
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 86 : CP9 or Zoo?

["Three-Sword Style?"]


Kaku gazed at Zoro, who still had a Sword in his mouth before him, a hint of mockery flickering in his eyes.

[Zoro was left speechless...]

["Aren't your so-called Four-Sword Style maneuvers just a form of acrobatics?"]

Saying this, the two couldn't resist engaging in direct combat.

[Suddenly, the scene was filled with the flashing of swords, with five swords dancing through the air.]

[Even amidst their attacks, Kaku occasionally unleashed Rankyaku kicks.]

[Yet, Zoro defended against each of these strikes, and the two separated only to clash once more.]

[Neither of them displayed the slightest hesitation...]

This scene thoroughly amused Dracule Mihawk, who resided at the Marine Headquarters.

"A Three-Sword Style and a Four-Sword Style... What interesting swordsmen!"

As the world's greatest swordsman, Dracule Mihawk possessed unparalleled swordsmanship.

Although he did not look down on multi-Sword techniques like others might...

One must acknowledge that, in this moment, both Kaku and Zoro appeared inferior in his eyes.

Should he personally intervene in their duel, a mere flick of his sword would suffice to end the battle, such was his absolute strength.

Yet, it must be noted!

Though the swordsmanship of these two appeared less potent at present, their fundamental skills were incredibly sound.

Particularly Zoro...

He was the individual who had drawn Mihawk's attention most, second only to Luffy, following this battle.

"Is your dream to become the world's greatest swordsman?"

"In that case..."

"I hope you mature swiftly, to the point where I can draw my sword and use you as my opponent, all the while the world's map is in play..."

[Zoro and Kaku continue their sword clash, enveloping the area with formidable sword shadows, turning their surroundings into chaos.]

[Even though the battle seemed extremely destructive, only the two combatants knew the truth.]

[This confrontation was far from its conclusion...]

Kaku sneered at Zoro.

["In that case, let me demonstrate my newly acquired abilities!"]

Indeed, he had decided to harness the Devil Fruit he had recently consumed to bolster his strength and bring this battle to a close.

[Zoro's astonished eyes witnessed Kaku's figure continuing to ascend!]

[Gradually, he stood at least seven or eight meters taller than his normal form!]

[It wasn't that his build had grown, but rather...]

[His neck had elongated, reaching all the way to the ceiling!]

[This was the power of his Devil Fruit... Zoan-type: Bison-Bison Fruit, Giraffe Form!]

Zoro couldn't help but break into a cold sweat...

It wasn't that he was afraid, but...

[This appearance was truly revolting!]

Simultaneously, in uncharted seas...


Zoro, who was casually sipping a drink while watching the live broadcast on the Merry, involuntarily sprayed upon witnessing Kaku's transformation.

The horrified expression mirrored precisely what he saw on the screen.

"I can't believe it... it's so repulsive..."

Even Luffy and Nami couldn't help but wear darkened expressions upon seeing it.

Kaku had previously looked like a master, wielding two swords and donning a black peaked cap.

Though his nose resembled Usopp's to some extent, it didn't diminish his masterly demeanor.

But as soon as he transformed... Damn, instant hilarity! And with a touch of queasiness!

That cold and dependable demeanor had completely vanished, replaced by an amusing, almost clownish appearance! Zoro's lips twitched.

"How can I possibly face such an opponent?" Usopp thought to himself, filled with fear. "Just by his appearance, I'm terrified that giraffes will haunt my dreams for months to come."

[Meanwhile, as Kaku and Zoro were locked in combat...]

On the other hand, Usopp, tiptoeing silently, prepared to snatch the key from the ground near the still-sleeping Jabra.

However, it was unfortunate...

Just as success was within reach, a rooster unexpectedly sauntered between them, letting out a loud crow that startled Jabra awake.


Upon seeing Usopp before him, Jabra squinted and immediately recognized him as the one bearing the flag.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jabra threw a punch!


Usopp was sent flying like a cannonball, crashing directly into the wall.

Fortunately, he managed to take the brunt of the impact; otherwise, that single punch might have been his end...

Without delay, Jabra used his Devil Fruit power, a sinister grin on his face.

His body began to expand rapidly, nearly tearing his clothing as he transformed into a monstrous werewolf.

Horrifying and grotesque to the extreme...

This was his ability, the Zoan-type Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model Wolf!

Looking up at Jabra, who now stood three times his height, Usopp trembled in terror.

He never anticipated that while carefully choosing a secluded path, he would encounter such a formidable and terrifying opponent!

However, little did he know that Jabra, despite being quite strong, had also chosen to rest in a remote location, hoping for some peace. He didn't expect to run into intruders like Usopp.

But since they'd crossed paths, there was only one option: to fight...


On the Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hat Pirates were on edge.

Even though they were watching from a distance, the dread they felt was palpable.

The opponent Usopp was facing turned out to be an absolute terror.

Zoan-type Devil Fruits were known for bestowing incredible power upon their users.

In close combat, they were practically unbeatable. And here was Usopp, a sniper!

Facing such an enemy was Usopp's worst nightmare. It was the last thing he wanted to encounter, and his luck had certainly run out.

As Usopp prepared to give it his all, an unexpected turn of events occurred...


The ceiling above them exploded, and two figures plummeted from above.

Look and behold, it was none other than Zoro and a... giraffe?

Usopp and Jabra were dumbfounded.

"What the heck? Where did that giraffe come from?"

"Why is he wearing a suit?"

But soon, Jabra recognized him. It was Kaku!

It turned out that the Devil Fruit power Kaku had consumed transformed him into a giraffe.

Jabra couldn't help but burst into laughter, tears streaming down his face, and he nearly rolled on the floor.

Zoro, who had fallen alongside Kaku, was equally bewildered.

Even with a giraffe on top, how could there be a wolf down below?

Was this some kind of zoo...?


Kaido examined the scene and a glint of interest sparkled in his eyes.

"Giraffe form, wolf form..."

"If they can master these two abilities, they might not be weak in the world of Zoan-types."

"Besides, they are both members of CP9, and their strength is impressive. If they were to join my Beasts Pirates, it would be a valuable addition."

As a fan of Zoan-type Devil Fruits, Kaido found himself growing fond of Kaku and Jabra.

He was well aware that they were originally part of the World Government's secret service organization.

Under normal circumstances, it would be unthinkable for them to join his pirate crew. However...

Among his subordinates, there was already one who had once belonged to CP9.

That person was none other than... Who's-Who!

As a former member of CP9, he had left the organization due to an encounter with Luffy.

He had been tasked with escorting the Gomu Gomu no Mi for the World Government, but Shanks and his crew had intercepted him and seized the Devil Fruit.

The theft of the Gomu Gomu no Mi had been a separate incident entirely.

As a result, Who's-Who's mission had failed, and he had been imprisoned. Even if he were released, he would never regain his status as a former CP9 agent. Whether he could leave prison at all was uncertain.

Upon his release, he had made a beeline for Kaido's Beasts Pirates and quickly risen through the ranks, becoming one of Kaido's most trusted subordinates.

Zoro and Kaku had fallen because they had quarreled and sliced through the floor.

As they were about to engage in combat, Kaku and Jabra, both members of CP9, found themselves arguing.

The subject of their argument? Whose transformation was uglier...

Zoro remained puzzled and now believed that CP9 might not be the secret service organization he had assumed.

He thought of it more as a zoo...

A wolf, a giraffe, and Lucci, who had the Leopard model Zoan devil fruit...

Honestly, it had been ages since he'd seen so many different animal transformations together.

To witness something like this, you'd have to visit a zoo, right?

On the other hand, Usopp was handling the situation more sensibly than Zoro.

He was now considering how to defeat the enemy, realizing that a sniper wouldn't fare well against someone with an Zoan-type Devil Fruit.

However, Zoro's unexpected arrival had changed the dynamic.

With Zoro at the forefront and himself providing remote support, their chances of victory had improved...

The battle was about to get interesting.


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