
Chapter 159 Mayor! The Next Door Is Also Plagued By Luffy!

This [Overdrawn Life] talent is a trap no matter how you look at it.

How can it be used unless life is in danger.

Lifespan is a rare thing, and when it runs out, it will be like GG Smecta.

No one with a normal mind would use this kind of thing. It is not effective in the long term and can only enhance the strength in the short term.

However, Luffy turned around and thought about it carefully, and it wasn't really a scam.

It mainly depends on the so-called amplitude level.

If the amplitude is large enough, and it really encounters the critical point of life and death, it may be the best of the three talents.

[Didi didi!]

[Identity: Seventeenth Son]

[Name: Monkey·D·Brian]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: B+ Life hangs by a thread]

[When you are fatally injured, you will only enter a dying state and will not die immediately. This state remains for -30 minutes. ]

[Qualification: B]

Luffy: Wow! This talent is good, very suitable for risking one's life, but the qualifications are a bit lacking.

But it doesn't matter. With his body that is not afraid of death, it is very suitable for him to be given to Grandpa Garp for exercise, and it will be fine even if he expands hard.

Anyway, he won't die immediately. He will just be sent to the hospital for treatment.

[Identity: Shibazi]

[Name: Monkey·D·Yu Yu]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: D is good at musical instruments]


[Qualification: D]

[System: Congratulations to Host for giving birth to an ordinary person. ]

Luffy complained: I feel like this system is mocking me. After all, should I be happy? Let him learn to play taiko drums from Enel in the future.

[Identity: Nineteenth Son]

[Name: Monkey·D·Shigemura Yu]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: C Bronze Skin]

[The hardness of your skin increases and the defense strengthens. ]

[Qualification: C]

[Identity: twenty sons]

[Name: Monkey·D·Dela]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: C is not afraid of being beaten]

[Don't be afraid of pain when you get beaten. ]

[Qualification: C]

[Identity: Twenty-one Son]

[Name: Monkey D. Chippa]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: A and M]

[When you are beaten to a certain extent, your basic attributes will be enhanced a little. ]


[Identity: Twenty-Two Sons]

[Name: Monkey·D·Klee]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: B Cutting Love and Proving the Way]

[You will never get married in your life, and no girl will like you. Comes with swordsmanship level and weapon color level]

[Swordsmanship Level C]

[Armed Color Level B]

[Qualification: B]

[Identity: Twenty-Two Sons]

[Name: Monkey·D·Ford]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: D is good at swordsmanship]

[You are good at using swordsmanship. ]

[Qualification: D]

[Identity: Twenty-third son]

[Name: Monkey·D·Paula]

[Gender: Female]

[Talent: D is good at cooking]

[You are good at cooking. ]

[Qualification: D]

[Identity: Twenty-fourth son]

[Name: Monkey D. Terra]

[Gender: Female]

[Talent: None]

[Qualification: E]

[System Note: Qualification level D is for ordinary people with certain talents, and level E is for mediocre people without talent. ]

Luffy studied the system's prompt carefully and felt that something was wrong.


Luffy himself doesn't seem to have any talent, doesn't that mean...

It feels like this system is intrinsic to itself.

A few days ago he was a cool boy.

Now he suddenly became the father of twenty-four children.

How do you describe this change of identity? It's really hard to describe this feeling.

And the qualifications and talents of these babies are hard to describe.

Moreover, Luffy also discovered that children born from different mothers are also different.

Those women who are outstanding themselves give birth to children with particularly strong qualifications.

One daughter with S++ level qualifications, five sons with S+ level qualifications, and seven sons with S level qualifications.

These eleven babies are obviously completely different from normal babies.

What a monster.

The future is definitely a trendsetter of the times.

On the contrary, the babies given birth to by the village girls in Windmill Town were much more normal.

Except for two daughters and sons with strange talents and A-level qualifications, they are all B-level and C, D, and E-level.

It seems that if you want to give birth to excellent offspring, you must either choose a particularly outstanding mother; or you must cast a wide net. As long as the number is large, highly qualified offspring will always appear.

For example, the village girls in Windmill Town gave birth to two children with A qualifications.

Speaking of A qualification.

The talent of this baby Monkey D. Chippa is truly bizarre.

What is it called [Shaking M].

Being beaten is the basic attribute of education?

Sure enough, the name was correct, Chippa's talent is amazing.

I just don't know how long it will take to increase some basic attributes?

Basic attributes are very important.

For example, Luffy at the beginning had all attributes of 1.

The original Luffy, even with his full set of skills now, was a weakling.

It is estimated that it has turned into Qinglong mode, and the only way to breathe fire is to light a match.

The reason why Luffy is so powerful now is because he has high enough basic attributes.

If you think about it carefully, there is still great potential.

As long as you get beaten enough, you will be able to accumulate high values ​​sooner or later.

Otherwise, give it a try?

Do whatever comes to your mind without procrastination. Luffy has always been a resolute person.

Luffy immediately grabbed Monkey D. Chippa from the cradle.

At this time, little Chippa still didn't know what happened.

Thinking that Luffy was going to play with him, he was laughing and joking.

Luffy laid Chippa on Luffy's lap, then took off Chippa's baby pants, exposing his little buttocks.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

"Pah! Pah!"

Luffy kept slapping Monkey D. Chippa's little ass with his evil palms in rhythm.

Not to mention, the baby's butt is really elastic.

"Wow! Ah!~~~"

Monkey D. Chippa cried aggrievedly, with snot flowing out of his nose, and struggled desperately to leave Luffy's side.

This miserable cry alarmed Chopper and Curly Dadan.

The two of them hurried into the nursery.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chang Wei calling Fu.

What's wrong is that Luffy beat his son Chippa.

"Little bastard! What are you doing! Stop it!"

Curly Dadan shouted, rushing forward to try to stop Luffy's brutal behavior.

It's just that Luffy hasn't gotten the experimental data yet, so where will he stop?

A beautiful turn to avoid Curly Dadan's pounce.

Then "Pa! Pa!", spank Monkey D. Chipper's little butt.

"Captain Luffy! He is your baby, you can't do this!"

Chopper jumped up and tried to snatch the baby from Luffy's hands.

Unfortunately, Chopper was too small to grab it, and in his desperation, Chopper forgot that he could transform.

The cries of babies and the fighting of adults.

This noisy movement.

It soon attracted the attention of Princess Molly and Princess Mosa outside the door.

Driven by curiosity, they also came to the baby room.

You don't know if you don't see it, you will be shocked when you see it.

"Luffy! What are you doing! Stop it!"

Princess Molly also rushes to stop Luffy.

"Luffy! The child is innocent, he is still young!"

Princess Mosa also joins the fight for the baby.

For a moment, the baby room was very lively.

In the end, Luffy was subdued by their joint efforts, and the child was successfully taken away.

"Get out of the way, I'm training him to make Chippa a strong man in the future.

Luffy explained to the people around him.

"You are obviously bullying the baby!"

Chopper complained loudly.

"See, this is what people say and what they do?"

"Go to hell!"

"Garp threw the three-year-old you into the forest to play extreme survival.

"You are even more ruthless. You start attacking as soon as a baby is born."

"Your surname is Monkey·D. Your whole family is not normal!"

"Don't cry, don't cry. Poor little guy."

Curly Dadan coaxed Chippa in his arms and scolded Luffy fiercely.

"Captain Luffy! Get out!"

"You are not allowed to enter this nursery ever again!"

Chopper pushed Luffy right out of the nursery.

"Prince Luffy, you'd better get out."

"You don't know how to take care of children."

This time, even Molly and Mosa did not support Luffy, and pretended to ask Luffy to go out.

I saw that it made people angry, but I couldn't explain it clearly.

Luffy could only scratch his head and leave the nursery alone.

Fortunately, the data is correct, this strange talent is really useful.

If Luffy remembers correctly, the basic value of a normal baby is 0.5 million.

It was just that after Luffy spanked his son Monkey D. Chibber's little buttocks to become swollen, he found that the value on the system's character attribute panel had indeed increased by three points.

Added to physique, strength, and agility respectively.

It's just that Monkey D. Qibo is an ordinary human baby after all, and is not particularly durable.

The value of resilience based on physical constitution is very low and falls within the range of normal people.

If you continue to fight, you will probably be injured, so it is not cost-effective.

So Luffy stopped in time, allowing Princess Molly to see the opportunity and snatch the child away.

But in the eyes of Chopper and Curly Dadan, Luffy is abusing babies.

No, even the seven pacifier-sucking babies hanging on his body were looking at Luffy with disgust.

Luffy touched his chin and said to himself: [My head always feels a bit heavy. ]

[Eh? When did Monkey·D·Nezha also climb on my head?]

"Don't be afraid, sister Yuni, brother, I will protect you."

"Don't worry, I will protect you six."

"I won't let him spank your little butts."

Nezha looked like a boss and said in a sweet voice.



Luffy hugged Uni, held Nezha on his head, Li Baoen and other babies were hanging on his body, and walked struttingly on the road of Windmill Town.

Along the way, you can admire the large and small windmills and the Dutch cows in the pasture.

After being kicked out by Chopper and Curly Dadan to buy something.

Luffy originally wanted to go to King Goa City to see Queen Sally and his five other babies.

It's just that Sister Makino is very worried about the mayor's health.

Entrust Luffy to go see the mayor and help him.

Luffy thought about it and it made sense. Apart from objecting to him being with Sister Makino, the mayor of Windmill Town actually treated him well.

When he was naughty and made other villagers angry when he was a child, the mayor of Windmill Town always stood up to defend him.


Although it is more or less because of his grandfather Garp.

"Buy some fruits and bring some

Go for the healing potion made by Kaya. "

Luffy looked at the fruit stall on the street and muttered.

Windmill Town is not very big, so Luffy quickly found the mayor's house.

Standing outside the door, Luffy clearly heard the conversation inside.

There is no way, Luffy's Sense of Color has already reached a certain level, and after a fight with Enel, he realized how to use Sense of Color to improve his hearing.

So just one or two walls can't block Luffy's ears at all.

Villager A: "Mayor, what should we do? Wuwuwu."

Villager B: "That bastard Luffy has brought disaster to all the marriageable women in the town."

Mayor of Windmill Town: "I know all these situations, and I have also talked with Luffy's adoptive mother."

Mayor of Windmill Town: "A few days ago, Curly Dadan came to see me specifically. We talked with me carefully. As long as she is here, Luffy will be responsible to the end."

Villager B: "What is that bastard responsible for? His secret treasure that looks like a joke?"

Mayor of Windmill Town: "Curly Dadan said that Luffy made a little money outside, enough to support those girls, and he promised to treat those girls well.

Villager B: "But......"

Mayor of Windmill Town: "There is no but! Although Luffy did something wrong! But those girls before were consensual!"

"I stopped you and tried to dissuade you!"

"But what? They didn't know what they were trying to do, so they jumped into the fire pit one by one."

"In the entire Windmill Town, which young girl has not had some slight ambiguity with Luffy?"

"Now Luffy is willing to take responsibility, and the woman has no objection, so the matter is over. Cough cough cough!"

Villager B was suppressed by the mayor's momentum and said nothing more.

Villager A: "But mayor, what should we do?"

"There are many singles in the town, what should we do? Woohoo!"

The mayor was silent for a while and then sighed: "Hey!

"It's too late to say anything now. It's just your own fault for not living up to expectations."

"When Luffy was broke, he could coax those girls into his hands.

"Now that he has made money, what can't you do?"

Murakabe B clenched his fists: "It's too bullying, I...I and we will go together..."

The mayor cursed loudly: "What the hell! Can you beat Luffy? Can you beat the bandit Curly Dadan and her men? Or can you beat Luffy's grandfather Garp!"

"When others try to reason with you, you still want to talk to others about fists?"

"Listen to my advice and go to the next village or town. There are many good girls."

Villager A: "But the mayor, I've asked about it before."

"The town next door was also captured by Luffy, and the girl was also harmed by Luffy."

"I heard that girls are already holding babies and coming to Luffy's adoptive mother. Woohoo!"

"Also, I heard that Luffy also has an old sweetheart in King Goa City."

"It was in his brother Sabo's old residence that he raised a bunch of down-and-out female nobles."

When the old mayor heard what Villager A said, "Everyone is feeling bad.

The whole person sat upright from the hospital bed, almost not being sent away by the news.

There is an artistic conception of sitting up in shock in a dying illness, and the dark wind blowing rain into the cold window.

The mayor of Windmill Town thought he had overestimated Luffy, but unexpectedly he underestimated Luffy after all.

It turns out that in addition to Windmill Town, there are also villages and towns next door.

There are even traces of this brat in King Goa City.

Damn Curly Dadan!

When Luffy lived in Windmill Town, apart from being mischievous and naughty, there were no other bad habits like these!

It's all the bandit Curly Dadan's fault for educating Luffy like this!

Has my prediction come true?

Will Windmill Town be renamed Monkey·D·Windmill Town?

After a long time.

The old mayor slowly said, "You should go somewhere further away."

"For example, the village of Sirop, which had trade relations with our Windmill Town during this period."

"Or the Konome Islands in the Kingdom of Ouikot, where there are more villages and towns and more choices."

"You should go out and see the outside world."

"I'm a little tired, please go back.

Hearing this, Luffy was also a little confused.

The next town and the next village?

Ah, that seems to be the case.

After all, I was young and ignorant at the time, and the elder sisters in the next town and village next door talked nicely and were warm-hearted.

That kind of scene, that kind of atmosphere.

Luffy can't bear it, or even a man can't bear it.

So things fell into place and things happened.

Moreover, it is obvious that the older sisters are coveting Luffy's body, especially knowing that he is the grandson of Marine hero Garp.

As for Brother Sabo's luxurious old aristocratic mansion, of course he used to go there often.

When I was dating Queen Sally, I lived there secretly. Sally was still a princess at that time.

It's just that the luxurious old aristocratic mansion that Brother Sabo once lived in is now occupied by other down-and-out female aristocrats, who are still his old sweethearts, Luffy.


Is there such a thing?

Seriously, Luffy has no impressions at all. .