
Chapter 50

"Did you know that punishment is also a very knowledgeable job. From your look, it seems that we don't really value the punishment and torture of our Marine, so let's play in another way."

Sakazuki held the pliers in his hand and stared at Belit with a gloomy look, and then told the Marine soldiers around: "Hold him down, don't let him move."

Then he placed the pliers in front of Belit and said, "I know that for people like you, general physical pain is definitely useless to you, but I don't know if you have heard a word, ten fingers connected to the heart. "

After speaking, before Belit could react, he suddenly pressed Belit's fingernails with pliers, and then pulled it hard.


Belit let out a scream, and saw the nail of his right index finger being pulled by Sakazuki, and he pulled it off directly, and the finger was bloody.

"This feeling is uncomfortable, right? Ten Fingers Lianxin is talking about this feeling. I don't know how many times you can bear?"

As he said, he pointed at Belite's right middle finger again, and pulled out again, and another piece of fingernail was pulled off. In this way, the five fingernails of Belite's right hand have all been pulled out several times. After he came down, his right hand was dripping with blood, which looked terrifying.

Belit was sweaty on his head. He changed his previous confident expression and looked at Sakazuki with horror. Although Sakazuki didn't beat him like those people before, he just used a very simple method, but he felt this kind of pull. The nail pain is much worse than when he was beaten before.

Fear value from Belit: +369, +345, +186, +197…

All of a sudden, system prompts continued to appear, and the fear value from Belit rose to more than a thousand points in a blink of an eye.

"Now it's just one hand. You have another hand. In addition to your hands, you can also do the same with your feet. If you don't want to continue to suffer, then quickly tell me what I want to know."

Although Sakazuki's face was expressionless, Belit looked like a ghost, but he gritted his teeth and said firmly, "I will never tell you."

Sakazuki showed a look like this, and then said coldly: "It's just right, I haven't played enough. If you say it now, it will be boring. Next, I hope you can stick to it."

Immediately afterwards, Sakazuki began to pull out from Belit's left hand, pulling out all five fingernails again, Belit's whole person had already passed out in pain once, perhaps Belit was much tougher than the average person, but The ten-finger and even the heart didn't say it indiscriminately, and no matter how strong it was, it would be difficult for a tough guy to endure this kind of severe pain.

But Belit was indeed hard enough. Ten fingers and nails were pulled out, and he still clenched his teeth, even if he refused to say it. This surprised Sakazuki. He looked down on the pirate, but Belit's. The performance let him know that the pirate is not so easy to succumb.


After pulling out the fingernails, the next step is the toenails. The whole room is filled with Belit's screams. Except for Sakazuki who is still moving, the rest, including the other Marines, did not move, all of them were panicked. Looked at Sakazuki.

Fear score from Lucas: +258!


In the process of pulling the nails, apart from Belit providing a lot of fear, the rest of the Marine soldiers were also frightened by Sakazuki's expressionless execution.

Although the process was not smooth, the nails were pulled out abruptly. Even the people they were looking at felt uncomfortable. Some soldiers even wanted to leave, but they didn't have the guts.

The rapid increase in the fear value did not affect Sakazuki's actions. He still methodically continued to pull out Belit's toenails. Hearing Belit's participation, coupled with the increase in fear value, he had a sense of strength. Kind of very happy feeling.

Perhaps he has seen too many deaths, so his heart has become very hard, and this cruel punishment will not shake him anymore.

With another scream, Belit's ten toenails were also plucked out. Belit had already turned Byakugan in pain, but every time he fainted, he would be woken up by the pain.

"Still refused to say it?" Sakazuki asked Belit again.

Belit's painful face was distorted, but he still shouted angrily: "Don't waste your effort."

"Very well, I like your spirit very much. Then I'll see how long you can hold on. If this method doesn't work, then I can only change the method." Sakazuki said lightly.

Belit's heart trembled abruptly, the pain of pulling out his hands and toes already made him speechless. Does Sakazuki really have other more terrifying punishments?

"You can see that you are in pain, so I will let you relax, something that doesn't hurt, and find a goose feather."

Soon, a soldier sent a goose feather a few inches long, and then Sakazuki asked them to lift Belit's legs, and Lucas took the goose feather and started scratching Belit's feet. itch.

"Ah, ah, ahahaha…"

Before, it was full of screams, but this time it was full of laughter. The punishment of tickling is definitely not something ordinary people can bear. Even though Belite is a tough guy, facing this kind of tickling, he is the whole person. Go crazy.

Two completely different punishments and reactions made Belit and the surrounding soldiers crazy about Sakazuki's fear. Although the Marine soldiers didn't experience it personally, they watched Belit's screams in pain at this moment. But even tears came out of laughter, this violent contrast made their hearts tremble.

"Say or not?" Sakazuki asked again after scratching for ten minutes.

Belit laughed and said, "No, hahaha, stop, stop, haha, no, it's impossible, hahaha."

For three full hours, Sakazuki changed a total of five penalties. In the end, Belit still didn't stick to it. When faced with the suffocation of the wet cloth covering his face, he finally couldn't bear it, and directly provided Sakazuki with a thousand points of fear. After that, he compromised and said where he was hiding his treasure.

When Belit finished speaking, Sakazuki and the Marine soldiers present were all shocked. This pirate with a bounty of only 89 million, and all his treasures together, actually reached a full 1.3 billion Baileys.

Not only that, this Belite is also very cunning, his treasure is not in one place, but in five different locations.