
Chapter 38 Rolling Combat

"I didn't expect that you Marine would want to hide Roger's blood privately. It's really unforgivable."

CP0 came here from the four people who appeared before. Among them, the leader with a white mask looked at Sakazuki and Garp in anger.

Sakazuki looked at Garp and said, "You see, it's not that I disagree, but they disagree."

Garp narrowed his eyes, knowing that this matter was no longer easy to handle. If it was just Sakazuki alone, relying on Sakazuki's relaxed mind, he convinced him that the problem should not be too big.

But the four of CP0 are different from Sakazuki. When they found out, there was no third choice, either let them take Portcas D·Rouge away, or let them shut up forever.

"Take this woman away!"

The man in the white mask suddenly commanded the three subordinates. The speed of the three men was extremely fast, and they rushed towards Portcas D. Rouge for the first time.

But Garp was faster. Before they rushed to Rouge, he had already arrived first. Before the three of them had caught Rouge, they had already been thrown into the air by Garp with one punch.


The man in the white mask saw Garp actually protect Rouge, and he shouted more angrily, with a little nervousness in his voice. Garp's name was too strong, even if he was a cadre in CP0, he was very afraid of Garp.

Although his three men are not top masters, they are also elites in the elite, but they were repelled by Garp at the same time. This explosive power is really terrifying.

"Sakazuki, you still have a chance to remedy it. Get this woman up immediately, and you will share the credit equally!"

In just an instant, the White Mask knew that it was impossible to snatch Roger's woman from Garp with their abilities, so he immediately extended an invitation to Sakazuki. He knew that Sakazuki was a rising star among Naval Headquarters, even if his strength was not as good as Garp. But under their joint efforts, it is still possible to capture this woman.

Sakazuki was a little surprised that this man wanted to unite with him. He looked at the white mask and replied, "Okay!"

But as soon as the voice fell, his right arm turned into magma, but instead of attacking Garp, he slammed into the man with the white mask.

"Sakazuki, are you crazy?" The white mask exclaimed in anger.

Sakazuki yelled, "I've seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago. You want to join me, you don't have the qualifications yet."

The lava fist smashed into the white mask, but the opponent was a CP0 cadre after all, and his strength was still very good. He immediately used Armament Haki to block the magma and quickly retreated.


Without the slightest hesitation, after seeing Sakazuki attack him, he knew that they had no chance to catch this woman again. A Garp would be difficult for them to deal with, plus a Sakazuki, they stayed only waiting to die, so he just wanted to To escape from here, just leave here and report the situation to the top, and then neither Garp nor Sakazuki can eat Kabuto.

"Want to go?"

Now that he had decided to do it, Sakazuki naturally didn't want to leave any evidence, and immediately chased him. Garp also did the same thing with him. Garp also chased the other three, but the three fled separately. , So Garp caught up with one as quickly as possible.

"Damn it!"

The white mask did not escape much, and was soon overtaken by Sakazuki. Sakazuki chose to do it because he believed that the person with the white mask would not be his opponent. Although the legend in CP0 is not weaker than Marine Admiral exists, but such a person will definitely not be the person in front of him, because if it were such a person, he would not have been backed down by him in the first place.

After being overtaken by Sakazuki, the white mask also knew that it was impossible to run away, so he stopped immediately.

"Sakazuki, are you going to betray completely?"

If he could, he really didn't want to fight Sakazuki, but the matter was over, he also knew that Sakazuki couldn't let him go. There must be only one life between them.

Sakazuki said coldly, "Betrayal? I'm not loyal to anyone, so what about betrayal?"

"That's the blood of Roger, the One Piece King. You are going to let her go like this. Isn't this a betrayal yet?" The white mask obviously wanted to convince Sakazuki.


With a cold snort, an astonishing Haki erupted from Sakazuki's body and directed at the man with the white mask.

"Conqueror's Haki!"

The face of the white mask changed drastically in an instant. He didn't expect that Sakazuki still owns Conqueror's Haki.

At the moment he was lost and shocked, Sakazuki moved and smashed a magma fist, and then his body rushed towards the white mask at a very fast speed.


The fists of the two collided fiercely, and Armament Haki was also used, but Sakazuki remained motionless, while the man in the white mask stepped back four or five steps in succession. The higher and the lower one can be distinguished at a glance.

"Damn it!"

The person in the white mask was shocked. Although he thought that Sakazuki was not weak before, he did not think he would be worse than Sakazuki, but after this moment of fighting, he realized that his thinking was too simple. Sakazuki was beyond him. Expected to be strong.

"can not fight!"

After a blow, he knew immediately that he could not fight, otherwise he would be dead in the end. The most important task now is not to fight Sakazuki and the others, but to transmit the information as soon as possible.


Originally, his strength was not as good as Sakazuki, but now he has a retreat. Conqueror's Haki may not have much effect on him at ordinary times, but at this time, the effect is reflected, even if it defeats his own little fighting spirit. .

Facing Sakazuki who attacked from behind, the man in the white mask did not stop for a while, but directly covered his back with a layer of Armament Haki, and forcibly received the punch, with Armament Haki's resistance, so he was not too much. The serious injury, instead, borrowed the strength of this punch, the speed increased by a few points, and he fled to the distance faster.

"Can you escape?"

Seeing the other party quickly fleeing, Sakazuki showed a sneer, and then uttered a low voice: "Blast!"

There was a sudden explosion on the white masked man who was running fast, and then he fell all over.

Sakazuki quickly chased him up, and after the opponent hadn't struggled to stand up, he had already stepped on him and restrained him.

"I said, you can't escape!" Sakazuki said lightly, staring at the shocked gaze of the white mask.