
Chapter 73 Countless Wealth And The Pregnancy Of The Three Morty Sisters

Nami, who was originally in a state of despair, became energetic again after listening to Queen Morty's words.

Quickly asked Queen Morty: "Morty, do you mean that the great treasure of Wunan exists?"

Queen Morty ignored Nami and stared directly at Luffy.

Luffy saw the look on Queen Morty's face.

Just know that Queen Morty wants Luffy to reward her.

But in public.

Luffy can't give Queen Morty the kind of reward she wants.

Luffy had no choice but to rub her hair with her hands.

Hint to Queen Morty that there will be rewards, and they will be given to her after she goes out.

Queen Morty squinted her eyes, enjoying Luffy's head-butt killing.

What Queen Morty wants is Luffy's affection in front of everyone.

Only in this way can one be among the Straw Hat Pirates.

Securing her position.

Not marginalized.

However, Queen Morty's move made Nami and Kaya very dissatisfied.

After Queen Morty enjoyed Luffy's comfort, she spoke again: "If there is only a treasure map, then no matter how smart the people behind it are."

"At most, we can only find it here."

"I can only look at the last words left on the wall by the golden pirate Wu Nan."

"You can't get anything, you can only return empty-handed."

Princess Morty hugged Luffy's arm and said, "However, Luffy will be different now that I am the Queen of the Kingdom of Glaucola."

After Queen Morty finished speaking, before anyone could react, she took out a special key from her pocket and opened the mechanism.

At this time, a small door appeared on the wall.

Queen Morty says: "Follow me."

Queen Morty took out another key, opened the small door, and walked in.

Zoro, Nami, Kuina, and Usopp followed Queen Morty in turn and walked into the small door.

After they all go in.

Kaya took Luffy's hand.

Because there is no one around now.

Kaya changes her usual classical and elegant image.

Angry, he pouted and looked at Luffy dissatisfied.

Luffy smiled helplessly and rubbed Kaya's hair with his hand.

Luffy saw Kaya also squinting her eyes with a satisfied expression.

Kaya looks so cute like this.

Luffy couldn't restrain himself enough and secretly kissed Kaya's red lips.

Kaya's face turned red from shyness.

Then Luffy took Kaya's hand and entered the small door as well. 31

The passage behind the small door did not have any forks, but it was a bit long. Luffy and the others walked some distance before they walked out of the passage.

"Wow! Unbelievable! I really never thought of it in my dreams." Kuina exclaimed as she looked at the thing in front of her.

Even Zoro, who has always been favored and humiliated.

I was also shocked by what I saw in front of me.

Fa couldn't help but sigh: "At first, I doubted why the South Blue bandit group was fighting among themselves. If there is such a gold amount, it's no wonder."

"Money moves people's hearts!"

Usopp opened his eyes wide and looked at the things in the cave.

Unable to control himself, he opened his mouth wide, his teeth kept chattering, and he quickly stuffed his palm in.

He kept saying: "Ah, ah, ah."

the sound of.

"Although I have seen relevant records in the secret manual of the Kingdom of Liulikra."

"I was also mentally prepared. I didn't expect that the moment I actually saw it, I still felt like I was dreaming." Queen Morty also covered her mouth with one hand and exclaimed.

Luffy and Kaya saw it too.

A golden mountain made of all kinds of gold!

Various gold coins, gold utensils, and necklaces.

Yes, it's not a hillside, it's a real golden mountain.

The Straw Hat Pirates and the others looked much smaller in front of Jinshan.

A rough estimate is that this golden mountain is as high as 300 meters.

The golden light shone, completely blinding Luffy's rubber eyes.

I often hear that there is a mountain of gold.

Now it's seen.

Everything before my eyes.

It is no longer a question of how much gold or wealth.

But we have to wonder if this is an illusion.

Is this a dream?

The golden color in the cave.

Stunned Nami.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Nami rushed forward as quickly as a tabby cat, picked up a pile of gold coins, threw them into the sky, and then dropped them to the ground with a crisp sound.

The Straw Hat Pirates and others also stepped forward to observe the golden mountain up close.

Queen Morty also didn't expect that there was so much gold here, and she was a little worried about Luffy, fearing that he would follow in the footsteps of the golden pirate Wu Nan.

Luffy signaled Queen Morty not to be nervous, it was just gold, no big deal, although it was indeed a lot.

Zoro and Kuina are people who are inspired to become the best swordsmen in the world.

For them, money is enough.

And Zoro rarely goes out without money.

Usopp doesn't have the guts or strength at all.

Zhepu and Sanji are also reliable.

The offshore restaurant jointly owned by Zhepu and Luffy has always been very profitable.

Kaya is willing to give her own property to Luffy, so why would she care about the Golden Mountain?

The same goes for Nami. Although she loves money as much as her life, she also considers it based on the Luffy Pirates.

Then Luffy handed over financial control to Nami and Kaya.

The point is, Luffy is strong enough!

So I'm not afraid at all.

A tragedy like the Golden Pirate Unan will happen.

After getting over the early shock.

Everyone also started to calm down.

Except for Nami who is hugging Gold and crying and laughing.

There is also the one who keeps holding gold coins and scattering them in the sky, and keeps saying: "Uncle Usopp is rich! Uncle Usopp is rich!"

The long nose of Usopp.

The question now is, so much gold? How to move it out?

Going Merry and Queen Goa can't hold much.

If you leave this pile of gold here.

The Straw Hat Pirates and the rest were unwilling to give in.

If it is divided into transport and away, the movement will be too big.

Once the news leaks out, the Kingdom of Rurikara and Queen Morty are in danger.

The situation becomes really dangerous.

This amount of gold is enough for many people to take risks and do various things.

And Luffy and the others can't stay here forever.

The goal of the Straw Hat Pirates is to find the great secret treasure and become the Pirate King.

So it is a must to go on the Grand Line adventure.

Luffy did not join Zoro and the others' discussion.

Instead, he started to think about things he had ignored before.

Luffy did a rough calculation and found out how much wealth he currently has.

Exclude what has already been spent.

There is also the part about investing in offshore restaurants.

There are only two financial stewards, Nami and Kaya.

The money he manages now is as much as 1 billion Baileys.

And the Eladego Pirates, the White Cat Pirates, the Tulip Pirates, the Violet Pirates, and the Wild Boar Pirates.

There are so many pirates yet to be sold to Luffy's little brother Kirby.

Luffy looked up at the golden mountain again.


"I think back to when I started from scratch in Windmill Town and struggled for so many days."

"So many beautiful wives."

"I have so many reliable partners.

"I am no longer the poor boy I was before.

"He is a truly rich man!"


The sound of the system interrupted Luffy's sigh.

The system's mechanical voice said:

[Congratulations to Host for marrying Princess Mosa and successfully getting pregnant! ]

[Special rewards lift the limit on the number of Hosts and Devil Fruits consumed]

[Congratulations to Host for marrying Princess Molly and successfully becoming pregnant!]

[Special Reward Devil Fruit Paramecia Fortified Fruit]

[After eating. ]

[The person with the ability turns the inside of his body into a castle. ]

[Can make any object smaller and hide it in the body. ]

[Congratulations to Host for marrying Queen Morty and successfully getting pregnant!]

[Special Reward Devil Fruit Paramecia Gate Fruit]

[After eating. ]

[The place touched by the hand of the ability user.

[What a hard object or it does not have the form of an object. ]

[They all become doors and can be opened. ]

[A person with abilities can open the door and come in and out freely anywhere. ]

Luffy was surprised by the rewards of this system.

"I didn't expect that there is a limit on the number of Devil Fruits that can be eaten?"

"This reward is a bit heaven-defying"

"The Menmen fruits are not bad either. The rewards this time are very good."

"With this Fortified City Fruit, can't I take my wife for a walk everywhere?"

Luffy quickly took the Devil Fruit that suddenly appeared in his hand.

Put it in your mouth and eat it in your stomach.

Because Luffy often stuffs dried meat into his pocket.

Whenever something happened, Luffy would take out the dried meat from his pocket and eat it.

Everyone is accustomed to it, and there is nothing strange about Luffy eating randomly. As for what he eats, who cares?

Luffy chewed the Devil Fruit in his mouth and complained: "The Devil Fruit still tastes so bad."

Luffy finished eating the Devil Fruit and closed his eyes.

Feel the changes in your body.


Nothing to feel!

It seems that the system's rewards have taken effect, because ordinary people will definitely die if they eat two Devil Fruits.

Luffy first experienced the effect of the castle fruit.

Discovered that Luffy's body can indeed turn into a castle!

This is so cool!

This castle looks like an ordinary military castle on the outside, but it is very spacious inside.

And Luffy himself can also act in this castle.

However, this fruit is not particularly perfect.

Troublesome place.

That is, if Luffy himself also runs into the castle.

Luffy, who turned into a castle outside, could only stand still.

Of course this is not a big problem.

After experiencing the effect of the castle fruit, Luffy was still very satisfied.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred!

Luffy smiled.

So Luffy calmly walked up to Zoro and the others.

I saw they were still discussing the plan.

Intentionally send:

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Interrupt their discussion.

Kuina looked at Luffy dissatisfied and said, "Captain Big Pervert, what's the matter?"

Luffy asked Kuina with a smile: "Have you discussed a plan?"

Zoro replied: "There are plans, but I'm not very satisfied with them.

Luffy pretended to be profound and said: "You don't need to discuss it, the captain has a solution."

Zoro was a little surprised: "Luffy, what can you do?"

Luffy said with a proud look on his face: "Watch it!"

Luffy took a deep breath, and then used Rubber Fruit's ability.

"Big rubber balloon!"

Transform into a super big balloon.

Luffy didn't stop inhaling, and continued to inhale desperately.

Keep blowing yourself into one.

A balloon that is as high as the inside of the cave.

Then he stopped breathing.

Zoro, Kuina, Kaya, and Queen Morty all tilted their heads.

Put a question mark?

Don't understand what Luffy is trying to do?

Luffy held his breath after turning into a big balloon.

Started using the castle fruit's ability again.

Take this super big balloon body.

It turned into a military castle the same size as a cave.

The sudden appearance of the big castle scared Zoro and others.

It also scared Nami and Usopp who were playing in Jinshan in the distance.

Two people ran over quickly to see what happened.

The castle fruit becomes the castle queen.

The space inside the castle is as big as the real palace of the Rurikra Kingdom.

And put the people and objects into the castle.

It is scaled down according to the proportion between people, objects and castles.

Now Luffy has a lot of imagination.

I thought of using Rubber Fruit and Castle Fruit at the same time.

This gives the actual space inside the castle.

At least 10 times larger than the original one.

After doing all this.

Luffy's voice came from the castle: "Now, just move the golden mountain that Wu Nan left behind to my castle!"

"Of course, you can also go inside!"

Queen Morty exclaimed: "Luffy, you are so smart!"

Kuina also gave Luffy a rare compliment, saying, "I never thought you, big pervert, have a bright mind sometimes."

Nami jumped up happily, hugged the wall of the castle and said, "Luffy, you are great! That's great! This way we can take the gold back!"

Zoro was curious and asked Luffy: "When did you have this ability? I've never seen you use it before.

Luffy pretended to be profound and said: "Don't worry about these insignificant details. What you have to do now is to move the gold quickly!"

After finding a way to move the gold.

Except for Luffy who turned into a castle in the cave.

The rest took action.

Leave this golden mountain in Wunan.

Little by little, day by day.

Like ants moving.

Moved to Luffy's castle.

It took a long time to move part of the Golden Mountain in Wunan.

There is still a pile of gold left in this cave.

We stopped when there was no room for gold in the castle at the back.

Originally, Nami wanted to fill all the rooms in the castle with gold.

Luffy disagrees.

Luffy said that the castle should have enough rooms.

It will be convenient for everyone to live in the castle in the future.

Besides, they already know about this golden island, and the remaining gold will be moved away next time. The harvest this time is enough.

Zoro and Usopp have no objections, as long as the captain does not make outrageous orders, they both support it unconditionally. .

Kaya and Queen Morty also agree with Luffy.

Because it's very comfortable to live in the castle Luffy turned into.

Queen Morty found a room exactly like her bedroom in the castle that Luffy transformed into.

Immediately it became clear that the internal environment of Luffy's castle was actually based on the three palaces of the Kingdom of Goa and the Kingdom of Rurikra.

Seeing that everyone else supported Luffy, Nami had to give up her opinion.

Then, Luffy let them live directly in the castle.

Restore yourself.

Then use the door fruit's ability to open the door in the air.

Luffy walked through the door and returned to Wunan Boneyard.

Let Princess Morty restore the mechanism to its original state.

After all traces have been dealt with.

Luffy puts Princess Morty into the castle again.

A person travels lightly and uses the effects of door-to-door fruits.

Open the door directly to the docking station of Goa Queen and Going Merry.

Zhepu, who has a sense of responsibility, feels that Luffy has left the ship to him to guard.

It is the highest trust in him, so he has been patrolling.

When Luffy suddenly appears using the Gate Fruit.

Zhepu was startled.

Because no one in the Straw Hat Crew he knew had this ability.

"Enemy attack!?"

Strictly adhere to the concept that Luffy told them before: "Strike first to gain the upper hand, and strike later to encounter the enemy."

Zhepu didn't wait for the opponent to show up.

It's just a kick of armed color.

"Belly SHOOT"

Sanji also hurriedly hit the target.


When the dust cleared, it was discovered that it was Captain Luffy with a bruised nose and face.

The three people looked at each other.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

Luffy's face was bruised and swollen, and he had several bumps on his head.

Aggrieved and confused, he asked Zhepu and Sanji:

"You two say it!!!"

"Why did you gang up to beat me for no reason!!!"

Zhepu stroked his golden braided beard and apologized: "I didn't know it was you, captain, I really thought it was an enemy attack.

"To express my apology, I will personally cook and prepare delicious meals for you. Please forgive me for once."

For the sake of Zhepu's cooking skills.

Luffy decided to forgive Zep and Sanji for this unintentional offense. .