
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs


"I had my doubts but Daz Bones confirmed it." She didn't deny it. Robin nodded thankfully as Sofia left the room to manage the aftermath.

"So you have made a new friend Robin!" Victor said playfully.

"Do you think she's trustworthy?" She asked slightly worried about her decision. Two people have discovered her identity, Daz Bones and Sofia which was not in her plans.

"You can live however you want as long as we don't get involved with the Marines Robin, as for trusting her I'll leave that to you to decide," Victor replied with an assuring smile.

"From when were you watching our battle?" She questioned.

"Well, my clone was present from the start. I just teleported here after Bege was defeated." Victor answered honestly.

"Thank you for arriving at the right time!"

"Your strength has indeed improved but you mustn't zone out during battle against strong opponents in the future," Victor said thoughtfully.

"I've learned a lesson, I won't make such a mistake again and risk another person's life." She wanted to reply but stopped when Victor suddenly hugged her warmly.

"Just don't get hurt, Robin! I don't care whatever happens to anyone else." He said honestly. She was the first person whom he saw in this world, his first 'friend' and confidante. Robin felt a lot of chaotic emotions but deep down she was a little glad to have met Victor. She remembered Saul's last words at Ohara, "No one is on in this world being completely alone. Go and meet with the friends who are certainly waiting for you somewhere on the sea! Live with them!" Suddenly tears welled up in her eyes and she hugged Victor back. She didn't know how good it felt to be cared for by loved ones. She had always longed for compassion and trust, now that she had found someone like that her heart was filled with overwhelming emotions.


A few minutes ago:

Bege's insides were completely destroyed from burns and haki-infused attacks. Even after a tough battle, he couldn't overpower Victor.

"D..Don't kill me! I surrender!! I am willing to work under you. I can help you with money and manpower." Bege who was bleeding profusely after he suffered from multiple painful injuries attempted to negotiate.

"Don't say that while holding a knife behind your back Bege," Victor said as he punched him in his face breaking a few of his teeth.

"You are not Victor, who are you? One person cannot change so much in one month." Bege struggled to speak but needed answers.

"You are not worthy enough to know my identity, just knowing that you messed with the wrong guy is enough," Victor said before delivering the final blow ending the war. Instantly the big castle disappeared and a corpse of Bege was lying on the street. To everyone's shock, everything inside his castle was ejected out including burnt corpses, furniture, weapons, cannons, a mountain of gold and antique treasures, and Victor who looked heavily injured.

"Boss!!" Zala and her men immediately arrived and stood guard near Victor. 

"We lost!!" Vito's voice rang through the silent battlefield and one by one the surviving men dropped their weapons and surrendered.

"Deal with the aftermath guys, I'm going to the command center," Victor ordered Zala and Maria as he teleported the main body to his clone above the Sanchez Tower using his shadow leap ability.

"What are you waiting for? Capture the enemies and pack up the treasure." Zala said coldly.

"Yes, Madam!" The fired-up men shouted enthusiastically and quickly jumped into action.


In the evening celebratory banquet:

"Today I am glad to announce that finally after a hard battle, we have won the biggest Underworld war in West Blue's history. Our men and women fought valiantly against more than 5000 enemies led by Bege Capone and won. Unfortunately, 193 of our brave men were martyred and hundreds of men have been injured in order to protect our land and people. As the head of the Sanchez Family, I announce a grand memorial for their service and lifelong compensation for the families." Everyone inside the hall raised their glasses and paid respect to the fallen. Some of them had lost their loved ones and close friends today, they couldn't help but shed some tears.

"To ensure such tragedy doesn't occur again I announce a strategic and economic alliance with the Moriarty family from today. Not only did Victor Moriarty assist us with timely help, but he also personally played a major role in the war. Today marks the end of the six families in the West, we will create a new structure to maintain peace and control the West Blue. We'll take control of all the trade channels and the enemy territories under one banner, The Syndicate."

Loud and enthusiastic cheers erupted after Sofia's declaration. The higher-ups were enthusiastically discussing the implications of this announcement while the younger ones saw this as an opportunity to climb up the ranks.

"Before we begin the banquet I would like to invite our lifesaver and trusted friend, Victor Moriarty to say a few words." Sofia nodded at Victor and Robin as she left the stage.

Everyone curiously watched the man whose exploits were heard by everyone on the island. He singlehandedly planned and defeated the infamous Gang Bege, and the gossip and juicy details about the fight spread like wildfire even among the civilians. 

Victor's intimidating but handsome figure drew everyone's attention to the stage. He was confident and didn't shy away from being the centre of attention. He watched everyone confidently and started to speak, "I am here to sell you a dream, a dream of a better future without bloodshed where everyone can live in harmony and peace. None of us in this room are innocent, our hands are already stained with blood. When every one of you entered the life of crime, you have sold a part of your humanity to gain money and power. Everyone preaches to me to not be greedy, I will tell you otherwise. Be more greedy, do you want money? The Syndicate will teach you how to do that without needing to loot and pillage like barbarians. Do you want power? We'll teach you that too. But remember, some taboos must not be broken.

1. Betrayal

2. Slave Trade

3. Narcotics

If these lines are crossed, I'll personally hunt you down to the end of the earth. Sofia and I share the same goal so I'd like to use this moment to announce her as the head of the Syndicate. The Moriarty family will provide full support for the unification of West Blue Underworld." With that, he ended his speech with a warning to everyone with nefarious thoughts.

"Your husband is quite a character!" Sofia couldn't help but comment.

"Even though he acts cold, he has a different side too," Robin replied with a slight smile as she looked at her devilishly charming 'husband'.

"Fufufu...Sounds like you are really in love." Sofia teased as she took a sip of her champagne. She could sense Robin's complicated emotions and burning desire to have real friends and family one day.

"...." Robin gave her a blank stare trying to hide her embarrassment on being caught red-handed yet again.

"Your secrets are safe with me, you don't have to worry. The Sanchez Family respects strong women and we believe in standing up for each other. I hope you can tell him the truth one day." Sofia said as she gave Robin an assuring look.

"Thank you for everything Sofia," Robin was genuinely moved when Sofia put herself in danger to protect her. After fighting a life-and-death battle she had gotten closer to her, and she realized Sofia was a woman with strong convictions and chivalry. "I am sorry for calling you weak!"

"You don't have to rub it in, I know I need more training!! I have been so busy managing the family that I was starting to neglect my training. So, are we friends now?" She said as she looked at the raven-haired masked beauty.

"Might be!! But I never had any friends before." She replied with slight hesitation.

"Fufufu...You do have a cute side to you. Now I understand why Victor is so overprotective about his little wife."

"W..What are you saying!" Robin couldn't help but blush a little. She was noob in making friends and couldn't handle the teasing.

"Look who's coming!! I won't keep you couples from enjoying the lovely night. Let's go on a lady's day out tomorrow Robin, no men allowed." She said with a wink.

"What are you guys whispering about." Victor arrived after his announcement and finished his speech.

"It's a secret!" x2 Both answered in unison.

"Now I am more curious!!"

"Deal with it, Victor! I'll go and entertain other guests. Let's hold the meeting later, I've got a big surprise for you. We have numbers about the gains, Bege was friking rich after looting the five families." Sofia said cheerfully.

"Who cares if he was rich, it belongs to us now. It'll be a massive boost to our plans. I'll wait for the surprise though." Victor said as he picked up a glass of wine and cheered with the two beautiful ladies.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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