
Chapter 52-Reward Conflict

"It has been four months since we came to New World. During this time, everyone has eliminated the pirates and implemented justice. I am very satisfied. Everyone has been with me for so many years and has worked hard. Although I have never said anything, but From the bottom of my heart, I am very grateful to you all."

Leaving aside the past, let's just say that now, Sakazuki has been with the group of soldiers under his command for so long, and he also knows the loyalty of these private soldiers to him, and at the same time knows the abilities of these people.

In the process of removing the pirates for several months, I have also experienced a lot of battles, but none of these Marines died, and only a few people were injured. Whether it is individual combat strength or teamwork, it is very good. .

Maybe it's because I haven't encountered any really powerful big thief group, but it is undeniable that these people are excellent.

When Sakazuki spoke, all the soldiers raised their heads upright. Everyone was very happy with his praise, because he had never praised him like this before. In the past few months, they have all felt themselves. The changes in the officers have become more humane and better for them. They are no longer just a relationship between the upper and lower levels as before.

"To gather everyone here today is mainly to make a summary. After a few months, we have wiped out thousands of pirates and helped countless civilians. I believe you are also proud of yourself."

"As a soldier, protecting civilians and eradicating pirates is our responsibility, but in the same way, we are also humans and need to live. Although eradicating pirates is a responsibility, we still have the necessary rewards."

"So far, we have paid about two billion Baileys from the hands of the pirates. This is a huge fortune, so I decided to draw half of these two billion Baileys as a reward for everyone."

As soon as this was said, all the soldiers on the entire warship exclaimed, and the solemn atmosphere disappeared instantly. Everyone's eyes widened and looked at Sakazuki incredible.

Half of two billion Baileys, isn't that one billion Baileys? They have a total of more than 500 people. If they are divided evenly, each person can at least get several million Baileys. How many years of service did they get the wealth?

Ghost spiders, dragons and others all changed their faces and looked at Sakazuki in shock, because this behavior was so crazy, even they were shocked.

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral."

A loud voice sounded, and Colonel Jeremy rushed out angrily and stood in front of Sakazuki.

"The wealth obtained from the pirates, no one has the right to distribute privately. It must be turned over to the headquarters, and then the headquarters will be rewarded according to the merits. If you act in this way, it is a blatant violation of military discipline, and you have to give out half of it. If you really dare to do this, your Vice Admiral's position will definitely not be preserved."

Sakazuki's face suddenly became gloomy. He stared at Jeremy with cold eyes, and said, "Don't use military discipline to suppress me. Although this action was ordered by Marshal Naval Headquarters, it was my private army. My people are fighting bloody battles to get rid of the pirates, and even forget their lives. What happened to me giving them a little reward?"

Jeremy also said coldly: "Although they are your private army, they are also soldiers of Naval Headquarters. If you want to reward them, use your own money instead of the money that must be turned in to the headquarters. "

The surrounding Marines all stared at Jeremy with angry eyes, because they were about to get a reward of millions of Baileys just now, but because of his prevention, it looks like they are going to be ruined now, so how can they not be angry.

Not everyone can sacrifice themselves for justice. More Marines are ordinary people. They serve as soldiers for military expenses and for their families to live better. What is the premise? There is no doubt that it is money naturally.

These Marines are Sakazuki's private army. They have higher quality than ordinary Marines, but they also have to live. Money is also important to them.

As the deputy general, he is the most obvious person who can feel the changes in Sakazuki, but Sakazuki decided on this matter without discussing it with him. He was also very surprised because the nature of this matter is indeed very serious, according to the regulations of Naval Headquarters. In order to eradicate the wealth obtained by the pirates, the relevant personnel do not have the right to deal with it privately, and must be turned over to the headquarters.

Some people may covet the wealth and leave a part of it privately, but like Sakazuki, who blatantly use the wealth to reward the soldiers under his command, Naval Headquarters has never appeared before. If it spreads out, it will definitely cause shock.

"Hehe, as expected, Sakazuki, you are not a person who obeys the rules."

Long was not very surprised by Sakazuki's decision. On the contrary, he still agreed, because some of the rules of Naval Headquarters are indeed relatively stale. Soldiers fought bloody battles, but the final gains could not match what they paid, and a large amount of wealth was turned over. Where did you go after that?

Others may not know it, but Long understands very well that only a small part of the wealth after turning over remains in Naval Headquarters and becomes Naval Headquarters military expenses, but more is turned over to the World government and become those on the Holy Land Mariejois. A wealth of pleasure for the nobles.

Marine's military discipline system is still relatively strict. Behaviors like Sakazuki have indeed never occurred before. Even if they do, they are done secretly in private. Ordinary soldiers cannot enjoy this treatment.

After all, Sakazuki hasn't been in this world for too long. He hasn't fully understood the various regulations in Marine. This time he just wanted to reward and inspire the soldiers under his command. He didn't expect to become what he is now. But he had already said his words, and if Jeremy were to stop him in this way, his majesty would surely be damaged.

On the one hand, there is a possibility of punishment from Naval Headquarters, on the other hand, it is related to his image and majesty in the eyes of his soldiers. He decided it almost instantly.

The chill in his eyes became more and more severe. Looking at Jeremy, Sakazuki had a strong killing intent in his heart.

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral, Colonel Jeremy."

At this moment, the ghost spider suddenly stood up. He walked between the two of them, winked at Sakazuki, and then said to Jeremy: "Colonel Jeremy, don't worry, we will discuss it. "

With that, he walked to Jeremy's ear and said a few words, causing Jeremy's face to change constantly, and then he was half pulled into the cabin.

Seeing how the ghost spider did, Sakazuki understood what he meant, and then said to all the soldiers on the warship: "Guys, don't worry, what I've said will count. I'll talk to your colonels for specific rewards. For detailed formulation, you only need to remember one sentence and follow me, and you will never be disappointed."