
One Piece: No Strings Attached

The plot is set as pieces are conveniently laid down for the hero. A convenient world, a convenient power, heck, even a convenient conflict. Now all we needed to do is sit back and watch this expected development play through. We've done this thousands of time, what can go wrong right? With destiny as the guide, a man will overcome all odds to rise from challenge and save the wor-- did he just massacre my planet?! ------------- A story inspired by so many fanfictions I've read in the span of a month. Yeah, just discovered it last December. Hello everyone, I have been recently introduced to this genre called fanfiction and now I am acting like a kid who had his first pack of wee-- er games. I meant games. This is my first novel too so feel free to leave some reviews on what I can do better. I fucked up and now I do not know how to change the genre because this is clearly FF. So I did the obvious, be lazy looking for answers and just repost it under FF genre. English is not my native language so do inform me if the grammar is unbearable. Now, What should you expect from this novel? hmmm. One piece definitely. Now, I'll try to incorporate my ideas so it won't be the "let's go sail and fuck up WG" World hopping. Yes but not saving the world thingy every time. He may save or he may left it to be destroyed after taking what he wants. So much bullshit that researchers will call it the "Recipe for Disaster" Prolly sex. I mean yeah. MC is kinda an Asshole so be prepared So yeah, I will update this later one. Peace, Venerable Zy

Venerable_Zydelle · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Power Level and Additionals

[Power scale from weakest to strongest.(Power Scaling is based on Armament and Observation Haki. Factors may affect resulting into a higher power level. e.g. Conqueror's Haki, Devil Fruit, special powers)

Neofodder -> Knight -> Grandknight -> Emperor's Candidate -> Sea Emperor -> Supreme -> ????

Note: Knight Level to Grandknight


Skill mastery from lowest to greatest.

Beginner Level -> Average Level -> High Level-> Mastered||

After [Mastered] for Conqueror's Haki -> [1st stage]Will Embodiment -> [2nd stage] Will Eternal

After [Mastered] for Armament Haki -> [1st stage] Spirit Crystalization ->[2nd stage] Spirit Eternal

After [Mastered] for Observation Haki ->[1st stage] Sense Evolution->[2nd stage] Ultra Instinct

After [Mastered] for Devil Fruit -> Awakening -> Law Domination

Note: Beginner to Mastered (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Neofodder - Mastered very BASIC fighting arts like BASIC martial art or BASIC Sword art.

Knight level

Low- Neofodder requirements AND beginner level in both Haki

mid-Knight needs low - [Average] in two type of Haki

High- Knight needs High - [Average] in both type of Haki

Peak-Knight needs Peak [Average] in two types of Haki

Grandknight level

low Grandknight- Mid [Advance] in two types of Haki

mid Grandknight - Peak [Advance] in two types of Haki

High Grandknight- low - [Mastered] in two types of Haki

Peak Grandknight - Mid- [Mastered] in two types of Haki

Emperor's Candidate

Normal Emperor's Candidate [Mastered] Two type of Haki

Elite Emperor's Candidate [Mastered] Two types of Haki w/ Conqueror's Haki

Sea Emperor - Achieved [1st stage] beyond Mastery in Color of Observation and Arms plus HAVING Conqueror's Haki and/or awakened fruit.

Supreme -achieved [2nd stage] Mastery in THREE Haki and/or awakened the fruit.]

??? - insufficient data