
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 41

The three of them unified their opinions.

This Bai Xiao is most likely from the Great Channel!

"Sorry, this guy is not easy to deal with."Marshal Warring States frowned.

"Yes, the three major awards have their own areas."He nodded and said.

Garp suddenly stopped talking.

When the two of them saw his look, they understood what he wanted to say.

"no! Cap, you have more important things to do!"He took the lead to stop him.

"That's right, if it's better to let the general serve as a substitute."Marshal Warring States said:"It can be regarded as a training for them! Garp thought for a while, nodded and said,"Okay, I'll listen to you.""

So, the plan to hunt down Bai Xiao was confirmed by them.

The candidate general of the headquarters will be in charge!

"I think we should go from Gion. He suggested:"She has been chased by the tea dolphin recently and has been very annoyed. She can just relax for a while.""

"That's fine."Warring States has no objection

"Take Hina with you. That child is the same generation as Smoker, and she discovered the Smoke Fruit." Karp interjected.

"Then Gion will lead the team, and Hina will be the deputy!"Sengoku made the final decision.

Although both of them are women, there is no gender discrimination among the three.

As long as you have strength, it doesn't matter what gender you are.

For example, among the four emperors, no one looked down on her because of her character.



East China Sea.

Upside Down Mountain.

The boat of Bai Xiao and four people finally arrived at the entrance of the great channel.


I saw a red land like a mountain range standing on the sea.

In the land, the sea water is like a manic dragon, roaring upstream, roaring on the huge red land, making thunderous waves.

"Is this Upside Down Mountain?"

Nami and the three of them were all stunned, looking at the seawater rushing against the current in shock.

Bai Xiao also looked at it in surprise.

Although he had watched anime in his previous life, the scenes in the anime were nothing compared to the shock of being there in person!

The sound, light, color and taste together form a huge impact on the picture.

"What a spectacle."Bai Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

Nuo Qigao glanced at him and said with a smile:"I thought you wouldn't be surprised."

"Why do you say that?"Bai Xiao asked curiously

"Because you seem to know everything and have full control of every situation. Nokigao replied.

The other two people also nodded vigorously.

Nami:"Yeah, sometimes I wonder if you are the resurrection of Roger, the Pirate King.""

Keya:"It feels like you understand this world very well."

Bai Xiao laughed dumbly.

He naturally knew the information about this world very well.

However, the details were not very clear.

"It was also my first time to go sailing, and there were many places I had only known about before, but had never actually been to, so of course I was surprised."Bai Xiao explained to the three of them.

This answer made the three of them think deeply.

Bai Xiao knew so much information, and they were naturally curious about Bai Xiao's origin.

Although it is not clear yet, if they get along for a long time, one day , the mystery will be revealed.

All three of them thought so

"Okay, I'm holding on tight, I'm going to enter Upside Down Mountain."Nami looked at the distance, turned and walked into the captain's cabin.

Nokigao and Keya found their positions and held on to the hull to avoid being thrown out later.

Bai Xiao naturally didn't need it.

He leaned against the bow, Smiling, he looked at the Upside Down Mountain that was rapidly enlarging in his eyes.


The ship was pushed by the ocean current and crashed into the Upside Down Mountain.


A large amount of sea water was knocked away.

The ship shook violently, but in an instant, it was continued. The constant ocean currents push it upwards in the opposite direction, just like climbing a mountain, sailing onto the red continent!


Nami shouted excitedly

"Yo ho!!"Noqigao and Keya also laughed and shouted.

If they hadn't really come to the Upside Down Mountain, who could believe that there are reverse currents in the world?

Who could believe that they could use the reverse currents to enter the great channel?

"Not bad."

Bai Xiao stood on the bow of the boat, facing the fine spray of water, which wetted his clothes and hair.

He looked at the majestic sea water in front of him, and then looked back at the three people whose clothes were also wet, revealing their curvy figures.

"No matter where you go, it's a beautiful scenery."Bai Xiao smiled and admired it.

The ship continued sailing.

On the second day, they passed the upside down mountain and entered a calm and wide sea.

"Is this the Grand Waterway?"Nami ran to the observation deck and looked around curiously,"It feels no different from the East China Sea."

"No, the pointer cannot be used."Nuo Qigao lowered his head and looked at the pointer.

"We should be the only ship in the East China Sea that has entered the great waterway in the past ten years, except for the navy."Keya smiled and looked at the upside down mountain behind.

Bai Xiao ignored them and just used his sense of perception.

After a moment, he nodded, pointed in a certain direction, and said:"That's Twin Capes, there are lighthouse keepers, we You can get the record pointer from him.

Nami:"Twin Capes?""

Noqigao:"You really know everything, Bai Xiao."

Keya:" I don't know what the record pointer looks like?"

The three of them were in high spirits.

The ship sailed to the lighthouse and lowered the anchor on the shore.