
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

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Chapter 215 : Flying Pirates!!

Revolutionary Army Headquarters!

As the sky bore witness, Luffy's newest formidable foe was unveiled in this very moment!

Shock rippled through the halls of the Revolutionary Army headquarters!

Sabo, along with the top brass including Dragon and the commanders of the five major divisions, gazed skyward with a mix of disbelief and recognition etched upon their faces.

The depths of their astonishment mirrored their understanding of the legendary status of the Flying Pirate, Golden Lion Shiki!

Never had they fathomed that a titan of the old era could cross paths with Luffy, much less engage in combat.

"How is this possible?" Sabo exclaimed, his disbelief palpable.

As a seasoned member of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo possessed intimate knowledge of pirate lore and the inner workings of the Navy, with the tales of the Golden Lion occupying a prominent place in his repertoire.

"It's been rumored that the Golden Lion was apprehended and imprisoned within the depths of Impel Down, his fate shrouded in mystery ever since," he recounted, furrowing his brows in contemplation. "His sudden reappearance, entwined with Luffy, is perplexing indeed."

Such sentiments resonated not only with Sabo but also with the commanders of the five major divisions, including Dragon himself.

For this revelation struck at the heart of a long-guarded secret of the Navy Headquarters.

The Golden Lion's brazen assault on the Navy Headquarters following Roger's demise had plunged the world into chaos, culminating in a protracted conflict that left swathes of the headquarters in ruins.

It was a global spectacle!

Yet, through the combined efforts of Garp and Sengoku, the Golden Lion was ultimately apprehended, incarcerated within the impenetrable walls of Impel Down. However, in the wake of Roger's execution, it appeared that the Golden Lion had vanished from his confines in a fit of fury.

This incident, shrouded in embarrassment, marked the first-ever escape from the depths of Impel Down.

Hence, the Navy Headquarters had meticulously concealed this debacle, ensuring that the world remained oblivious to its implications.

For so many years!

The whereabouts of the Golden Lion have remained a mystery, and the Navy Headquarters has relentlessly pursued him.

Yet, there has been silence. No news at all.

Never did I imagine!

After vanishing for so long, the Golden Lion has resurfaced!

In the Water 7!

Luffy and his crew were still reeling from the shock and triumph of defeating the formidable enemy, Bullet. Among them,

Luffy appeared content... while Zoro, Nami, Robin, and the others engaged in conversation.

But with the arrival of a new conflict, everyone's attention shifted to the sky once more, struck by astonishment. Luffy, appearing perplexed, questioned, "The Flying Pirate... Who's that? I've never heard of them?"

"Nami, Robin, do you have any idea?"

His puzzled reaction starkly contrasted with the rest!

In this moment, whether it was Robin, Nami,

Zoro, Sanji, or even Usopp and the others, they were profoundly shaken!

For they had long heard of the Golden Lion!

They were well aware of the daunting opponent they were about to confront!

"Luffy, seriously? You don't even recognize the Golden Lion?" 

"Forget Bullet, Luffy. Not knowing about the Flying Pirates is like not knowing about Roger or Whitebeard! They're among the three legendary pirates!"

"Indeed, rumors suggest he was Roger's arch-rival, causing immense trouble for both pirates and the navy!"

"He's incredibly formidable, probably far stronger than Bullet."

Robin, Nami, Usopp, and the others continued to express their awe.

Luffy, too, gained insight into the Golden Lion. He grasped the magnitude of his power and his status as a legendary pirate akin to Roger and Whitebeard.


Luffy felt exhilarated!

As if joking, scaring him was futile. It was only a matter of time before he faced such a challenge. Impossible.

Learning that his next adversary was immensely powerful and boasted a formidable background!

Luffy's excitement mirrored that which he felt when confronting Bullet!


"Who would've thought, each opponent I face is stronger than the last!"

"Only by defeating formidable foes one after another can I continue to grow."

"Until I become the Pirate King!!!"

In this moment, as the impending battle reaches its climax and Luffy's next adversary is revealed.

The entire world!

From civilians of diverse nations to the leaders of many sea forces,

They were all entranced, deeply astonished.

And at this very moment... The live broadcast commenced!

[The soaring pirate, Golden Lion Shiki, once stood among the Rocks Pirates!]

[But post the disbandment of Rocks Pirates, they formed a new crew named the Sky Pirates!]

[Endowed with the powers of the Float-Float Fruit, he commands the ability to levitate all things, himself included!]

[Thus, he earned the epithet of the Flying Pirate!]

[As a legendary figure once renowned alongside Whitebeard and Roger, he was both foe and friend to the former Pirate King Roger!]

[In pursuit of world domination, the Golden Lion recognized his sole strength was insufficient!]

[Hence, he sought to join forces with Roger, the only adversary he acknowledged, yet Roger declined, sparking a colossal war between them!]

[Sending the skies and seas into turmoil]

[Their strengths were evenly matched, engaging in a prolonged battle of unknown duration!]

[Ultimately, due to inclement weather, the Flying Pirate crew, led by Golden Lion, succumbed to turbulent waves and storms!]

[Thus, he was defeated by Roger]

[However, undeterred, he clung to his dream of world domination and relentlessly pursued it.]

[Until Roger's arrest, Golden Lion found it incredulous!]

[For he believed Roger to be the sole force capable of defeating him. How could the navy apprehend him so easily?]

[Surely the navy must have employed some scheme to preserve Roger, the only adversary it acknowledged, and uphold his pursuit of world domination!]

[Thus, he ventured alone into Navy Headquarters]


[In that battle, Golden Lion clashed with the endless navy forces stationed at Marine Headquarters!]

[Yet, he exhibited no trace of fear, showcasing his formidable combat prowess!]

[The battle was savage, its exact course shrouded in mystery.]

[All that is known is that the entire Marineford was embroiled in the conflict, and Golden Lion himself razed half of the town with his might.]

[Eventually, Garp, hailed as a naval hero, and Sengoku, serving as an admiral at the time, made simultaneous appearances!]

[After enduring another endless and terrifying battle!]

[At the expense of decimating much of the town, Golden Lion was subdued!]

[And thus, he was incarcerated in Impel Down]


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