
Chapter 97 Uninvited Guest Demon Swan Dance.

Nami: "What? Is there another enemy attack?"

Usopp was on the watchtower, reporting live: "A strange pirate ship is rushing towards us!"

"Usopp! What's going on?"

Zoro wiped the sweat off his body, put on his coat and walked out of the deck.

"How many enemies are there?"

Kuina also picked up Zangetsu and Wado Ichimonji and rushed to the deck.

Usopp: "Wait!"

"Let me confirm it!"

Usopp adjusted the telescope accuracy.

Usopp blinked and said, "Although it's hard to believe, there was an accident when that strange pirate ship rushed towards us."

Sanji also said: "What happened to that strange pirate ship?"

Usopp continued: "That strange pirate ship was blown away by the underwater volcano."

Straw Hat Crew:


The enemy was sunk by an underwater volcano?


A loud sound reaches Going Merry.


Soon Zoro, Kuina, and Sanji not only heard it.

Also saw it.

Huge white waves burst out of the sea.

Air waves erupted from undersea volcanoes.

Let the entire Golden Merli be shaken.

The sea water was then swept high into the sky.

In a blink of an eye.

Crash again.

Like a heavy rain.

For a while.

A group of people rushed from the cabin to the deck. 31

All got wet.

Such a big movement.

Naturally, Luffy and Vivi were also awakened.

Luffy quickly deactivated the castle state and jumped from the special seat to the deck.

"What's the situation? Enemy attack?"

"Who is it? Here to stir up trouble again! Destroy the good life of the Pirate King!"

Luffy was shirtless, showing off his muscles.

Use it to see, smell, and look around.

Check out the activity around Going Merry.

Princess Nefeltari Vivi emerges from the castle fruit.

Didn't pay attention to what happened specifically.

Instead, he endured the pain.

The hair is a little messy.

The clothing is a little patchy.

He covered his red face with his hands.

Just run away from Luffy.

At the same time, Princess Nefeltari Vivi shouted fiercely at Luffy.

"Luffy, you are a big asshole!"

"Big pervert!"

Luffy smiled and said: "My lovely princess, do you just know now?"

"I'm not a big bastard, what kind of pirate should I be?"

Princess Nefeltari Vivi was so angry with Luffy that she died.

Seeing Luffy's grinning, rogue look.

Princess Nefeltari Vivi was so angry that she couldn't speak.

But it's different in Luffy's eyes.

Vivi looks angry.

Let her already cute face.

Looks even cuter.

Making Luffy want to bully Vivi even more.

Deliberately making Vivi angry.

Princess Nefeltari Vivi looked at Luffy's expression.

I'm really angry.

Shout to Luffy: "From now on, I, Nefeltari Vivi, will be alone with Luffy if I ever do it again!"

"My name, Nefeltari Vivi, is pronounced backwards!"

Luffy tilted his head and thought for a while.

I couldn't help laughing.

He said to Princess Vivi: "But the name Vivi, pronounced backwards, is also Vivi?"

Nefeltari Vivi was rebutted by Luffy.

Eyes are red.

Gritting his teeth, he said: "Then I, Nefeltari Vivi, will take your surname!"

Upon hearing this.

Luffy is even happier.

Luffy said: "Okay!"

"After you officially marry me, won't you be able to take my last name?"

At this time, Princess Nefeltari Vivi collapsed emotionally.

He knelt down on the ground and started crying.

[What's wrong today? It's obviously not like this usually. ]

[Where has the smart me gone?]

[I originally wanted to ask Luffy today. ]

[What is the concept of medical nation? ]

[What is the concept of the king being despised and the people being valued? ]

[Because of the concept that Luffy inadvertently conveyed. ]

[Princess Vivi felt that Luffy was like her father]

[He is a model of benevolence. ]

[The results are these answers. ]

[I didn't get a few. ]

[Alabasta's national treasure. ]

[Just got eaten. ]

[Almost even the scum is gone. ]

[I still want to be angry with this scoundrel!]

[Fortunately, she still thinks Luffy is a good person. ]

The strong Nefeltari Princess Vivi along the way.

I finally broke down emotionally.

All the grievances along the way.

concerns about the country.

Concerns about his father.

Worry about childhood sweetheart Kosha.

concerns about citizens.

All burst out.

At this moment, Nefeltari Vivi is no longer the strong princess.

Just a helpless girl.

Princess Nefeltari Vivi suddenly knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

It was something Luffy didn't expect.

For a moment he was at a loss.

Luffy thought:

[Isn't it strange that it's obviously the same flirting as usual? ]

[Did I say something outrageous by mistake?]

"Stop crying, Vivi, it's my fault."

"woo woo woo woo!"

"I apologize to you, Vivi, can you just forgive me?"

"How about you hit me to vent your anger.

Princess Vivi really listens to Luffy.

Rotate your arms.

Princess Vivi's pink fist turned into countless afterimages.

Hit Luffy hard.

"Oh My God."

"it hurts!"

Luffy wanted to relieve Princess Vivi's anger.

Dubbing on the side.

There's no way he's a rubber man and won't feel any pain at all.

Princess Vivi heard Luffy's perfunctory voice.

Sitting up from the ground.

He opened his mouth and bit Luffy's arm.

Crying and biting hard.

Luffy didn't dare to resist yet.


Luffy felt some pain.

This time.

Princess Vivi appears to be as gentle and virtuous as before.

Different faces.

It really made Luffy bleed.

That scarlet rust smell.

Filling Princess Vivi's mouth.

Let Nefeltari Vivi regain some sanity.

"Feeling better now?"

"Have you forgiven me?"

Luffy's gentle voice said in Vivi's ear.

Nefeltari Vivi looked up 560 at the young man wearing a straw hat in front of her.

Princess Vivi really couldn't understand the man in front of her.

Sometimes he's just an idiot with no common sense.

Sometimes he is just a pervert who only thinks with his lower body.

Sometimes he looks like a compassionate and benevolent king.

Sometimes it feels like it's a port right in front of you.



Princess Vivi looked at Luffy with red eyes and said, "I feel so tired, so tired."

Luffy smiled back and said gently to Kaidō: "It's okay, you don't have to bear everything by yourself.

"Vivi, you can choose to rely on me."

Vivi tackled Luffy to the ground.


Luffy didn't expect that.

Vivi, who is usually shy, was so proactive today.

He also fed him Luffy imported candies.

This Alabasta unique flavor imported sugar.


Good times are always short.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

There was a sharp sound in the air.


A strange man in a swan costume.


It's a face with sexy makeup.

Dressed in a weird swan costume.

Weird shemale.

Falling from the sky.

Hit it directly.

On the deck of Going Merry.

Out of the blue.

Such a scary aspect.

interrupted Luffy's joy.

Also interrupted Princess Vivi.

It's rare to take the initiative to feed Luffy.

The act of eating Alabasta imported candy. .