
Chapter 151 Just Giving Birth To A Child, Is That All?

In a small town on the border of Goa Kingdom, there was an ordinary tavern.

"Have you heard about it?"

"There's something big going on in Windmill Town next door."

A big man with a red nose drank cheap ale and looked around at the environment of the tavern with flickering eyes.

Then he covered his mouth with his left hand and whispered to another man wearing a hat.

"Are you talking about the fact that several girls became pregnant out of wedlock?"

The man in the green hat said disapprovingly.

"That's not it. This is already a cliché. There's nothing surprising about it."

"I'm talking about another weird thing!"

"It is said that yesterday in Windmill Town, it was obviously a beautiful day, but suddenly there were dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and heavy rain."

"This must be God punishing those women who get pregnant out of wedlock! Windmill Town is going to be in trouble!"

The big man with the red nose said happily.

"It's just a change in the weather. Is there such a fuss? In what era, we need to talk about science! You know, we need to talk about science!"

The man in the green hat still didn't take it seriously. He slowly ate the peanuts one by one and took a sip of the wheat wine.

He has never been sensitive to such exaggerated stories.

"Not only that! There are also various strange phenomena appearing in the sky!"

"I heard that a giant dragon appeared in the sky.

"Do you know how long and how big that dragon is?"

The big man with a red nose put down the wooden barrel cup filled with wheat wine, and used both hands to gesture with the giant dragon in his mouth, vividly describing the appearance of the giant dragon, using various metaphors and gestures.

It was as if the big red-nosed man had seen the giant dragon with his own eyes.

"And with the appearance of the giant dragon, the whole sky boiled like boiling water.

"First it thundered, then the wind started blowing!"

"There is also a tornado that has never appeared in the Kingdom of Goa!"

"The clouds are bright red, like flames burning!"

"Covering the entire sky! There are two mountains separated by the old man. I was hunting at the time, and I saw it all!"

"The bright roar of the dragon could be heard from several towns away!"

"The big yellow dog in the care home in the village next to me was scared to death on the spot!"

"Didn't you hear the nursery rhymes and everyone started singing?"

"When the storm rises, East Blue surges!"

"The divine dragon appears and the heaven and earth change!"

"Perhaps there is a change of dynasty! The kingdom of Goa is going to change again!"

The big man with the red nose became more and more excited as he talked.

His eyes were shining brightly, as if he was looking forward to that day.


"What are you talking about? Do you want us to be captured by the Goa Kingdom's army?"

"If you want to die, die alone, don't involve others."

The middle-aged cuckold man was so frightened by the red-nosed man's words that he immediately stood up and quickly covered the red-nosed man's mouth with his hand.

Those eyes were constantly looking around, checking for any unfamiliar faces.

Is this something ordinary civilians can say?

Don't you look at the current Kingdom of Goa, or the Kingdom of Goa before?

Now he is one of the talkers of the East Blue Military Alliance!

Now the eyes are spread all over the East Blue, and then the trouble comes, and their military alliance is fully aware of it. Marine's authority and interests have been divided up a lot by this alliance.

"That's right! You just know how to talk nonsense."

"Even if you are from the revolutionary army."

"Don't make up such ridiculous nonsense."

"What a giant dragon, I won't fall into this trap now!"

A thin man with a sallow complexion interrupted.

It seems that these people should be very familiar with each other, which is why they talk so casually.

"It's obviously not a giant dragon!"

"What I heard is that at that time, a large number of continuous white clouds appeared in the sky over Windmill Town!!!"

"At first, other people near Windmill Town were wondering."

"Why is the weather so good? Why did a large white cloud suddenly appear, like it covered the sky and the sun?"

"After a while, there was thunder and lightning, and the rain kept falling."

"Later, some brave people risked being struck by lightning, secretly climbed up the mountain, and used telescopes on the top of the mountain to carefully observe the clouds.'

"Good guy! Guess what he saw!!!"

The sallow-faced man said in surprise, making the surrounding audience jump into excitement.

"What did you see? Is it a giant dragon?"

"It turns out that there are several quaint palaces looming in the thick clouds!!!"

"After the man increased the magnification of the telescope, he saw an angel with wings flying continuously in the palace!"

"He was scared to death on the spot!"

"I didn't expect that what he saw was the legendary paradise!!!"

"It is said that the thunder and lightning were all caused by angels casting spells.

"It should be a warning about the evil in Windmill Town!"

The man with a sallow complexion had a serious face and said alarmistly.

"Yes! I heard about it too."

"According to what my third uncle's second aunt said and her cousin's husband's ex-boyfriend said."

A fat man with a big belly also chimed in.

"Wait a minute, why are your family relationships so complicated? There seems to be a lot of information."

The cuckold middle-aged man asked curiously.

"Don't interrupt, this is not the point.

"That night he saw with his own eyes that several angels with wings dropped a huge meteorite to the ground!!!"

"Almost destroyed Windmill Town!"

"This is definitely a divine punishment!"

"It's a pity that the angel is a trainee angel, so he didn't lose his hair."

"Now there is a huge crater next to Windmill Town."

Ruo Qi, a fat man with a big belly, said.

"The more you talk, the more outrageous you are!"

"I'm telling you to believe in science!"

"Don't make up these nonsense stories."

The cuckold middle-aged man interrupted his companion again. He couldn't bear to hear this. Everyone knew how to brag.


The door of the tavern was knocked open by a farmer in a panic.

It caused dissatisfaction among all the guests in the tavern.

"Barit! Do you want to demolish my store?"

The tavern owner, who had a sinister look on his face, was wiping his wine glass while sternly warning the farmer named Barrite.

"Boss! Everyone! Go outside and take a look!"

"Something big happened!"

"The sky is going to change!"

Barrit's face turned pale and he shouted to everyone in the tavern in a panic.

Seeing Barritt's expression, the people in the tavern looked at each other and ran out of the tavern.

As soon as I went out, I found that the outside of the pub was very busy and there were people everywhere.

It was so dark that everyone looked up at the sky.

"This! This... I'm not dreaming!"

The middle-aged man wearing a cuckold looked at the two shadows in the sky and was speechless in surprise.

"I knew it!"

"My third uncle's second aunt's cousin's husband's ex-boyfriend doesn't know how to make things up!

The fat man with a big belly shouted loudly.


Let's go back a day.

The meteorological scientists at Sky Island in Visalia are a group of scholars who are keen on meteorological scientific research.

However, scientific research is a very expensive activity, and it may not necessarily produce results.

Previously, we had been suffering from lack of funding, so many theoretical scientific research results could not be reproduced in reality.

It's not like there are no countries that want to sponsor Visalia Sky Island, but they have all been rejected by scientists at Visalia Sky Island.

They would rather make profits by selling weather services and other meteorological scientific results, rather than want their lifelong research to be used by those politicians.

Such as World government, such as Celestial Dragons.

This time, Luffy was in a hurry and wanted to get to East Blue, a place called Windmill Town, from Sky Island above the Grand Line Park in the shortest possible time.

So Luffy gave Haledas an order to increase the flight speed of Visalia Sky Island at all costs.

The group of meteorological scientists laughed crookedly.

It's rare to see someone like Luffy taken advantage of.

As long as you dare to make money, we will spend every gold coin you have!

So with the efforts of meteorological scientists (and spending money randomly).

Luffy turns into a giant dragon and holds up the small Sky Island with a cloud of fire.

Visalia Sky Island uses electromagnetic cannons to open roads, storm cannons as propellers, and all kinds of weird weather devices.

Along the way, there were thunder and lightning, heavy rain, and strong winds wherever we passed by Visalia Sky Island.

In the end, Luffy successfully reached the windmill town of East Blue in the shortest time.

It was already midnight.

Considering that big sister Makino may face life or death at any time.

Luffy ignored the objections of Haagen-Dazs and forced him to use his brother Haagen-Dazs' iron bucket and iron dragonfly device.

"Captain Luffy! Do you really have to use this?"

"It's not that I dislike my brother Haagen-Dazs."

"Apart from the invention of climate ice cream, he has no scientific research works that can be used. This thing is really dangerous.

"We are at an altitude of 7,000 meters!"

Haredas said to Luffy with a very serious face.

"I know! The other landing methods you mentioned are too slow!"

"Time waits for no one, big sister Makino is waiting for me!"

Luffy scratched his neck and must use this device to reach Windmill Town as quickly as possible.

So that night, the sky was filled with stars in the dark night.

A huge iron can was dropped directly from an altitude of 7,000 meters.

The air constantly rubbed against the surface of the entire tin can, causing the entire tin can to catch fire.

Moreover, in the free fall motion, the acceleration of the iron can is getting faster and faster.

"Mayor! A meteorite fell from the sky and hit our Windmill Town."

"Let's take refuge!"

A villager rushed into the mayor's office of Windmill Town and shouted.

"There is no need to evacuate, and there is too little time."

The village chief said calmly while leaning on a cane.

The duration of Luffy's return in a tin can is known.

Although he didn't expect the movement to be so big.

Because the life of Makino, whom the mayor regards as his daughter, is in danger.


A huge sound spread throughout Windmill Town.

The entire mayor's office was even more excited by the shock wave attached to the "meteorite".

This huge vibration was felt not only in Windmill Town, but also in several other surrounding towns.

The mayor of Windmill Town leaned on a cane and said: "Let's go!"

The villager just now asked: "Mayor, where are we going?"

"Just follow me."

The mayor of Windmill Town led his men and hurried to the location of the "meteorite".

Fortunately, Windmill Town is surrounded by some mountainous areas. The iron can created a large "meteor" crater, and the air still smelled of high temperature and burning.

The mayor of Windmill Town looked at the strange device in front of him.

I'm a bit doubtful whether the people inside have been cooked.

Or has it been smashed to death?

After a while, the big iron can emitted steam and opened its dark surface, revealing a delicate door.

"Sure enough! Haredas is right!"

"This thing is really stupid! Fortunately, Kaya didn't get in."

Luffy hugged Chopper who fainted from fright, and walked out of the door cursing.

"You're finally back, Luffy!"

"Makino, she has been waiting for you."

"Luffy, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Be strong! Be prepared to lose both."

The mayor of Windmill Town looked at Luffy with red eyes and a painful expression.

Let's talk about hate, more or less.

It was this little brat who took away his cabbage.

Now, because of this little brat, the cabbage he carefully cared for is going to be gone.

"Don't worry!"

"Since I'm back, I won't let anything happen to Sister Makino!"

"No one can take Makino-sama away from me!"

"It's no use even if Su comes, this is what I, Luffy, said!"

"We'll chat later. Come and lead the way. I want to see Sister Makino!"

Luffy hugged Chopper and stared at the mayor of Windmill Town.

"You come with me!"

The mayor adjusted his glasses and said to Luffy.

"No! Mayor, just give me the direction."

Luffy stretched out his rubber arms and rolled up the mayor and villagers.

"Back in the tavern, Maggie said..."

The mayor of Windmill Town hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Second gear!"



The mayor of Windmill Town's eyes 743 just blurred, and the surrounding scenery kept receding [the skin on his face was folded into more wrinkles by the wind.

In the blink of an eye, a group of them arrived at the tavern opened by Makino.

The tavern is still the same, nothing has changed.

You can also see scales on the outer wall, which are Luffy's height scales.

It was Sister Makino who measured Luffy herself.

Luffy still vaguely remembers it.

At first, Makino liked to pinch his nose, measure his height, and laugh at him: "How long will it take for little Luffy to grow up? Didn't he say he wanted to marry Makino?"

Luffy understood what was going on, and the mayor didn't even need to tell the whole story.

Luffy knew what Sister Makino wanted to express.

It's just that if Luffy doesn't come back in time, Sister Makino can leave the world with sweet memories with Luffy.

Luffy rushed to the tavern with Chopper and saw Sister Makino lying on that familiar bed.

With a big belly.

It's just that the one with a big belly is too big.

This is a scene that Luffy had never imagined before coming here.

Luffy's face was shocked: [What on earth is she carrying?]

Sister Makino heard the noise and weakly opened her eyes "I saw Luffy.

He smiled bitterly and said, "I'm dreaming again. I'm dreaming about you."

"My little Luffy."

Luffy rushed up to hold Makino's cold hand and said with a cry: "This is not a dream, I am Luffy.

"I'm back! I won't let anything happen to you."

"Chopper! Please save my big sister Makino!"

Luffy wakes up Chopper in his arms.

Chopper originally wanted to scold Luffy for letting him sit on such a dangerous thing.

But when I saw Makino's exaggerated belly, I couldn't say anything I wanted to say.

Chopper looked at Makino seriously, checked Makino's pulse with a deer's hoof, and listened to the sound repeatedly with a stethoscope.

He turned around and shouted to the people present:

"Get out! Everyone who has nothing to do with it, get out!"

"Don't get in my way!"

Luffy took the opportunity to stuff Chopper a box.

Holding Chopper's hand, he said sincerely: "Everything is up to you. If there is really no other way, please take this for Sister Makino."

"I just want to save Makino-sama's life!"

"I don't ask for anything else, please Chopper."

Chopper said with a straight face: "Captain Luffy, do you not trust me?"

"Trust me and go out! Wait for my news!"

Luffy was afraid that Chopper would be angry, so he pulled everyone away.

The mayor is still struggling, this bastard Luffy actually brought a tanuki to treat his Makino.

The mayor threw away Luffy's hand and roared loudly: "Luffy! What do you want to do? If you drive all the doctors out, what will happen to Makino!"

The bald doctor said to the mayor: "Please be mentally prepared. In my opinion, your daughter is in danger, and she may die."

The doctor's words haven't faded away yet.

An earth-shattering cry of a baby came from the tavern and resounded throughout the Kingdom of Goa.

It's just about giving birth to a child, right?