
One Piece: Modern Kingdom Summoner

Dev as usual was daydreaming but this time it was something that no one ever thought of. What if there is a country who has a military of modern world of 2030, Powerhouse characters from different anime and manga's and Harem too? All of this in Literally New World. New World of One Piece. Follow Dev on his journey to create his ideal country. An real utopia who makes World Government and it's Marines look like a bitch. *all original content belongs to their respective owners*

monkedance · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Ch12: Aftermath

Fleet Admiral Office, Marine HQ, MarineFord

Currently, everyone is in shock. No one saying a word but just processing what they saw in their mind.

"It's a perfect chance to attack that old man's territory!!! He is injured and old, there's no way he can fight against us in that state" barks Akainu with ferocity in his voice.

"Fuu~ this is truly a chance for us. But what about other Yonkos? They too would definitely make a move." Says Kizaru in a serious voice.

"He is right! It will be an all-out war and too much blood will be spilled." Sengoku said while frowning.

"And he may not be weak as much as we are thinking." Garp said while looking at Sengoku.

" Huh? What do you mean Garp-san?" Aokiji asked while raising his brows.

"He is right. Based on the fight, it's almost like he is back to his prime." Sengoku said with a solemn face.

This shocked Akainu Aokiji and Kizaru.

"How can you tell he is back to his prime from just a video? And besides he is beaten too, there's no way he can stand an assault from all sides." Akainu with flames of hatred for pirates in his eyes demands an explanation.

"Cause we have fought him before numerous time and knows about his real strength. You guys are just younglings who just joined admiral ranks. Besides we don't about his relationship with that man. If he joins his side while we are assaulting then there would be tremendous loss at our side." Garp rebukes Akainu and make him understand his place as an still young admiral in experience and strength.

"we should stop the news from leaking out so we can have more time to make decision and take action from our side. If other Yonko's knows about it then it will be huge war. For them as well as us." Sengoku said grimly while dialing on Den Den Mushi and ordering the ship who were spying on Whitebeard to take journalist camera and make their mouth shut.

As soon as he puts down the Den Mushi, it rings indicating a incoming call. Which he already guessed who it must be.

"They already got news. Seems like there were Cipher Pol present too on that ship. And they didn't even informed us." Sengoku sighs and picks up the call as it's isn't first time it happened.

"Sengoku here"

"You know what we want to hear from you" one of the Gorosei speaks from the other side.

"Yes Gorosei-sama. The one who defeat Whitebeard is known as the Uchiha Madara who is a diplomat from a unknown kingdom. This kingdom also seemed to posses a flying vehicle. We have no clue about the identity of this kingdom but since Jinbe is there with royalties of Ryugu Kingdom, assuming to establish trade or contact with them. We can have a jinbe spill every information about them. Also Uchiha Madara seemed to display abilities of multiple Devil Fruits including the one which is already eaten by somebody else as well ability to walk on water. And somehow it seems like Whitebeard strength is recovered in his prime and healthy. I have also ordered marines on the ship to take journalist camera and threaten them."

Sengoku gave short and simple report without missing a major points.

"Find out about that man and this new Kingdom and their flying vehicle. Prepare to attack Whitebeard and try to find out the relationship between them and get information out of Jinbe soon. If he still injured then we will make our move." Another Gorosei spoke from the other side.

"Yes sir. As soon as Jinbe is back, I'll get information out of him" Sengoku replied and Gorosei cuts the call from the side.

Sengoku puts the Den Den Mushi down and rubs his temples.

"Another headache to deal with another strong guy as if Yonko's were not enough. Hopefully they won't pose a problem for us but they will be dragged by World Government one way or another"

Sengoku said with sigh and gives out command.

"Call for internal meeting and prepare for war. Call all shichibukai as well for meeting in next few days."

Meanwhile in a random island, there was a blip ship parked and hiding in the forest.

Inside there was a humanoid albatros sitting behind a chair and doing some work.

He is known as the emperor of the underworld secretly  while publicly he is known as the "Big News" Morgans, the president of the World Economy News Paper.

Suddenly the door swung open and a worker barged in shocking news.

"Sir!! Whitebeard has been defeated by an unknown person!!! We just got the information now!!"

"What!!! Who defeated him!! Do we have any information about him???"

Morgans stood up with feathers spiked up.

"No sir. But we do have a picture of him riding in some flying vehicle."

The workers presents him the picture that the journalist took on the ship when Madara was passing by and looking at them with his sharingan.

The reason Madara flew this close by is to put everybody on the ship under his genjutsu. They were controlled to send the news of Whitebeard defeat along with his picture to the world's biggest newspaper network and making marines and Cipher Pol agents to let them do it even if they were tasked by someone else to prevent it.

When Morgans saw this picture of Madara staring right into the camera lens, it was like it was staring deep into the soul of anyone who saw that picture.

But this big news made him uncontrollable

He ran out of his office to the general workers area where journalist and editors were working.

"Big News!!! Big News!! Whitebeard has been defeated and we have the picture of the guy who did it!!! A New Emperor is going to be born!!"

"Quick make an article and circulate it worldwide!!!"

Imagining the fame and profit this news would bring him and to his company, But importantly being the first and exclusive one to get his hand on this news. He was beyond delight and quickly got to work.

By the time the Madara and jinbe got back to the Palace, this news had already began circulating around the world.

Soon the news spread around the world and various parties started to make move.



New World Grandline.

"Worororo~ that old man finally got defeated and there's this new guy and his big blue monster form. I would like to see if he can survive my dragon form!!"

Kaido laughed at the delight of news.

"King!!! Let's raid that old man's territory. Jack, find information about that guy from our spy network. Queen, gather our fleet and follow us. We will be going first!!"

"Yes Kaido-san!!!" The three calamities and Queen and Jack get to gather their fleet for the raid while King and Kaido in his dragon form flew out of the Onigashima.

Whole Cake island,

New World Grandline.

"Mamamama~ Whitebeard got defeated by this handsome guy!!! Prepare to raid Whitebeard territory and Smoothie, try to find information about this guy from our spy network and seduce him to marry you. With this we will get more stronger, i might as well borrow him for a night or two.


As Big Mom ordered, the Charlotte family began their preparation to raid Whitebeard's territory. While Smoothie is trying to find information about that guy and also little bit sad that she is being used as tool in political marriage but still being royal, she is ready to complete the task.

Somewhere in the Grandline,

A red haired with one missing arm was partying with his crew on this ship when a news bird dropped the shocking news upon on them.

With serious expression, Shanks speaks after reading the latest newspaper.

"Whitebeard is defeated. Kaido and Big Mom will definitely make a move. As such we too have to make our move to stop destruction as much as possible. Marines and World Government will interfere too in this matter."

Finally deciding to interfere, Shanks gave his command to his crew.

"Gather our forces and move towards Whitebeard's territory. We will intercept Big Mom and try to stop her. Hopefully Whitebeard will be able to stop Kaido." Shanks said the last sentence as he felt like Whitebeard look more energetic than usual.


"How the hell that bird got the information and the pictures. What the hell were our marines doing!! Even the Cipher Pol on this ship failed!!"

Sengoku banged his table and screamed when he got emergency news paper on his hand with picture of Madara and his susanoo.

He immediately picked up his Den Den Mushi and called the marines who were tasked to consficate all the information and silencing the journalists.

As soon as the call connected, Sengoku screamed into the mic.

"What the hell were you guys doing!!!  You were given a simple task to threaten and get the information from the journalist and you guys even failed at that!!!"

The marine panicked on the other side of the call and replied.

"Fleet Admiral, we did threaten them and even confiscated information from them on the spot. We don't know how they still got the information. Even the Cipher Pol agents that were on the ship threaten them."

Hearing this Sengoku got more angry that even Cipher Pol agents failed. Due to this failure, more blood will be spilled.

"Find that journalist and arrest him right now!!!" Sengoku barked in anger.

"Sir, they have already left our ship an hour ago. We don't know their location."

Hearing this Sengoku got more angry.

"Idiots!! Find them and arrest them!!" with that last scream, Sengoku cut off the call.

"Damn it!! I should have sent Kizaru there!!"

"This is bad. Kaido and Big Mom will definitely make a move, if so then that Red Hair brat too. Kaido would be probably flying towards Whitebeard territory right now."

Garp said with serious voice, different from his carefree demeanor.

"We won't be able to prepare in time but we might be able to make it the end. But still it won't be possible for us to deal with all the Emperors at the same time." Tsuru said while analysing the time they have and how much force they can take with them.

"We will move out as soon as all the shichibukai converge and we will have meeting on the way with them."

Sengoku said while looking at Tsuru who nodded and got up to make preparations.

"I'll call Jinbe right now and ask him."

Sengoku then calls Jinbe.

Meanwhile at the Royal Palace of Oneiro Kingdom.

The scan of newspaper has already been sent here by one of the clones left by Madara outside the Oneiro territory.

Madara returned to the meeting and everyone except Dev was looking at him with awe.

While Dev was just smirking at his strength. He too was surprised when Madara combined Susanoo and Haki to the max.

Madara sat on his seat like he just came from vacation.

"Well, I believe this demonstration of strength should be enough." Dev said with a smile.

"Y-yes. I am sorry for doubting you earlier. We would like to establish a diplomatic relationship with your kingdom." King Neptune said apologetically and now was fully convinced that this is the moment that will decide the fate of the entire race of Fishman and Mermaids.

"Well then, we should start with a basic treaty. Treaty is a formally concluded and ratified agreement between states. The first treaty will be the Diplo- Pururu~" as Dev was explaining,  Den Den Mushi of Jinbe rang.

"I am sorry about that. I'll reject the call." As Jinbe was about to reject the call when Dev intervened.

"It's okay to pick up the call. I believe it must be an important one." Dev said as he guessed that its probably Marines, specifically Sengoku calling him right now.

Jinbe looked at King Neptune and Queen Otohime who nodded at Jinbe to pick up the call.

"Jinbe here"

"Jinbe, we are having an emergency shichibukai meeting and your presence is required. Where are you right now?" Sengoku asked from the other side.

"I am currently in another kingdom and I won't be able to attend the meeting."

Dissatisfied by Jinbe's answer, Sengoku decided to take the more direct approach.

"You should probably what this meeting about since you were there too. What can you tell about Whitebeard's health right now?" Sengoku asked the most important question as it will decide their action. If Whitebeard is truly back in his prime then they will have to sit out of the conflict, otherwise intervene directly and quickly.

Jinbe looked at Madara as he was conflicted about whether to tell the truth that Whitebeard is fully healed and back to prime to prevent the attack against him or lie about his health and possibly lead to his attack.

"He is fully healed back to his prime and is currently partying with his family." Madara replied before even Jinbe could say anything.

Sengoku and others heard a new voice and don't who it belongs to.

"Who are you and how do you know about Whitebeard's health."

"I am Uchiha Madara, the person who beat Whitebeard and also the one who flew by your reconnaissance ship."

Sengoku others were shocked as they didn't expect the one who defeated Whitebeard to be together with Jinbe at the moment.

"It would be stupid to attack him, he isn't weak as before," Madara told them the truth as it would just lead to a waste of life. And also to save Whitebeard some trouble that he himself caused.

"Jinbe, is what Madara telling the truth?"

Sengoku asked Jinbe as he haven't figured out the relationship between Whitebeard and Madara. It's not that he trusts Jinbe fully, but it's better to have something than nothing.

"Yes. Everything Madara-san said true."

Jinbe caught on his plan and go with the flow of the conversation.

" I see. When you are back, we would like to have a word with you so come to Marineford as soon as possible."

With that, the call ended.

"They probably know about us and wanted to question you. And the order came from above them too. The World Government would definitely want information about us and they would try to bring us under their control." Dev told the possibility of what is happening as it was pretty accurate.

Both King Neptune and Queen Otohime had solemn expressions as it would definitely pose problems for their goal and kingdom.

"Well then. How about we do it this way? Jinbe can stay here till we are fully ready to deal with them. While if Neptune family wants to go back, we can have Madara stay there to provide security to not just Neptune family but to the whole Kingdom."

Dev proposed the plan to the King Neptune, Queen Otohime and Jinbe.

And they were happy to have someone strong like Madara to protect their Kingdom.

"We agree with this proposition. We would be happy to have someone like Madara-san in our Kingdom."

King Neptune snatched the opportunity that it presented in front of him.

"If King Neptune agrees then I agree to with staying here for some time."

Jinbe too agreed with the plan as it would be better to have Madara protect them than himself.

"Then I hope you enjoy your stay here with us. Well, then we shall continue our previous conversation. As I was saying, we should sign a Diplomatic Recognition treaty which states that nations in the treaty recognize and respect each other sovereignty."

"We agree." King Neptune and Queen Otohime both agreed and replied at the same time.

"Then next would be the trade agreement between us. There are many resources and marine food that we would like to trade with your kingdom. This would require a bit more discussion so we can do that later."

"Then next would be a protectorate treaty. This treaty will state that your Nation's Sovereignty and defense from external threats will be guaranteed by us. This includes World Government, Marines, Pirates, and even the Revolutionary Army."

This treaty was a big deal for Ryuga Kingdom. Protection and guarantee of sovereignty is such a big moment that can decide the fate of the Ryuga Kingdom. Whether their people would be mistreated and discriminated by the world government and all the other humans of this world or would they take a leap of faith on the new kingdom which came from another world. Whatever the decision is, it is certainly a big one and can't be made on the spot.

"We would like to have some time to discuss this treaty. We are grateful for your offer but it's too big of a decision for us." King Neptune said after thinking for a bit. Even if Otohime is holding his hand under the table, signaling to just take the offer. It is still unwise to trust someone blindly and being a King, he has to put people first even before his wife's dream.

"It's understandable. We will slowly and steadily build our relationship."

Dev replied as he can still see some doubts in King Neptune's mind.

"The next main topic would be the establishment of the Embassy. Is there a concept of an Embassy in this world?" Dev asked he never saw anything close to the embassy in anime or manga.

"We don't have something like that in our kingdom nor in other kingdoms. This term is foreign to us as well." Queen Otohime said as she had visited a few kingdoms whose rulers do not discriminate against her race.

" Basically we would buy a patch of land in your Ryuga kingdom. And that land will be counted as a part of the Oneiro Kingdom. That land would be a foreign land therefore stepping on it means you are entering  Oneiro Kingdom territory. Similarly, the Ryuga kingdom will also get land in the Oneiro Kingdom which we are willing to provide to you at free of cost. On that foreign land will be a building known as Embassy and small security forces. The function of the Embassy is to act as will act as a bridge between our government. The Embassy will act as a representative of the respective Government. The embassy will have diplomatic officials and heading them would be a person known as Ambassador. The ambassador will represent our government and will help to represent his own nation's interests. And security forces are for the protection of the Embassy and its officials"

Hearing such a new idea, Neptune Family and Jinbe were impressed.

"It certainly is a good idea, it will help both our Kingdoms to communicate with each other faster and more efficiently. We agree with the establishment of an Embassy in our Kingdom and we would also like to establish our own in your Kingdom." King Neptune replied after weighing the cons and pros of such a method.

"As such your Kingdom is directly below the Mariejois, those scums home. We will especially send an Ambassador who is strong as much as a Marine's Admiral."

They were again shocked to have someone as strong as Admiral as an Ambassador in their kingdom but thinking about how notorious World Government is, it has to be someone that strong.

"Thank you for sending a strong person for our kingdom."

Both King Neptune and Queen Otohime thanked Dev for such a generous offer.

"It's almost time for Lunch. I am sure you all have been looking forward to it so we can have lunch now and continue our discussion at 6 pm then."

Truly, they all were looking to taste the food made by Nakiri and Soma. Specially Madara after doing physical labor.