Dev as usual was daydreaming but this time it was something that no one ever thought of. What if there is a country who has a military of modern world of 2030, Powerhouse characters from different anime and manga's and Harem too? All of this in Literally New World. New World of One Piece. Follow Dev on his journey to create his ideal country. An real utopia who makes World Government and it's Marines look like a bitch. *all original content belongs to their respective owners*
As the sun rose and shined its rays on Óneiro Kingdom. The guests from Ryugu Kingdom awake from their slumber and freshen themselves up for new day. After everybody was ready, they met up banquet hall and they couldn't control their excitement and tongue to taste the food made by royal chefs of Óneiro Kingdom.
Soon they gate opened and everyone gaze turned towards the food being carried by waiters.
The plates were placed infront of everybody and they were mesmerized by the breakfast infront of them.
Everyone devoured the food infront of them. Although they tried to eat with manners, it was clearly visible they are being failed in it.
Only Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe were able to eat with proper manners. And as for the kids. Well they are kids and they weren't judged by Óneiro Kingdom personnels.
Dev, Elly, Madara, Bulma and this time even Nakiri and Soma enjoyed breakfast together as food was served by waiters this time.
After Breakfast was over, Dev spoke to Neptune and Otohime.
"We will be having our first Diplomatic conference as per schedule. I hope Ryugu Kingdom is prepared by that time. The children of your can also join us or they can watch animes and other entertainments that we have prepared."
" What are animes?" Fukaboshi asked as he and others have don't have idea what is anime.
"Well you can think anime as a show which tells a story which all are mostly hand-drawn and can be watched on TV or any device with a screen." Dev said but others only understood half of it.
Seeing confusion on kids face. Dev spoke again.
"Nakiri and Soma will show what is anime. I hope you all like it."
Dev looked at Nakiri and Soma who didn't said anything and nodded and Dev nodded back.
"We will rerun through our preparation again for the Diplomatic Conference then." Neptune said and left the hall with all the members of
Ryugu Kingdom except the kids who were instead lead to other room by Soma and Nakiri along with some soldiers.
Dev also left for his office to prepare along with Elly and Madara.
The clock hands hit 10:30 and Neptune couple along with Jinbe met with Dev, Elly and Madara in Meeting room.
Both parties took their seats and the diplomatic talk began.
" You may have already heard about our Kingdom from Madara but let's start again for proper understanding. I am Dev Óneiro, The King as well as Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Óneiro Armed Forces. As you know, some time ago our Kingdom is transported here in this world from our original world which was called Earth. We have been trying to understand this new world we have come into and started gathering information. During information gathering, we came across Queen Otohime campaign for union and peace between fishman and merfolks and humans. After more information gathering, we have found that King Neptune and Queen Otohime care for their people and this campaign is also so that the next generation can have bright future and live above on lands. We believing in your ideals and hardworks, have decided to approach your kingdom for our first Diplomatic relationship in this world." Dev said in convincing and impressed voice so his words can etch deep into Neptune and Otohime and also Jinbe.
And of course hearing this, Otohime had tears in her eyes and this tears were of happiness. Neptune seeing this consoled her wife while smiling.
"Thank you for believing in my dream. I didn't thought my dreams will reach out so far and wide." Otohime said with a happiness tears in her eyes.
Dev,Elly and Madara upon seeing the reaction of Otohime smiled.
"We too believe in peace and co-existence with other species. We are not race supremist and we do not discriminate on others based on race, sex, color, age, disability and status. It's is banned in our Kingdom and extremely looked down by our citizens, government and law. We believe in Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and Right to Constitutional Remedies. We aren't tyrant like other kingdoms or WORLD GOVERNMENT."
Dev purposely said last sentence in strong voice with anger. This did not went unnoticed by Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe. They all noticed anger expression on Dev's face as well as Elly and Madara.
"I noticed anger in your voice in your last sentence, especially regarding World Government. May we ask the reason for it." Neptune asked as he was curious why would this new kingdom was angry with the largest government of this world.
This time Madara spoke.
"They go against everything we believe in and stand for. They exploit Kingdoms and population of this world. They to try to control everything and get under their thumbs for their own gains. They supress anyone who voiced against them. If they can't get what they want or how things don't go as they wish, they destroy people and kingdoms. They cause wars for their own gains and power. They want complete authority on this world. They are corrupt and tyrant government"
Next to speak is Elly.
"They kill and massacre innocents. Even though it's banned by their law, their so called Celestial dragons who are scums on this world always breaks this law. Those scums kidnap anyone and make them their slaves, they rape anyone the laid there eyes and desires upon. Even childrens are being kept as slaves and rape toys for them to torment them. If they don't like someone they kill that person without any reason and even destroy kingdoms along with their population. They collects so much wealth for their own amusement while millions of people are in poverty, dying of starvation or without medical needs. And they do that all in broad daylight and no one stops them. And even someone tries to stop them, their whole family or villages became victims of their torture and rapes. They destroy kingdoms on whims. And World Government let them do it as they wish and treat them as gods and help them get rid of anyone they wish."
Both Madara and Elly spoke with anger and Elly unconsciously released little bit of Conqueror haki. Madara also released little bit of his Conqueror haki to show his anger as this also went against new friends dream as well his old friend and rival - Hashirama's dream which they both shared.
" Con-- Conqueror haki" Jinbe stumbled the words out of his mouth as he was shocked, especially by Madara's Conqueror Haki which was unique and so dense that he found it difficult to breath.
Both Elly and Madara stopped as they noticed ugly conditions of Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe.
"I am extremely sorry for our behaviour. We will treat you immediately." Dev stood up and apologized.
Madara stood up from his seat went behind Neptune and Otohime and put his hand on their back. He used Medicine ninjutsu as green aura shone his palm. Both Neptune and Otohime started breathing normally and he went to Jinbe to fix him up next.
"I again apologise for our behaviour. We will take a break now. Madara, go outside and check others." Madara nodded and vanished again infront of Neptune Otohime and Jinbe.
Elly controlled the temperature of the room with AC remote while Neptune Otohime and Jinbe calm their breath and mind.
Madara reappeared again and informed everyone.
"Everyone is okay, our Haki didn't affect anyone outside this room."
Neptune and Otohime were glad that their kids are safe.
"We can began our meeting whenever you like or even postponement it tommorow." Dev asked Neptune and Otohime in concerned voice.
Neptune and Otohime looked at each other than at Jinbe. They nodded at each then Otohime said.
" It's okay, we can continue our meeting."
Dev nodded back and they meeting resumed as he took his seat.
"We can understand why you people are angry with World Government. They are too despicable but nevertheless we are too powerless against them. They ask for Heavenly Tribute for protection and seat in Reverie. But without them, our Kingdom will cease to function."
Neptune said with solemn face as Otohime face too changed to solemn expression. Jinbe just sit their helplessly as he couldn't do anything.
After few seconds of silence. Dev looked at Madara and Elly and they nodded back.
"We can help with that."
This made Neptune and Otohime immediately snap their head up and look into Dev's eyes.
"We can provide protection, kingdom development and resources so your kingdom can stood up on their own legs and be self sufficient in future. This will also increase jobs, opportunities and quality of life for everyone. No one has to sleep with empty stomach and without roof."
Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe were shocked by this proposal. A new Kingdom that they just met are giving them so much help so they can stand up on their own feet. Otohime looked into Neptune eyes with her own pleading eyes.
Neptune understood that his wife want to immediately accept this proposal but Neptune as a King has to be sure that their decision is right and don't backfire upon them later. Jinbe too thought same as Neptune.
" It's a tempting proposal but please understand that we can not make decisions just yet." Neptune said humbly and hinted he wanted proof.
Dev and others understood what he meant.
"It's alright. We understand it's not simple decision that can be made overnight. Let me continue about our Kingdom so it can help you make decisions."
" Our Kingdom follows Federal Constitutional Monarchy Government."
"By Federal, It is a system of government that divides the power between a large central government and the local and regional government which were established by the constitution"
"Constitutionalism refers to the act that defines that a country or state should be governed by specific rules or the ruling document, i.e., the Constitution. A constitution is a ruling document within a country that defines the specific rules and behaviours to govern and run the country. The Constitution provides for a Parliamentary form of government which is federal in structure with certain unitary features. The constitutional head of the Executive of the Union is the King."
"The monarchy is mostly common in this world. A monarchy is a form of government in which a person, the monarch, is head of state for life or until abdication."
"By mix of these various forms of government. Our population has power to control, change and challenge our government. This ensures that our population can throw tyrant off the throne if they so desires so. There are elections in specific periods where our population can judge the current ruling party and change to another ruling party if they so desire to. This ensures no party stays too much in power and grow beyond control."
" The only exception to this is the King, hench the Monarchy system. I do have absolute to change and control government if i deem it to be unworthy to keep our population healthy and happy. But that would also make our population supressed and sad. I treat citizens of my Kingdom as my family. Therefore if i went astray or become tyrant, the people have power to overthrow me. I also have my friends to knock some sense into me and put me back in right track. I purposely put this system in place because with great power comes the absolute certainty that you'll turn into right cu- tyrant."
"The Parliament, which is made up of all representatives together, controls and guides the government. In this sense people, through their chosen representatives, form the government and also control it. The King is the head of Parliament."
Dev stopped speaking and let the words sink in their brains. The modern system of government which is more advanced and effective than the old system of anarch world.
"Amazing!" This word came out of Neptune Otohime and Jinbe mouth at the same time.
"It's truly a wonderful system of government. This gives more power to the subjects of Kingdom. At the same time make sure the kingdom functions properly without collapsing from the too much power to the people." Neptune said as his political gears in his mind moved.
"Then lets talk about our economical strength. First lets define GDP. It stands for Gross Domestic Product. The GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services—that is, those that are bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given period of time (say a quarter or a year). It counts all of the output generated within the borders of a country. Or in simpler terms, it tells how much a money is generated by nation in a year. Our GDP is 34 trillion dollars."
Dev stopped and let them sink his words again.
"Excuse me. What is dollars you spoke of?" Otohime asked as she didn't understand what is dollars as that was also case for the others.
"Where we came from. Every country or kingdom had their own currency therefore more control over their currency. In this World, people uses a general currency which is common everywhere. The currency used in this world is belly which is good as provide more easy flow of money in this world but sadly it's controlled by Corrupt and tyrant World Government."
"Our Kingdom has our own currency known as Óneiro Dollars or simply Dollars in short."
After understanding this, Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe were shocked that this new Kingdom has generates money in trillions in a year. But they still didn't know the actual value of dollars compared to belly. So the figure could change in any direction or stay same maybe.
"How much is Dollar in terms of belly?" This time Jinbe asked he was curious what this new currency worth.
"According to our studies, we have found that the currency of this world, belly has same worth as a currency which was used by a country in our world. The country known as Japan has the currency Japanese Yen whose value is same as belly."
"So taking this Japanese Yen as a comparison medium. 1 Dollar is equal to 136 belly."
Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe who quickly started mental calculation came to a conclusion.
They started sweating profusely, with their hand shaking.
" You me- mean your Ki-kingdom makes 4,625 trillion belly a year!!!!!" Jinbe said in a loud a shocking voice.
Well, who wouldn't be shocked as a single nation makes more money than the whole world.
Even if you take Every single belly, golds and any form of monetary value. Including World Government and every nation, no matter how small or big or high or deep. Even if you count everything of monetary value possessed by all organisations, governments to a all the beggers in the world. It would still fall short in front of Óneiro GDP in a year.
"You are kidding right!! Thats no way possible!!" Neptune refuted this claim as he too found it impossible. Even Otohime found it unbelievable. Well Jinbe is about to go unconscious. Before it happens, Dev said something that caught their attention.
"I know it would be hard to believe that's why we have brought proof. This includes the reports of our Kingdom as well as reports of other countries economy status of our old world . You can have however much time you may desire." Dev said as he order Madara to bring heaps of Documents which reach upto 3 meters in height.
"I'll take my leave now. Please tell Miss Elly when you ready to resume our talk. She will call for me. Meanwhile Miss Elly will be here with you so you can clear doubts with our world's complex words." Dev said he stood up went out of room together with Madara.
While Elly was left alone to explain and clear doubts. It isn't like Madara would be able to help as he too came from different era of time and he too was shocked when he first came to know economic power of Dev's original world, Earth.
Fortunately she called some help from Financial department to help her.
It took 3 days to go through every document. Finally Dev was notified and met in the same room.
"I hope this much proof is satisfactory." Dev said while looking at exhausted face Neptune, Otohime and aged face of Jinbe.
"Yes, we believe what you have said. After going through all the report and multiple cross checking. We haven't found anything suspicious and every record matched."
Neptune said in tired voice.
"I see. You all seem tired. Please have this drink. It will restore you mental and physical energy." Dev said as Nakiri entered with 3 glasses of liquid.
This liquid was low potion, which is a diluted full potion from tensura.
Drinking it immediately restored all the mental stamina that they have lost before.
"Wow!! I feel instantly refreshed as i was never tired." Jinbe said in shock.
"It's a special potion produced in our Kingdom. They are extremely rare and expensive."
Dev said with a smile and without giving them chance to inquire more about it, he continued.
" Let's continue our talk from where we left. Our Kingdom GDP is 34 trillion dollars. Out of which, we spend 2.9% on our military."
Neptune Otohime and Jinbe thought that 2.9% is too low to spend on military. Every kingdom in this world spends more than 20% of their GDP on their military.
But now they remembered the how big of superpower, no. A hyperpower of Economic strength the Óneiro Kingdom is.
The gears turned again. As they again began going into shock.
This time Neptune spoke.
" T-thats 134 trillion belly. Thats more than 20 times of Marines budget."
Neptune and Otohime are again in full shock. As for Jinbe, he fainted.
" Yes, it may seem so. As you have read the report, there was another country on par with us in economic and military spending. The United States of America. So it is normal with the standards of our old world."
Neptune and Otohime understood what he meant. While Jinbe is being woken up by Madara.
Jinbe woke up and face looked he again aged. So a extra glass of potion was called for Jinbe. Jinbe finally took a single a long breath and calmed down.
"We understand how strong is your Kingdom and we would like to establish diplomatic relationship. But there's a still one thing i am concerned about. This world has many strong individuals with great strength. We believe Madara-san is strong from Jinbe but we don't know the true strength yet of the fighters of your kingdom." Neptune raised major concern as he believed that even having such a strong economic and military budget. They might still end up being squashed by huge number and strength of this world organisation or group. Considering how there are yonko pirate groups and admirals in Marines who are World Government dogs.
"I see. Well i guess perfect its time to fullfill Madara's wish. Isn't it!" Dev said with a smirk while looking at Madara.
Elly started to have bad feeling.
"Your majesty, you d-dont mean that!!"
Elly said in a worried tone.
This in turn made Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe worried too seeing Elly reaction while both Dev and Madara are smirking.
" Come on. It's a good idea. Can't you see Madara being bored lately. There's no one scratch his itching.!!" Dev said with a still smirking smile.
But before Elly could say anything, Madara spoke up.
"Jinbe, you are close with Whitebeard pirates right. Ask them for a spar with me. Including WHITEBEARD."