
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 39


Hearing Smoker's words, these marines all looked bitter.

"Forget it, Colonel"

"Why should we fight him?"

"Colonel, you have been defeated, so we are even less of a match."

"Let the monsters in this department chase him."

Dasqi also stood up tremblingly, sighed and said:"Colonel, we have no chance of winning, he is too strong."

"No, we do! But Smoker's eyes turned red and he said stubbornly:"We have more manpower and the ship's equipment is better!""

As he said that, he strode towards the warship on the pier.

The navy behind hesitated for a moment, and some of them followed.


Dasi Qi sighed and did not get on the ship.

Not long after, the warship set sail and headed in the direction of Upside Down Mountain.

Although Bai Xiao's ship could not be seen, Smoker knew that it must have gone to Upside Down Mountain..The reverse current of the Upside Down Mountain is the only way to enter the great channel!

"Is Smoker crazy?"

"No, do we still want to continue chasing?"

"He is looking for death!"

The people in Rogge Town were extremely surprised by Smoker's pursuit.

It would be life-threatening to pursue him under such circumstances.

"It doesn't matter if he's dead, I can't stand Smoker the most."

"Yes, after he came, my business became difficult."

"It's time for a new colonel in Rogue Town."

Many people looked on with cold eyes and even gloated about the misfortune.



On the sea.

A three-story ship is sailing


Suddenly, Bai Xiao frowned and sensed a group of people with weak auras approaching quickly from behind.


Bai Xiao sensed it carefully and found a familiar aura. It was none other than the Navy Captain Smoker from Rogge Town just now.

People with profound knowledge, color, and domineering skills can tell the difference in the auras of different people.

"What smoker?"When Keya heard the voice, she looked away from the two knives in her hands and looked at Bai Xiao doubtfully,"Are you talking about that naval colonel?"

"Wasn't he beaten to death by you?"Nogi Kaoya asked.

"He is not dead, and now he is leading a group of people in a warship to catch up again."Bai Xiao said helplessly

"What to do? Nami poked her head out of the captain's cabin and asked,"Do you want to fight them at sea?""

"Need not. Bai Xiao shook his head,"I'll handle it.""

The three of them became curious.

They knew that Bai Xiao had solved the warship of the 16th branch and blew up the entire ship.

But they had never seen the details.

Noqi Gao had only heard Bai Xiao tell about the more detailed situation. She didn't know either.

The three of them were looking forward to Bai Xiao's live performance of blowing up a warship.

"I'm coming!"

Not long after, Nami held up the telescope and pointed excitedly in a certain direction.

"I saw it too!"Keya also held up the telescope and said loudly

"It's really unyielding."Nuo Qigao also raised a pair of binoculars and saw a warship thousands of meters away.

Then, the three women put down the binoculars together and turned to stare at Bai Xiao.

In their eyes watching the excitement,

Bai Xiao twitched. At the corner of his mouth, he took out a cannonball from the ammunition magazine, put it in his hand, and made a gesture of preparing to throw it.


Upon seeing this, the three women raised their telescopes again and stared at the warship in the distance without blinking.

For fear of missing it. Big scene of explosion

"Preparation, 3,2,1..."Bai Xiao told them the time. at the same time.

On the warship thousands of meters away, the navy also used telescopes to observe the white sky on the deck.

"Colonel, they stopped."

"No, what does that guy want to do?"

"He picked up a cannonball?"

"What does that mean, you want to throw it over with your hands?"

There was a commotion among the navy, and everyone felt uneasy.

Smoker also used a telescope and saw Bai Xiao holding the cannonball in his hand, preparing to throw it at them.

He silently put down the telescope, his face turned pale, and he looked desperate.


Smoker knew what it was.

When he was in the elite training camp, he had seen Zefa and Garp demonstrate.

The two men were wrapped in armed colors and the cannonballs they threw with their bare hands could blow up ships several kilometers away.

Just like he knew.

The next moment,

Bai Xiao threw hard, wrapped the cannonball with armed domineering force in his hand, and threw it out suddenly.


The shell instantly turned into an afterimage, tore through the air, and hit Smoker's warship. boom!!

The warship suddenly exploded.

Countless air waves rolled and spewed out a large amount of flames, which shot straight into the sky dozens of meters high.

In just an instant, the entire warship turned into countless fragments.

As a result, the sea surface became rippled, creating a clear circle of waves that caused Bai Xiao's boat to shake violently even though it was thousands of meters away.


The three women took a breath together.

Seeing the warship explode with their own eyes gave them a strong impact.

"This is a thousand meters away. How can you throw a cannonball that far?"Nami said in surprise.

"Bai Xiao, you are a monster too!"Nogie put down the telescope and said seriously.

"After today, the navy will probably keep a close eye on us."Keya sighed and put down the telescope.