
Baroque work vs Chaos pirate 2/2

This is another Chapter for today...


Daz bones vs Burgess ...

"WIHAHAHA" burgess punched Dazbones in the body but Daz bones just backed away from burgess's punch. "ITAAAAIII !!! (it's hurt)" Burgess shouted as he held the hand that he use to punched Daz bones. When Daz bones saw that Burgess was distracted, he wasted no time and charged towards Burgess while making his fingers a blade .

Supa slash" Daz bones said and Burgess was hit in the chest by Daz bones 'attack.' How will I defeat this bastard! if only i had armament haki like Captain ... 'Burgess thought as he held his wound and stared at Daz bones. Burgess took a broken table next to him and threw it at Daz bones and when Daz bones saw what burgess did he said "It's no use, just die already" as he cut the table that burgess threw to him.

Daz bones was surprised dqhil Burgess disappeared in front of him and suddenly Burgess appeared on his side "Body slam" Burgess said "BOOM" Burgess knocked Daz bones to the ground and he didn't stop here because Burgess suddenly jumped high in the air and he said "Hado Elbow" but Daz bones was not hit by Hado elbow because he avoided it. You can see that there is blood on the side of Daz bones' mouth.

Daz bones wiped the blood from his mouth and he thought 'Such a brute strength' ... "Let's end this" Burgess said and when Daz bones heard this he immediately prepared for his strogest attack he made a knife in his foot and his fingers and he said while charging towards burgess "ATOMIC SPURT".

When Burgess sees Daz bones charging towards him he immediately charges towards Daz bones and "CHAMPION DRIVE!" and the strogest attack of two clash. "You win" Daz bones said to Burgess and he fell over. "WIHAHAHAHAHA I WIN" Burgess shouted but suddenly he stopped because his hand and arm were full of deep wounds.

Daz bones vs Burgess. Winner Burgess

(Mc pov)

When I saw that Burgess won against Daz bones I was happy because it was the proof that Burgess was stronger.

I looked at Law and bepo but I just let them go because their only opponents are Mr.2, Mr.3 and Miss Double finger.

I looked at Ulti and Page one and saw that they were in hybrid form because their blows to Crocodile were useless. you will also notice that Crocodile is sweaty and tired.

I looked for Robin and I was surprised because he was just watching from the side and he wasn't helping them Crocodile.

I approached them Ulti and Page one. I said "Thats enough, I'll take care of Crocodile" when Ulti and Page on heard this they immediately looked at me. "Just help Law" I said again and they left immediately in front of Crocodile.

"Huh? You think, you can beat me?" Crocodile said to me. "I can, because I'm strong and you are WEAK" I said to Crocodile and I immediately put Haki on my hand.

BASTARD, DESERT SPADA" Crocodile attacked me but I just broke it with one hand. When Crocodile saw this he was surprised but he attacked again, he put his hand on the ground and "GROUND SEKKO" the soil and rocks turned into sand but this is not the end of his attack "DESERT LA SPADA" the sands became blade and to my great surprise I was cut by blades made of sand. You will notice that I have wounds on my body and my clothes are worn out.

"Not bad" I said to Crocodile and when he saw that the wounds I got from his attack were small, he attacked again. He jumped up and said "SABLES PESADO" the small tornado made of sand in his hand he threw at me. The one I saw approaching to attack me or I formed an X with my arm. Crocodile's attack hit me and when it hit me I was surprised because it was too strong. It created a loud explosion and the Casino was completely destroyed.

(3rd pov)

When the sand around is gone, you will notice that our Mc has no clothes on top and he is full of wounds but you will be surprised because even in that condition he is smiling.

"HA HA HA HA HA NOT BAD LITTLE CROCO" it laughed out loud.Crocodile was shocked that our Mc survived his attack.

Our mc walked towards Crocodile. Crocodile couldn't move because of his shock.

When our mc got close to Crocodile, he put a Haki on his hand and he punched Crocodile in the face. Crocodile flew because of strength that our mc put inthe punch.

(Mc pov)

I finally defeated Crocodile and I didn't expect him to be that strong. I looked at Law when they were done with their fights and I saw that they had defeated their opponents.


They didn't know that someone was watching their whole fight.

(Sengoku pov)

Puru puru puru Gatcha ... "Moshi moshi ore wa Sengoku" sengoku said to the caller with him.

"Fleet admiral ... I have soomething to report" said the marine.

"What's that" Sengoku said.

"This Crocodile was defeated" said the marine as you could see in his voice that he was shaking.

"NANIII !! WHO DEFEATED CROCODILE AND HOW !!!" Sengoku exclaimed in shock.

the marine told the story of what happened to Crocodile.

"Such a crew ... hays the grandline will become chaotic..Put a bounty on them" Sengoku said to the marine and he lowered the snail (I forgot what to call the one used like a cellphone in one piece hehehe).

'Trafalgar Law ... why did you become a pirate!' Sengoku thought.


Make Crocodile join the crew or not?

Sorry for the bad grammar

Next chapter