
Chapter 172 Make Your Choice! Everything Is Ready! All I Owe Is The East Wind!

Luffy was chased and beaten by Kali Dadan with a wooden stick.

The villagers cried bitterly on the ground.

The mayor of Windmill Town fell to the ground behind him, making the scene even more chaotic.

What's going on?

Luffy just wants to bring his wives back to meet their parents.

Why are these people acting like crazy?

Luffy didn't understand.

But being chased by Kali Dadan with a wooden stick, Luffy couldn't spare any effort to deal with this mess.

It's just Queen Sally, Queen Morty, or Queen Notchigo.

Who is an ordinary person?

Not to mention there were many powerful female aristocrats present.

Who has never experienced wind and rain?

This small chaos was compared to the big turmoil they had experienced before.

It's a piece of cake.

Soon, the chaos in Windmill Town was calmed down with the cooperation of a few of them.

"Sister Sally, what should we do with these villagers?"

Queen Morty looked at the out-of-control villagers in Windmill Town and asked Queen Sally.

After all, this is the land of Goa Kingdom.

It's not good for Moti to overstep his authority. This is a very taboo thing between countries.

Queen Sally said coldly: "Detain them first and put them in prison. I will make a decision based on their subsequent performance."

"Let's see if they can calm down and think about the problem. If they are really dissatisfied with Luffy and want to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, then all of them can go mining.

"Especially during this time, I will not leave any hidden dangers."

Queen Nokigao also nodded and said: "Luffy doesn't like killing, so mining is an acceptable option."

"I don't think it's necessary to tell Luffy something as trivial as this."

"Also, let the other sisters disperse. I think Luffy has something to talk to her, Kali Dadan.

After a while of beating chicken and eggs.

"Hoo! ~ Hoo! ~ Hoo! ~"

Kali Dadan squatted on the ground and kept breathing.

She was so angry.

After Luffy, the brat, became stronger, Kali Dadan was too tired to even chase Luffy for several laps, not to mention teaching this little brat a lesson.


Kali Dadan angrily threw the big wooden stick in his hand against the door.

"Kali Dadan, you don't want to pursue me?"

"Have you let go of your anger? Why are people looking at you like this?"

Luffy stretched his neck and hung upside down in front of Kali Dadan and said with a smile.

"Little bastard! Did something big happen?"

"Why else would you introduce your wives to me today?"

"Tell me, I wouldn't be surprised if you stabbed the sky down."

After Kali Dadan calmed down, he asked Luffy.

Among the group of Luffy's wives, many were holding babies.

It's certainly not the fault of the last few days.

But I didn't tell Kali Dadan these things before.

Now he brought them all over at once for her to get to know him.

Kali Dadan, who was familiar with Luffy's character, could see something fishy inside at a glance.

Something serious must have happened.

Luffy only takes this kind of insurance measure.

He entrusted his wives and babies to Kali Dadan.

"As expected of Kali Dadan, my adoptive mother."

"As expected, you still understand me."

"Yes, I'm going to do something big!"

"Although I am fully confident, the risk does not exist.

"I have to find the most trustworthy person to entrust with some big things."

Luffy said seriously.

"Can you not go?"

Kali Dadan asked.

In just a few words from Luffy, Kali Tianden knew that this must involve a major event in Luffy's life.

That's why there is this kind of behavior that is almost entrusting.


Luffy answered Kali Dadan decisively.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?"

"Take care of these female nobles? Queen?"

"I'm just a bandit! I don't have that much ability々々!"

Kali Dadan rolled his eyes at Luffy and said angrily.

"Follow this."

"This is Devil Fruit! Zoan‧rat fruit. Kangaroo form."

"After you eat it, you won't be out of breath like this next time you want to teach me a lesson.

Luffy threw a Devil Fruit to Kali Dadan.

"Ouch! It tastes terrible!"

"Exactly like Xiang!"

Kali Dadan swallowed it without hesitation out of trust in Luffy.

"Eh! Kali Dadan, you have such strong taste!"

"Even Xiang has eaten it."

Luffy looked at Kali Dadan with a disgusted expression.

"Luffy! Are you looking for death?"

"I'm just making a metaphor!!!"

Kali Dadan shouted.

"Isn't this a joke? Don't be angry, Curly Dadan."

Luffy said with a smile.

"I also ate the food, so just tell me."

"What the hell is going on!"

Kali Dadan asked angrily.

"I want you to help me take care of my child, please, Kali Dadan."

"I can only leave it to you."

Luffy put away his playful smile, clasped his hands together and raised his head above his head, requesting Kali Dadan.

"I really owe you."

"I promise you will."

"Luffy, listen carefully and promise me you won't die."

Kali Dadan also said to Luffy with a serious expression.

Luffy rushed up to hug Kali Dadan, kissed her hard on the cheek, laughed and said: "Thank you! Kali Dadan. I knew you would definitely help me."

"Let go! The snot is all stained on my clothes."

Kali Dadan shouted with a look of disgust.

Kali Dadan soon regretted it.

Sure enough, you can't be soft-hearted.

A total of 32 babies!

Damn it! Kali Dadan wants to curse!

How can Kali Dadan take care of this alone?

After seeing 32 babies, Kali Dadan raised his head and sighed.

Lament the great tolerance and rich diversity of nature.

Most of these babies are problem children.

Can normal babies fly?

Do normal babies have horns on their heads?

There are several here.

7 babies sucking on pacifiers are suspended in the air.

That's fine, it's just suspended.

The one named Monkey D. Caroline flew directly in the air, if Kalida didn't tie her up with a rope. two

Not sure where she flew to.

Some even played hide-and-seek with her, just after feeding her milk.

I used my special ability to become transparent and wanted to crawl out.

There are also Monkey·D·Nezha and Monkey·D·Ao Bing, the two little guys keep fighting.

What's even more outrageous is to divide the babies into two groups, a cheerleading team.

The noisy Kali Dadan's mind exploded.

But Kali Dadan soon found the trick, which was her Devil Fruit pouch with special abilities!

With this pouch, Kali and Dadan are no longer afraid of damage caused by these problem babies.

Put the baby to sleep and put him to sleep.

All stuffed into the kangaroo pouch.

No one can come up with it without Kali Dadan's consent.

But the problem still occurs!

Monkey·D·Nezha and Monkey·D·Ao Bing.

Can't fit the pouch!!!

Because the two of them were just born, they climbed a few steps and turned into three-year-old children.

If it's not a baby, it can't fit into the baby bag.

The most annoying thing is Luffy.

After Luffy saw Kali Dadan put the baby to sleep, he came to tell her a terrible news.

Just like the group of wives whom Kali Dadan greeted.

Most of them are pregnant, and only a small part are not pregnant.

And the time to have a baby in this world is full of confusion.

Some were born within a few months of pregnancy.

Some people take a long time to have children.

The most famous example is his brother Ace, who took 20 months to be born.

The eldest sisters of the Konome Islands in the Ikot Kingdom did not give birth to children, and they were obviously pregnant at the same time as Nokigao.

The same goes for the female nobles of Goa Kingdom. They obviously got pregnant at the same time as Queen Sally. Now that Sally has been pregnant for so long, they have not made any move yet.

In other words, when Luffy goes to do something big.

These wives could have babies at any time.

These babies are entrusted to Kali Dadan.

After Kali Dadan heard this, he was stunned.

He quickly wanted to reject Luffy's ridiculous request.

At a glance, Luffy's shadow was nowhere to be seen.

What a cheat!!!

32 babies is so scary, and there will be a bunch more behind!!!

This will cost Kali Dadan his life!

After Luffy solved the most important issue on his mind, he could finally go to Enies Lobby to save Nico Robin with peace of mind.

CP8 Delise and the others quickly sent over the relevant information as requested by Luffy.

Sure enough, I did as Luffy asked.

Everyone in CP9 has clear information.

From what they eat to what time they cook their daddy, they all know it clearly.

The map of Enies Lobby is also very detailed.

Marine's movements are well known.

Sure enough, people in the same system are as clear as day when it comes to information.

Luffy is very satisfied with CP8's work attitude.

According to the agreement, in order to satisfy the CP8 reward.

Luffy could only express the interests of his brother, little Luffy, with tears in his eyes.

Little Luffy cursed and exited the group chat.

After solving CP8, Luffy introduced a very important woman in Luffy's life to Sally, Morty, and Chinogo.

Big sister Makino.

When Makino saw the three queens, he smiled like the sun.

They had only seen this kind of smile on Luffy before.

Queen Morty and Queen Sally, Queen Nochigo could tell at a glance that this woman was extraordinary.

He immediately understood Makino's place in Luffy's heart.

Although it is a bit tasteful, as smart women, they know what choices they should make.

Decisively recognize Makino as her sister.

Luffy was very happy to see them living in harmony.

Now I finally have no worries.

He took out the phone bug from his pants pocket and notified the scientists at Sky Island in Visalia.

In the farewell of Queen Sally, Queen Morty, Queen Chinogo, and big sister Makino.

Luffy boarded the weather ship and flew slowly to Visalia Sky Island.

"々, go back, I'll be back soon!"

"Do not worry about me!"

Luffy shouted while sitting on the weather.

"Luffy! You must come back alive!"

"We will always be waiting for you!"

The four wives shouted below.

As the weather ship's shadow grew smaller and smaller.

Just a moment of separation.

Queen Sally, Queen Morty, Queen Chinogo, and Big Sister Makino are already feeling lonely.

On Visalia Sky Island.

As soon as Luffy landed on the island, he asked Haagen-Dazs who greeted him: "Where is your brother Haagen-Dazs?"

Haagen-Dazs said: "My brother Haredas is currently debugging the equipment to ensure that it can

Return to Sky Island as the boss asks.

"Where's my wife Kaya?"

"Go back to the boss, Miss Kaya is resting.

"Very good! You go down, I still have things to deal with."

Luffy ordered Haagen-Dazs.

After saying that, Luffy walked to the communications room at Visalia Sky Island.

Use a special phone with extra power to contact your island buddies.

"Zoro! Kuina! Gather all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Did something happen?"

"Nico Robin got caught!"

"She was arrested? Didn't she say she wanted to handle some personal matters? Why was she arrested by (Li Lie)?"

"I don't know the details, but now we have to save her!"

"Following your order Luffy, Kuina and I will gather the personnel now."

"Zoro, why don't you ask who captured Nico Robin?"

"Is this question important? Will you choose to give up your companions because of who the other party is? Or do you think we will choose to give up our companions?"

"Hahaha, you are indeed my vice-captain!"

"To tell the truth to you and Kuina, your opponent this time is beyond imagination."

"It's the Enies Lobby owned by World Government! It's a place that has been gone for 800 years and never returned."

"When you notify the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates, tell them who your opponent is."

"I'm not going to force them to go to Enies Lobby, they can choose not to go and go to Nico Robin."


"When this option is made, it will start from now on."

"This will be considered as voluntary withdrawal from the Straw Hat Pirates!!!!

There was silence on the phone for a while, and Zoro's voice came after a long time.

"I understand, I'll pass it on to them."

"It's their choice how they choose."

"I, Zoro, would like to go to Enies Lobby with you and make a scene!"

"Me too Kuina."

"Hahaha, we will meet soon!"

Luffy hung up the phone.

Letting them make a choice is not a random decision on his part.

Because the Tao is different, they do not conspire against each other.

There is still a long road ahead, and Luffy must choose a partner who is willing to walk together!

Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, it is still hell.

"Haredas, how long do we need to get back to Sky Island.

"Go back to the boss, this time the equipment has been updated and it only takes two days! It's faster than when I came here before!"

"Full speed then!!!"
