
Chapter 100 Conquering The Queen Of Hearts

MISS. Valentine heard the sigh of MISS. Golden Week.

He forced a smile with an embarrassed look on his face.

"What an irony. I never thought I would need an enemy to save me."

"Well, MISS. Sister Valentine, strictly speaking, I have now joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

"So the Straw Hat Pirates are not my enemies, Marianu."

MISS. Golden Week Mariano's words.

MISS. The lover was at a loss for words and didn't know how to refute.

Suddenly I felt a little lonely.

So MISS. The lover vented her dissatisfaction on food.

Eat big mouthfuls of delicious sandwiches cooked with Sanguine.

Just this hot soup every now and then.

But the more I ate, the more sad I became.

MISS. Lover thinks of it.

A few days ago, I was executing BOSS commands with MR.5.

Hunt down Princess Vivi and the two traitors.

Now the tide has turned.

Her former colleague MR.2 came to hunt down her MISS lover.

Eat, eat.

Tears of grievance could not help but flow down.

The cute MISS. Golden Week, holding her chin with both hands, looked at MISS. Valentine quietly while eating a sandwich and crying.

Such a pitiable look.

Suddenly, he said: "MISS. Sister Valentine, why don't you just accept Captain Luffy? I think he will be very good to you."

MISS. Valentine has some emotions.

She didn't know how long Luffy would continue to protect her like this.

This time it's MR.2.

What about next time?

Who is coming?

Who can guarantee that Luffy will definitely defeat the boss of the work company?

Moreover, Luffy and MISS. Golden Week deliberately broadcast live in front of her last time.

She misses Valentine, but she is very aware of Luffy's abilities.

Think of the size.

MISS. Valentine suddenly became cold-hearted.

"Let's talk about it, I will think about it."

"Fifty-seven" the well-behaved Abis came to deliver meals to three other rooms in the castle.

It is said that there is a Marine swordsman lady living inside.

I heard that there was a beautiful woman living in another room.

But Abis has never seen it.

Captain Luffy wouldn't let her in.

Although, there are still a few places that Abis cannot visit.

Compared to MISS.Golden Week, Abis actually has greater freedom and power in the city.

Abis had seen a room with her own eyes.

It was filled with gold.

As soon as you open the door, you can see the dazzling golden color.

Abis couldn't believe it at first.

Such a dreamy thing can actually happen in reality.

And it still appeared in front of her.

The point!

The point is, there are dozens of these rooms!

And Abis also knows every brick on the floor under her feet.

In fact, it is also gold.

Just a little treatment on the outside.

Making an unsuspecting outsider think it was brass.

Abis can't imagine that the Straw Hat Pirates are so rich!

But there is such an exaggerated and extravagant decoration in the castle fruit.

Except for Abis and MISS. Golden Week.

The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates rarely come in.

According to their deputy captain Zoro.

"An environment that is too comfortable will make them corrupt."

However, Captain Luffy is still caring for every member of his crew.

Private luxury rooms were designed to suit their status.

Convenient for members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

When they want to relax, come in and take a break.

That's right!

Abis is an official member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Abis also has her own private room.

Captain Luffy specially designed it according to Abis's request.

Even the door has the pattern of the Thousand-Year-Old Dragon Lord.

It's the old dragon with a long beard, a tongue sticking out, and a bald head.

Not to mention, when I first started designing.

Abis was very happy.

Nami also specially gave Abis a thousand-year dragon rag doll.

After delivering the food, Abis jumped away and left.

Abis didn't notice it, and she left not long after.

Luffy appeared right where she had been standing.

Then open the locked door.

"How are you thinking? Queen of Hearts?"

Soak the Queen of Hearts in the saltwater bathtub.

He rolled his eyes at Luffy angrily.

Close your eyes and don't want to talk.

To be honest, after being caught by Luffy.

Except in the Poker Pirates incident.

And before.

Take Ying Lili, the deputy head of the Revolutionary Army East Blue Corps.

When locked in the same room as the Queen of Hearts.

The Queen of Hearts was consulted.

The Queen of Hearts was still very proud at that time.

She is very confident in her beauty and figure.

Luffy is even taller than Ying Lili, who has a flat figure.

What's more, she is a mature beauty.


The Queen of Hearts miscalculated!

Because in the next time.

Luffy just disappeared!


So many days, in addition to delivering food on time every day.

Completely ignored the Queen of Hearts!

In the original plan.

The Queen of Hearts wanted to be reserved for a moment.

First, tease Luffy continuously to elicit Luffy's desire to conquer.

When Luffy is impatient.

Set up small obstacles for Luffy that are easy to achieve but more troublesome.

Let's follow the trend again Luffy.

Officially became his woman.

As a pirate, there is nothing shameful in obeying the strong.

The Queen of Hearts knows very well that all men in the world are the same!

Things that are too easy to obtain will never be cherished too much.

Just the Queen of Hearts, in the Poker Pirates.

For the group of men I met.

Most of them have changed their minds, without any exception.

Thinking only with her lower body, she captained the Big Bear King in vain.

When I first met Nami, she looked the same!

But Luffy just doesn't play by common sense.

At first, the Queen of Hearts thought that Luffy and her were together.

I want to play a hard-to-get game.

did not expect.

Luffy just kept the Queen of Hearts hanging.

The Queen of Hearts has been soaking in the sea water bathtub like this.

Sometimes, the Queen of Hearts suspects that Luffy is not enlightened at all!

But what happened next overturned her thoughts.

Luffy and Abis, during the MISS Golden Week battle.

I don't know if it's intentional or not.

Right at the door of the Queen of Hearts' room!

This kind of sexy operation made the Queen of Hearts confused!

what's the situation!

where am I?

who I am?

what are they doing?

What am I doing again?

Can anyone tell me!


The Queen of Hearts thinks Luffy did it on purpose!

Being reserved or not, the Queen of Hearts doesn't want to take it anymore.

She was going crazy after spending so many days alone in a seawater bathtub!

As long as Luffy comes to recruit the Queen of Hearts.

The Queen of Hearts was about to agree.


Luffy didn't come to her.

Yes, nothing happened again.

In addition to regular meal delivery.

The Queen of Hearts has finally seen Luffy clearly.

Luffy had no intention of taking the Queen of Hearts under his wing.


The Queen of Hearts couldn't understand either.

Not a single piece of clothing was given.

He also soaked her in a transparent glass bathtub filled with sea water.

According to common sense.

This obviously wants to appreciate her Queen of Hearts 360 degrees.

What a wonderful figure!

Even if it's just to humiliate her.

The Queen of Hearts should also be placed in front of the Straw Hat Luffy Pirates!

Don't doubt it, there are many notorious pirate groups among pirates.

That's what it does.

But so many days.

Luffy did nothing!

What is the picture for?

Don't you know, you have been soaking in the sea water.

It's very cold, isn't it?


The Queen of Hearts, lies down.

Lying flat in every sense of the word.

Eat when you have something to eat, and go to bed after eating.

Don't think about anything.

There was nothing she could do in the sea anyway.

Luffy ignored the Queen of Hearts' eye roll.

Walk directly into the room and sit on a chair nearby.

He took the black teapot on the table next to him and poured himself a cup of black tea.

While sipping tea, admire the 'mermaid' in the glass fish tank.

In fact, there is one thing that the Queen of Hearts doesn't know clearly.

The castle is transformed from the castle fruit, and everything inside is controlled by Luffy.

That is to say.

Luffy can know everything happening in the castle anytime and anywhere.

Hear all the sounds in the castle.

See all the images in the castle.

Master every specific object in the castle.

Strictly speaking, the fort is his body.

Everything inside is an extension of Him.

Luffy never told anyone else about this.

In other words, when Zoro (no! Cross it out!), Nami, and Vivi were bathing in the castle fruit.

Luffy knew it all.

Naturally, the Queen of Hearts has everything in the room.

Luffy also knows everything.

"The sun rises from the west?"

The Queen of Hearts sneered.

"What kind of wind is blowing today?"

"Captain Luffy, this busy man comes to my place when you have time."

Luffy calmly drank the black tea in his hand as if he had not heard the Queen of Hearts' dissatisfaction.

"The tea is good. Queen of Hearts, do you want to try it?"

"Luffy! What do you want!"

In the confrontation between the two sides, the Queen of Hearts was quickly defeated.

Luffy: "I don't want to do anything, but Queen of Hearts, what do you want?"

The Queen of Hearts sneered: "What do I want?"

Luffy: "Yes! For example, do you want to leave here?"

The Queen of Hearts said angrily: "I don't want to!"

Luffy: "Oh, I know what you mean, Queen of Hearts."

After saying that, Luffy drank the black tea in his hand and turned around to leave the room.

Wait until Luffy opens the door.

The Queen of Hearts is anxious.

She doesn't want this anymore.

She's had enough!

A man is locked in a saltwater bathtub.

It is very likely that he will be locked up like this for the rest of his life!

Other pirate groups would definitely not do this.

A beauty like the Queen of Hearts.

There are only a few other pirate groups doing this.

Or insult.

Or kill him directly.

Or become the captain's wife.

Or just join them as a pirate.

Definitely not just locking her up.

Just enough food.

Then ignore her.

The Queen of Hearts doesn't dare to guarantee...


Would the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates do this?

This Luffy obviously has a problem with the brain circuit!

"Please wait!"

The Queen of Hearts' voice was trembling.

Seeing Luffy's hand reaching for the doorknob, he stopped.

The Queen of Hearts breathed a sigh of relief.

Luffy smiled evilly and said, "I don't know, what's going on with the Queen of Hearts?"

The Queen of Hearts said with red eyes: "I want to go out."

Luffy pretended not to hear and said, "What did you say?"

The Queen of Hearts bit her lower lip and said, "I don't want to stay here anymore, I want to go out!"

Luffy picked his ears and said, "Then beg me."

The Queen of Hearts whispered: "Captain Luffy, I beg you, let me out."

Luffy turned to look at the Queen of Hearts, looking down at her.

He smiled evilly and said: "Then Queen of Hearts, are you willing to give birth to my child?"

The Queen of Hearts blushed and nodded.

Luffy looked at the Queen of Hearts coldly and said: "I want you, oh!!!"

The Queen of Hearts' eyes were red with anger, and she wanted to cry without tears.

Finally he said in a cooing voice: "Please Captain Luffy, please let the Queen of Hearts give you a child."

Luffy laughed heartily after seeing the Queen of Hearts surrender.

"Hahahaha! Tell me, what is your real name!"

"Priscilla, my name is Priscilla, my Captain Luffy."

Luffy knew that he had the Queen of Hearts under his control.

He never dared to take the Queen of Hearts lightly.

Neither is the Queen of Hearts' ability to mash fruits.

Or the Queen of Hearts' deep scheming abilities.

Until now, Luffy had no real certainty.

Conquer this woman!

Luffy walked to the front of the seawater bathtub and fished out Priscilla, the Queen of Hearts.

As expected of a person with the ability to paste fruits, it has a unique feel.

The tentacles have a hint of coldness and a unique slimy feeling.

Priscilla, the Queen of Hearts, knows what Luffy wants to do.

She had heard it outside the door before.

Abis and MISS. Golden Week, the news of being tormented by Luffy.

Although the Queen of Hearts doesn't know either of them.

But that day I was really put off by the movement.

Priscilla shyly said to Luffy: "Please Captain Luffy, have mercy on the little girl.

Luffy was a little surprised? After all, the Queen of Hearts is the second most popular player in poker.

And Priscilla's fruit is weird.

Every time you use your full strength, you must take off your clothes first.

Put it back on afterward.

Luffy estimated that Priscilla was too weak.

Regarding the pulpy fruit, this Devil Fruit's ability is not developed enough.

That's why it has this weird side effect.

But this side effect is Priscilla's devilish figure.

Luffy doesn't believe that the Poker Pirates are not tempted.

He asked curiously: "Don't you have a man in the Poker Pirates?"

Hearing Luffy's question, the Queen of Hearts laughed at herself: "Except for Captain Big Bear King, how can any other man fall into my eyes, Priscilla?"

"And Captain Big Bear doesn't like women like me."


This was a real surprise to Luffy.

Earn it!

"Don't worry, I will be very gentle."

The Queen of Hearts breathed a sigh of relief.

It is actually not a loss to succumb to a strong man like Luffy.

And Luffy is actually quite handsome.

Just 3.2 seconds later, Priscilla, the Queen of Hearts, discovered it.

As a funny pervert captain with a brain circuit that is different from ordinary people.

Regarding the word "gentle".

It seems to have its own unique understanding.

And Luffy's Devil Fruit is really foul.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Please Luffy...Captain...stop!"

The Queen of Hearts was a little out of breath.

I can only ask for mercy first.

But Luffy ignored Priscilla, the Queen of Hearts' request.

"Rubber blaster!"


At this moment, the Queen of Hearts finally knew.

Why that day.

Priscilla, Queen of Hearts, across the thick wooden door.

I can still hear such intense sounds.

Can put Priscilla in the room.

I heard blushing.

at first.

Priscilla, the Queen of Hearts, was still in the room laughing at the two little girls Abisi and Miss Golden Week.


Now Priscilla has personally experienced the same thing with Abis and MISS. Golden Week.

Just woke up.

It's her, Priscilla, the Queen of Hearts.

I misunderstood Abis and Miss Golden Week.

It's not their responsibility at all.

But this Straw Hat Luffy is not a human being at all!!!

(MISS. Valentine agrees!)

Priscilla thought to herself: [If this continues, I will be broken!]

[I have to find a way to save myself!]

[That's right! Turn your body into paste first to avoid Captain Luffy's attack! ]

[I am so smart, Rubber Fruit is not afraid of Rubber Fruit!]

Just do it as soon as you think of it.

Soon Priscilla, the Queen of Hearts, was completely covered in paste.

The whole body flows like liquid.

Escape from Luffy.


"I didn't expect you to be quite funny, Priscilla."

"I'm starting to like you, Priscilla."

Luffy laughed.

Is it gelatinization?