous actions, not only will they not receive support, but they will become public enemies of the pirates.

Don't look at the fight between these New World pirates, but if Marine comes in at this time, they will definitely turn the gun head without hesitation, and kill Marine first.

"Okay, don't talk too much nonsense, hurry up and tidy up and prepare to return to Marineford."

Although Sakazuki still wants to continue to kill the pirates, he also knows that the current situation does not allow it. There is no need to take such a big risk to do dangerous things. What's more, the headquarters has ordered him to go back several times. Keep dragging like this.

"After we leave, you have to be careful."

At the time of parting, Sakazuki once again said to Claude, a good friend for many years, of course he does not want Claude to have an accident. Claude, like him, is a hawk in Marine, and he is definitely a soldier in killing pirates. , But now Marine's strength in New World has been greatly reduced, and the pirates have become very crazy. At this time, it is best to seek stability.

Claude said dissatisfied: "I have been in New World for so many years, and I know this place better than you, but you, when did you become Marine Admiral, you can invite me to drink at that time."

"You are indispensable." Sakazuki laughed.


Starting from the New WorldG5 branch base, when they returned to the first half of the Grand Line, it was already the third day.

On this day, Sakazuki and the others drove to a small island, not far from the Marineford Naval Headquarters, and it happened that there was almost no supplies. In addition, he was very tired after being on the ship for two days, so he personally took people off the ship. Going to the island to buy supplies can be regarded as relaxing for yourself.

Speaking of it, he has been in Pirate World for more than half a year, but he is still not used to this kind of life by boat at sea.

He used to live on land. Even in those decades, the number of times he took boats did not exceed one hand. But in this world, he spends most of his time on boats. Let him Very uncomfortable, so whenever he has the opportunity, he will get off the boat and relax.

After shopping for more than an hour, the phone worm on his body rang. Sakazuki touched his pocket in surprise, and finally found that the phone worm in the left pocket was ringing, and then picked it up.

But after he got through the phone worm, he was puzzled, and it was actually the ghost spider calling him.

"Ghost spider, what's wrong?"

The two sides were only a very short distance apart, but the ghost spider still contacted him through the phone worm, obviously something happened.

The ghost spider's voice over there came over immediately: "Sakazuki Vice Admiral, something has happened, the dragon doesn't know what's going on, the one who killed us, escaped from the boat."


Upon hearing this, Sakazuki's whole body was taken aback, and he let out a cry of astonishment, and couldn't believe his ears.

"You heard it right. The dragon killed our people and escaped. Come back quickly."

Sakazuki immediately hung up, then called the soldiers who had come out together, and hurried back to the port warship as quickly as possible.

As soon as he arrived at the port, the ghost spider greeted him, and Sakazuki immediately asked with a serious expression: "What the hell is going on?"

The ghost spider said solemnly: "I don't know what's going on. When inspecting the port, I suddenly heard a few screams from the warship. After I boarded the warship, I happened to see the dragon Rear Admiral leaving quickly. , And then I heard someone yelling that Long was killing people. I tried to chase them, but let him escape."

Sakazuki looked very ugly and asked, "How many people died?"

The ghost spider said: "Six, of which five are our soldiers, and one is Colonel Jeremy. I arranged for these five soldiers to monitor Colonel Jeremy. So I think the dragon is targeting Colonel Jeremy. , The five people were just killed by him, but I can't figure out what is his hatred with Colonel Jeremy? Why did he kill people on the warship?"