
One piece Mera Mera Fruit (Poor TL)

my patreon and paypal : belamy20 give donation if you want help me After crossing into the Pirate World, Dewey awakened the game system and ate the burning fruit before Ace. As long as he leveled up, he could increase the power of burning fruit unlimited. From ordinary flames to 6000 degrees Celsius on the surface of the sun-"flowing blades like fire". From 6,000 degrees Celsius to 15 million degrees Celsius in the core of the sun-"Takato of residual fire". try ing translating novel chinese novel... if you can help me with grammar.. and naming... i really appreciate it.. if someone want to suport me with paypal.. new with this.. more help... quicker update and editing.. https://www.paypal.me/belamy20 even 1$ really help me... to eat... this new corona mutation killing me... financial... you can request another novel for translation.. if your brain can keep out with my translation... support translation team if you like this paypal and patreon is belamy20 leave review if you like it... then ill continue till hundred chapter

kikicrmkia · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


Burning the city!

This is one of the tricks in the world of death.

The flame released by the blade is like a huge palm that envelops the enemy. If you force a breakthrough from the inside, you will have to withstand a flame chase that is as high as 6,000 degrees Celsius at the temperature of the sun's surface.

Dewey's burning fruit is obviously far from being able to do this.

It is not so much the "Fire Burning City", it is more of the "Yan Shangzun" of the three generations of Guitou version.

In selected areas, large flames are released to create a wall of inflammation, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

However, compared with "Fire Burning City," Yan Shanggang's name is obviously inferior.

Of course, these are not important.

The important thing is that the Dragon Pirates have been trapped by Dewey.


Without the slightest nonsense, Dewey pursued with victory.

Holding the knife with a light wave across the flame wall, a large flame appeared in the flame wall, forming a huge fire tornado, spinning the murloc into it, and then began to burn.

"Ahhhhh...Aaron boss, help me!"

"This is a capable person, with such a huge flame, he is capable of burning fruits."

"Ahhhh...Why do people with natural ability appear here?"


In the Yanbi, screams of despair continued to be heard.

Although the murloc bodies are tall and strong, their real advantage is in the water.

On land, it is at best several times stronger than ordinary humans, or even more than ten times stronger.

In front of the strong, or other races, their advantages are not prominent.

Facing the flames of nature, they are just like ordinary people.

Those who have developed their abilities to the extreme of nature can cover the entire island, even spread for hundreds of kilometers, and can permanently change the celestial phenomenon of an island. [Ps: Hundreds of kilometers is true. Chapter 227 in anime, the frozen sea of ​​green pheasants can make ordinary people walk in one direction for a week. ]

Although Dewey's burning fruit is not high in grade, the flame coverage is not even 500 meters.

But it was more than enough to deal with an evil dragon pirate group.

The screams changed from loud to small. During the process, several murlocs could not bear the pain of the burning, broke through the two flame walls composed of Songming and Huo Fencheng Guo, turned into a burning man, bumped everywhere, and fell to the ground. , The breath gradually dissipated.

One life after another disappeared into the sea of ​​fire, and within a short while, the inflammation wall slowly dissipated.

The ground a few hundred meters in front of Dewey turned into a piece of scorched earth.

The charred corpse lay on the ground.

Among dozens of murlocs, only one murloc was left with the strength to roll on the ground.

That is the evil dragon!

It's not that his vitality is tenacious, but Dewey deliberately avoided him.

Even so, Dewey's low proficiency in burning the fruit still severely injured the dragon.

Controlling the flames on the dragon's body to dissipate, Dewey stepped up, watching the ground with weak breathing and burns all over his body. He could barely recognize the murloc dragon with a bounty of 20 million.

Seeing that he was not completely disorganized, Dewey nodded in satisfaction, holding the three generations of ghosts and inserting it into his heart, ending his sinful life.

[Ding! ...]

"You come out!"

Several reminders sounded faintly in his mind, Dewey retracted the three generations of ghosts, turned and beckoned towards the woods.

In the grove, Karina and Nami walked out.

Looking at the scorched earth on the ground and the corpse exuding the smell of fish, and recalling the scene they saw just now, Karina and Nami looked shocked.

Although they already knew Dewey's strength, they did not expect that the Dragon and Pirates group, which has the highest bounty in the East China Sea, would be so vulnerable in front of Dewey.

Is this the reason why the natural devil fruit is recognized as the strongest species? !

Seeing Dewey, who was not breathing for a moment, Karina slapped her tongue.

"Thank you, boss!"

Nami threw herself into Dewey's arms, her voice choked.

"This is what I should do."

The 1.78-meter Dewey touched Nami's head and smiled like a big brother: "After all, you are my navigator."


Nami left Dewey's arms, wiped the corners of her eyes, and nodded vigorously.

From the time she saw Dewey walk out of the woods and drew a sword for her against the Dragon Pirates, she had already decided that regardless of success or failure, she would follow this man.

"Boss, wait here, I will tell you the good news."

Nami, who was out of control, couldn't stop her tears. While venting the pressure of the past few years, she showed a big smile and ran towards the village.

"This is the real little thief cat..."

Looking at Nami's back as if she had walked out of the darkness, Karina smiled happy for her and thanked Dewey again: "Thank you for saving her, boss!"

"Since you call me the boss, your business is mine."

Dewey also reached out and touched Karina's head.


Kalina took the initiative to rub his palm and said with a smile: "Then, I would like to ask you more in the future, Boss!"


Ten minutes later, Nami ran over with Nuoqigao and Ajian, as well as the villagers of Cocosia Village.

When the villagers saw the scorched corpse on the ground, it could be seen from the shape that it was a murloc and a dragon that was not completely disfigured, they were first stunned by this picture, and then a burst of cheers that had been suppressed for many years was released, as if it rang all over. An island.

"Oh oh oh oh..."

Evil Dragon Paradise, Dewey and Karina, who came to check if there are really no fish that slipped through the net, could not help but smile at each other when they heard cheers from afar.

At night, the villagers set up a bonfire in the square and started the banquet.

Dewey, Karina, and Nami did not participate in it. Instead, they stayed in the Dragon Paradise, looking at the treasure and Pele found in the treasure house of the Dragon Pirates.

"Tsk tusk...There is at least 100 million in it, right?"

Kalina counted her fingers, and said: "Adults are 100,000 baileys per month, and children are 50,000 baileys. In your village, count him about 100 people. Add up the adults and children, and the Baileys that are turned in every month They are all close to eight or nine million, which is about 100 million a year. So far, your village has almost handed in 500 million Baileys."

After speaking, Karina looked at Nami in amazement: "Your village is so rich, wouldn't it be easy to collect one hundred million?"

"My agreement with the evil dragon is to collect 100 million yuan by myself, and I have not had a good relationship with everyone in recent years."

Looking at this pile of treasures, Nami's hatred for the evil dragon that had dissipated rose again: "In addition to the high consumption of the Dragon Pirates, a small part of this money is with Colonel Mouse."

"It's no wonder that the navy will be bribed. His annual income is at least a few hundred, even tens of millions of Baileys."

Karina looked at the treasure in front of her and said, "These murlocs can really spend money! Little Thief Cat, half of the money will be returned to you, and the other half will belong to us, is it okay?"


Nami nodded.

The Dragon and Pirates group was destroyed by Dewey, and they were a team. In fact, all these treasures could be taken away.

Even if Karina wants to leave everything, Nami has no objection, anyway, she has planned to leave the treasure she has collected for many years to the villagers.

Without the Dragon Pirates, their Pele would not need to be turned in, and everyone's life would gradually recover. There was no need to take risks and overdraw their lives, just to collect the money for the monthly life.