
Chapter 163

The scene shifted, somewhere around Konoha.

The eyes of Konohamaru and his teacher, showed astonishment with disbelief mixed in them.

Before them, Naraka Path Pain lay defeated, brought down by the formidable might of Demiurge.

He had fallen prey to the merciless grasp of Demiurge.

The sheer might of Demiurge was so overwhelming, that it rendered even Deva Path utterly defenseless which left the Deva Path outmatched in every sense.

It was clear that these other Paths of Pain stood no chance against Demiurge.

And it seemed like only the fully summoned Nagato with every path could hope to put up a semblance of a fight against Demiurge's powers.

"Such overwhelming power," Konohamaru muttered, his voice tinged with awe, as his eyes reflected the astonishment.

For a moment, he began to wonder if his cherished idol, his revered brother, Naruto, possessed a similar strength.

Ebisu, Konohamaru's teacher, reacted more swiftly.

With gratitude in his eyes, he spoke to Demiurge.

"Thank you for your help, your timely intervention saved us. I cannot fathom what might have happened without your assistance."

Ebisu felt a little embarrassed.

Even when the Naraka Path, who had tried to kill them, now appeared as fragile as glass in the presence of the mysterious figure before them.

And even though Demigure held Naraka Path in his hands completely at his mercy.

Ebisu was still afraid as a chicken in front of Naraka Path, he felt he was utterly outmatched.

He considered that he might have died within a minute had Demiurge not intervened.

However, Demiurge remained silent, his disdain evident as he averted his gaze from Ebisu, displaying a profound displeasure at the current situation.

He found this level of strength utterly lacking, unworthy of any acknowledgment.

Demiurge's attention then shifted to the young Konohamaru.

Observing the boy, his heart stirred once more with renewed interest, as he recognized the latent potential that the boy had.

'Though this child's strength may be lacking, his innate talent shines brightly, his potential is undeniable.'

'He possesses the makings of a powerful man, a true warrior which would be perfect to achieve the captain's dream.'

"Boy, would you like to join my crew?" Demiurge asked, his eyes locked onto Konohamaru.

Konohamaru, bewildered by the offer, sought clarification.

"Join your crew? What does that mean?" he inquired, struggling to grasp the proposition.

"In simple terms, join our crew, and I will train you and hone your abilities until you become a true powerhouse."

"Staying in this place will only bury your potential," Demiurge explained.

"A true powerhouse... like you?" Konohamaru's eyes widened gradually, emotions surging within him, captivated by the idea.

The Power of Demiurge.

It was evident to him, quite plain to see.

Pain, capable of effortlessly killing multiple ninjas of his own village with ease, couldn't withstand even a second in the hands of this opponent!

Pain found himself utterly helpless in front of Demiurge.

"Konohamaru..." Ebisu's emotions were a bit complicated.

He also knows it all too well.

Konohamaru might not resist this temptation and succumb to the allure of this offer.

The man standing before him was undeniably extraordinarily powerful!

"Come with me!" Demiurge persisted.

"Remaining in this village won't serve you well.

I'll take you to different worlds, and our Captain will lead everyone of us on a conquest like no other."

"You shall too become one of the captain's trusted men."

"But of course, I would still be the strongest, the mightiest of them all!"

"What do you say boy?"

After listening to such breathtaking words, only a handful of people could cling to their original convictions.

Konohamaru's body quivered slightly, his heart locked in a fierce turmoil.

Yet, when he raised his head, his eyes gleamed with unwavering resolve, they bore a resolute determination.

"I appreciate your offer, but I must stay here and await brother Naruto to return!"

"It's a promise I made with him! I want to stand alongside him and protect this village!"

When Ebisu heard these words and he couldn't happier, those words gave him immense joy.

But Demiurge frowned.

"Naruto? Who is he? Is he stronger than me?"

While he phrased it as a question, Demiurge couldn't help but feel a trace of disdain.

Demiurge felt in this world apart from Carnes, there was no one truly stronger than him.

But still was there anyone stronger than him in this world? He couldn't help but wonder.


Konohamaru's expression grew serious as he replied.

"Brother Naruto is incredibly strong, he is the very goal I've been relentlessly aspiring to reach!"

Demiurge was mildly intrigued.

"Oh? Then I'd like to see it for myself! Are you sure you won't join me?"

"Embarking on a journey to conquer the world is an unparalleled experience. Should you decline, you may forever regret your decision."

Konohamaru shook his head.

"Compared to conquering, I desire to protect this village more."

"My journey to gain power is not motivated by the thirst for conquest, it isn't about conquering the so-called world."

"I simply want to protect my village!"

"Very well, but that's a rather simplistic and shortsighted viewpoint!"

"I genuinely fail to comprehend what this simple village has worth protecting!"

"What significance does a small village hold, anyway?"

Demiurge vented his frustration...

He had finally discovered a youngster who was somewhat talented. Yet, this boy had just declined his offer.

It irked him somewhat, causing him to cast a shadow of discontent across his face.

"I must say, it feels you've made a wrong decision! In due time, you might come to regret it!"

"As you grow older, this choice might come back to haunt you. No, it most certainly will."

The determination in Konohamaru's eyes remained unwavering as he declared resolutely.

"No, I will never regret it!"

As the situation unfolded before him, Konohamaru's resolve left a mark on Demiurge, but the demon's interest seemed to wane.

His dark wings fluttered, and in the blink of an eye, he vanished from their sight.

A considerable amount of time passed before he found a place to rest, using his powerful perception abilities.

His gaze fell upon Teuchi and his daughter, Ayame, who were huddled together in a corner.

Demiurge disregarded the presence of the ninja guarding the shelter.

"You two, it seems we meet again," he said calmly.

Teuchi mustered a forced smile, acknowledging the demon's arrival.

"Oh, Demiurge-san, it's you."

Surveying the village's current state, even Teuchi, who generally harbored optimism, couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a sense of sadness.

Were it not for the frequent visits of Demiurge and Carnes to the ramen restaurant in recent days, he and the two of them would never have grown so acquainted.

And he wouldn't have had the inclination to engage in conversation but now as he saw Demiurge, he felt a desire to engage in conversation, despite the grim circumstances.

The ninjas stationed within the refuge had also become acquainted with Teuchi, and they observed the man before them with a vigilant eye.

"Are you two interested in joining our crew?"

Demiurge inquired; his proposal laced with sincerity.

"Our ship is still in need of an exceptional ramen chef..."




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