
Roger Pirates vs Kraken

"It's not a false report!"

Roger looked at the distant sea and said, "I have a hunch that it will come soon!"

"I don't want to run into that thing." Gaban, Roger Pirates' navigator said as he sat on the bow of the ship. After hearing Roger's words, he said annoyedly, "Don't forget that you've picked up two baggages? Are you going to fight that thing with them on the ship?"

What Gaban referred to was the baby they found in a treasure box after the battle in the God's Valley. They actually did not want to bring a child with them when the island was about to sink, but Roger insisted on taking the baby back even if it meant abandoning a lot of treasures lying around. He truly didn't seem like a captain of a pirate crew.

"Shanks is not that weak! He is a child who survived the God Valley's incident!" Roger said as he sat on the top of the ship, "He has already experienced the most frightening war in this world. Nothing will be able to kill him!"

"Isn't that an exaggeration? Just be honest and say you want to fight! Speaking of which, there's a small country up ahead. Should we head there and resupply?"

"Is it a country affiliated to the World Government?"

"I think so, but since we're already in the New World, World Government's affiliated country is nothing but a name."

As the pirates became stronger, the World Government's control over the New World weakened. And the deeper into New World, the weaker World Government's control was.

However, with the founding of Black Order in the New World recently, this situation might change in the future. This was also what the pirates in the New World were most worried about.

"That's troublesome..." Roger's face went grim, and he slowly said, "Doesn't it mean that the country will be doomed once the gigantic Sea King comes?"

Although Roger was a pirate, he was a pirate that even Sengoku and Garp acknowledged. He would be rational as long as his comrades were unharmed.

Later, when Sengoku learned that Shanks had destroyed a country, he even said that "Roger would cry if he knew that you did this!" Although Garp had chased Roger for his entire life, in the end he took a big risk to raise Ace out of Roger's request.

It was true that he ended up turning the world upside down, but he just wanted to live freely and did whatever he wanted, just like how he decided to protect the country that he and Gaban just talked about!

"Alright, guys! We will stop here..."

As soon as Roger finished speaking, the people on the ship came out one by one. Rayleigh was speechless as he looked at Roger.

But all of a sudden, Roger's pupils suddenly dilated, and the next moment, Rayleigh and Gaban also frowned.

"It seems that they come knocking on our door instead!" Roger laughed loudly, "That saves us the trouble, prepare for the battle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sea around them began to boil. Everyone only saw the gigantic squid's tentacle that was towering to the sky from the sea in the distance...

Although it was extremely far away, the tentacle was too huge to overlook. When the tentacle was lifted, the tremendous power even split the clouds apart.

"That's huge! It seems the report is correct." Roger said excitedly when he saw this huge monster.

He recalled how excited he was to see his name on the newspaper as the one who defeated Rocks Pirates, but the newspaper didn't mention him at all!

"The evil that no one can stop is stopped by Admiral Sengoku and Vice-Admiral Garp on God's Valley."

When he saw this headline, Roger wanted to grab the one who printed this newspaper by the collar to tell them what actually happened.

But he decided to let it go, and only after seeing Kraken did he remember what happened back then.

"Happy now?" Gaban glanced at Roger. Although the sea monster was huge, they were the famous Roger Pirates. They wouldn't be afraid of a mere Sea King?

Roger did not reply, because at this moment, he had already leaped high to the sky and swung his sword at the gigantic tentacle.

"There are children on this ship. Gaban, stay behind and protect Oro Jackson!" Rayleigh's expression changed the moment he came out of the cabin, so he told Gaban to stay behind.

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

"Damn it, I also want to fight!" Gaban complained, but he still listened to Rayleigh's command because the ship wouldn't be able to withstand the Sea King's attack. With Roger and Rayleigh leaving, he was the only one who could fend off the Sea King's attack!

"Shanks, you owe me ten jugs of liquor!" Gaban held the ax in his hands and looked ahead.

In Roger Pirates, Roger was like gold, Rayleigh was like silver, and Gaban was like bronze. The three were the strongest people on the ship. They've defeated Rocks Pirates, but now they almost went all out just to deal with Kraken.

"Godly Avoidance!"

Roger jumped into the sky and slashed with his sword that was imbued with both Color of Arms Haki and Color of Supreme King Haki, tearing through the sky. His sword immediately collided with the huge tentacle that lifted high into the sky.

Thunder blared from the clouds above the tentacles. The lightning imbued the tentacles and clashed with Roger's Haki. The shockwaves from the impact dispersed all the clouds nearby!

"We should have no need to worry about food for a year considering how big this thing is!"

Roger laughed because his slash had already cut off this huge tentacle that was tens of thousands of meters long and a kilometer wide, from one end to the other!

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