Dev as usual was daydreaming but this time it was something that no one ever thought of. What if there is a country who has a military of modern world of 2030, Powerhouse characters from different anime and manga's and Harem too? All of this in Literally New World. New World of One Piece. Follow Dev on his journey to create his ideal country. An real utopia who makes World Government and it's Marines look like a bitch. *all original content belongs to their respective owners*
Inside the airfield where people are running around with planes taking off and landing, there are 3 person inside the office at control tower.
These 3 are Dev, Madara and Elly. While AGS are outside and gaurding the room, the trio inside are going over the plan again.
"Here's the plan. Madara will take stealth blackhawk tonight to near RedLine. From there he will reach fishman island. His first objective is to investigate these 2 personal named Hody Jones and Vander Decken and capture proof of the ploy" Elly said.
"After that you will have audience with the royalty of the Ryugu Kingdom and try to establish diplomatic relationship. You will be given necessary stuff so diplomatic meeting can go smoothly. At the end you will give them proof and offer your help to capture Hody and Vander , if they accept then it's good otherwise they can do it on their own. You already know what to do in meeting so i won't go over it again. Also there might be a Warlord present named Jinbe, he is a good guy and have relationship with Whitebeard so try to keep positive relationship with him. Thats all"
Elly finally got chance to breath air and Madara just nodded.
"Madara, before you go i have a gift for you." Dev said as he open his system and buys 2 weapons for Madara. Its his Scythe - the Kama and a war fan - Gunbai.
Madara smiles and picks up his weapon. He takes into his hand and grips them to get his feel back. He smiled and stores them inside his seal.
"Thanks Dev. I'll make sure this mission is success. By the way, if i get chance to meet Whitebeard, it wont be problem to Dance with him for a bit, right?" Madara asked with burning fighting spirit in his eyes. While Elly eyes popped out as she remembers what and how Madara dances. But before Elly could say anything, Dev replied.
"Sure, just don't kill him. Also beware of guy named Marshall D Teach in their group, he is hiding his strength and his goal is to get Dark-Dark fruit and Whitebeard's Devil Fruit. Somehow he can use multiple Devil fruits. Also take these" Dev opened his system and brought 3 Full Potion from Slime Tensure verse.
"These are Full Potion. They use Magicule or magic in matter state in simple explanation. It can be applied directly on wound or you can drink it. They can heal you from all wounds including get your lost limb back."
Madara looked at this overpowered potion while Elly gets another eye popping shock.
"Elly, I'll try to get as much of this potion and you can dilute it into less powerful potion in large numbers. I'll leave it upto on our medical and science department." Dev said and chuckles a bit as he just couldn't get enough of Elly eye popping shocks.
While Elly just embarrassingly clear her throat and just nodded.
"Thanks for these and I'll get on my way then" Madara left them both as he goes to Helipad and gets inside the stealth blackhawk. The helicopter lifts off and goes towards the Red Line while Dev and Elly saw it fly away into the sunset from the watch tower. It was a peaceful and romantic sunset as both Dev and Elly mesmerized by it. While people in the background smiles and guess it wont be long till they'll get their queen.
3 Days Later,
Ryugu Palace,
Ryugu Kingdom.
A goldfish mermaid walks towards her merman husband who is busy chatting with one of the member of Warlords of the sea.
"Dear, is there any news regarding this new human kingdom?" Says the goldfish mermaid, Queen Otohime of
Ryugu Kingdom.
The giant merman turns towards the Queen and replies back.
"There is still no news about them. You have been asking about them everyday since Shyarly told you about her future vision. Jinbe, do you think it's possible what Shyarly said?" Says the merman, King Neptune of Ryugu Kingdom.
"Shyarly prediction are always right but its hard to believe what she said. A Kingdom with building reaching the clouds and beyond. Fast vehicles and various high technology available for general people. And terrifying and unbelievable military power. I think it might be first time for Shyarly to be wrong." Says a blue fishman, Jinbe the 'first son of the sea' and also one of the Warlord of the sea.
"It must be possible, Shyarly is always right and she even said that we are going to have positive relationship with them and they will fullfill our dream" retorted Otohime back.
As they were discussing about this new Kingdom, the door opens and fishman soldiers comes and kneel.
"Neptune-sama Otohime-sama, there's a human at the gate from human kingdom known as Óneiro Kingdom and he wants to have audience with you both." Says the soldier while still kneeling down.
King Neptune and Jinbe were surprised and guessed where is he from and while Queen Otohime happiness bloomed like a flower.
"Quick, let him inside and treat him with respect. Also call the kids. " Queen Otohime quickly replied and turned towards her husband and Jinbe.
"Darling, Jinbe, i told you both they would come. Come on, lets go quickly we shouldn't let him wait" Otohime said and hurriedly left towards the throne room. While Neptune and Jinbe came out of surprised state and followed the happy queen.
"I hope you don't get your hope too high and get hurt." mumble Neptune to himself but Jinbe also heard it but didn't said anything.
Soon the Queen and King were sitting on their throne with their kids on one side except one and Jinbe on the other side acting as a guard.
The gate opened and came a guy in a black suite with an office bag on hand.

The man in black walks with confidence and strength. A strength that even Jinbe started sweating by looking at that man in black.
Madara stops and introduces himself.
"It's nice to meet you all, King Neptune, Queen Otohime, as well as the children, Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, Manboshi and Jinbe, the first son of the sea. I am Madara Uchiha from Óneiro Kingdom and our Kingdom wish to establish diplomatic relationship with your kingdom" Madara said in calm and clear voice like a proper diplomat.
While others were little surprised that this person knows about them, well it's not a hidden fact but he still knows them while they don't know anything about him except him name.
Otohime was first to reply back.
"It's nice to meet you too Madara-san"
"It's seems you already about us" said the King Neptune.
"Yes, we already did little investigation as it is a protocol before contacting any new nation" Madara replied.
"Can you tell us about your Kingdom" Otohime asked.
"Yes, Our Kingdom is known as Óneiro Kingdom with a population of 100 million citizens. We-" but before Madara can go any further, he was interrupted by Jinbe.
"100 million? Is it really true?." Jinbe asked in shock as everyone else too were in shock. As normally the population on a island are at average less than a million but only few going above millions but not that much.
"Yes, it's a truth. Although it may sound unbelievable but we are actually from different world and somehow we ended up in this world." Madara said without getting annoyed by interruption and just casually drops another bomb on them.
And now what Madara saw shocked him. It was the iconic shock face of One Piece. Mouth wide open, eyes popped out and with some people having drooling nose.

"A-another world. Are you really joking with us right now" King Neptune asked in a shock voice. He was also little angry as this person is just joking around and break his wife hope and it will hurt her.
Madara nodded his head sideways and replies back.
"I know it might sound absurd but somehow our Kingdom ended up here in this world. I also brought proof of our Kingdom, its also includes introduction video of our Kingdom. I would like to show it you all if you agree."
"Yes, please show it to us." Otohime said in a hesitant voice as she too felt her hopes were too high.
Madara brings out his laptop and opens up the video. He passes the laptop to Jinbe and instructs him how to play the video.
"The device in Jinbe's hand is called laptop. An portable computer available commercially to everyone in our Kingdom. This device allows you to do various stuffs. For now, a video will play showing and explaining our Kingdom." Madara gives explanation about laptop.
Jinbe plays the video while while everyone eyes were stick to it.
It begins with introduction of the kingdom, then it shows various cities, facilities, homes, skyscrapers, vehicles, government etc.
After video ended, there was silent for a whole 2 minutes as they were still processing what they saw. Madara calmy waited as he too was shocked and took some time to settle in Modern Era.
"I still can't believe what i saw." These were words the Otohime muttered. It was true for all them who saw this video.
"I know it's unbelievable therefore we would like to invite all of you to our Kingdom. There you can personally meet his Majesty - Dev Óneiro. Our King and as well establish diplomatic relationship there."
"Where is your Kingdom, i haven't heard of any island suddenly appearing in this world." Neptune said.
"It's in the New World region of this world and it is currently hidden by a thick veil of mist therefore no one is able to see our shores. Our Kingdom magnetic field is also not captured by the log pose so its impossible get there by normal means." Madara said.
"Then how can we will be able get there?" Jinbe asked.
"We have our own system of navigation and its much better than log pose therefore it can be reach by us only at the moment. I will personally escort all of you safely and bring you back regardless we establish diplomatic relationship or not." Madara said.
"I see, then we would like to personally meet your king and see your kingdom with our own eyes." It was Otohime who replied as she was still hoping that they would be the one to help her reach her dreams.
Neptune wanted to deny and take more safe route but before he can say anything, Madara said something which caught his attention.
"I believe there is also a another child of yours. Princess Shirahoshi."
"Yes, due to some reason she isn't able to come out and meet you." Neptune said while trying to figure whats this man goal is.
"Is the reason her being targeted by flying weapon which follows her unless it's stopped by external force or finally reached its target" Madara said.
All were shock as he even knows that and accurately too.
"How did you know that?" It was King Neptune who asked as he was worried about her daughter safety.
"As i have said, we already did a little investigation and we also know who is the culprit behind this." Madara said in calm manner so he can exploit this opportunity and win their trust.
"Who is it, tell me fast!!" It was Neptune who was getting impatient.
"I can tell but i believe this information should not get leaked. But Jinbe should be fine." Madara said, giving them clue to throw others out of the room.
"All of you, please leave us alone. Jinbe you can stay with us." Otohime said she also wanted to know who terrorized her daughter that they had to lock her up for own safety and stealing her freedom.
But soldiers hesitated and one of the replied back.
"But Otohime-sama, its not safe without any gaurds. We should sta-"
But Neptune interrupted him with a commanding voice.
"We have jinbe with us. We will be fine. Leave us at once."
Soldiers had no choice and thus leaved reluctantly as their King and Queen commanded them.
All the soldier left the throne room.
As Madara opens up his bag and takes out a file. He passes the file directly to the Neptune so he can see it with his own eyes. After reading the file, King Neptune got so angry that his veins was visible. Not angry on Madara but on Vander Decken. Not only him but Otohime and Jinbe too. The file included all the proof to believe what Madara is saying is truth infact.
"I'll immediately capture him and bring him here." Jinbe said with the anger.
"Not yet. There is a bigger fish that we need to catch right now." Madara said.
He brings out another file and gives it directly to Otohime.
"I believe we should capture both of them at same. They have started cooperating together and this is their plan." Madara said.
Otohime took the file and she was shocked what she read. It was the plan of her own assassination.
Madara then also plays the video clip and audio clip on the laptop which further proves what he saying is truth. He had already checked no one is able to hear it except them.
The children of Otohime and Neptune already left the room so they also don't know anything as this should not be revealed to them and thus ended up taking matters in their own hands.
It was Neptune who was furious and gripped his trident hard and started walking towards the door. To personally capture him and beat him.
"Darling, don't go. He is dangerous and he might end up hurting you too!!" Otohime said as she came forward to stop her husband. She was worried that even her husband might get hurt or worst dead.
"Neptune-sama please wait. He is strong and he might end up killing you. Let me go deal with it" Jinbe said as he too read the file.
"If you may, i can bring both of them right now." Madara said in a simple voice like it was just as simple as squashing a ant. And it is simple as squashing an ant for him.
"Neptune-sama Otohime-sama. Please let me and Madara-san capture both of them. I can feel Madara-san is strong" Jinbe interjected as he can feel Madara strength. Too much strength.
Neptune being stopped by his wife and Jinbe decided to stay back and let them handle it.
"Okay you may both go and bring them here. I'll stay with Otohime and Shirahoshi." Neptune said.
" It's okay, i am enough to deal with both of them." Madara said and vanished in front of their eyes. Not even Jinbe was able to see Madara disappearing in front of them.
"That guy has a Devil Fruit." Jinbe muttered.