
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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296 Chs

Chapter 198 : New Bounty!

[The rumbling sound grew louder and louder...]

[Finally, Luffy was acclaimed as the fifth Emperor of the Sea!]

[With this news breaking, the world was once again shaken to its core!]

Even in the real world, the revelation left everyone astonished. Luffy, the fifth Emperor of the Sea? 

In this moment, countless spectators were both shocked and elated!

From the inception of the live broadcast until now, they've witnessed Luffy's journey to strength.

Naturally, I too deeply admire his growth and every battle he's faced!

Unbeknownst to many, Luffy transitioned from a novice pirate to... gradually ascending to the pinnacle of the world!

Becoming the fifth Emperor of the Sea!

Not only has he garnered steadfast allies such as Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and others,

But he's even assembled a Straw Hat fleet, numbering in the thousands!

Earning a prestigious reputation worldwide!

Such a feat is exceptionally rare!

Luffy has vanquished countless formidable foes—Shichibukai, the Sky Island's God, CP9—and even stirred trouble within Yonko territories!

Each of these accomplishments alone is enough to astonish the world and humble numerous so-called strong individuals.

Yet Luffy achieved this feat single-handedly!

And not only did they return unscathed, but they also grew stronger with each trial!

Hence, all viewers found it fitting for him to be hailed as the fifth Emperor of the Sea!

Within the halls of the Navy Headquarters, joy and excitement reverberated!

The news of Luffy's ascension to the fifth Emperor of the Sea... undoubtedly delivered the greatest shock to the Navy Headquarters!

After all, they've always been the force contending with the Four Emperors.

And the Four Emperors pose the most significant obstacle to the entire navy!

Each of the Four Emperors instills fear even in the mighty Navy Headquarters.

Yet they never foresaw another Emperor rising upon the seas now.

This event is sure to shake up the maritime world once again!

What caught everyone off guard was the revelation that the so-called fifth emperor of the sea... was none other than the grandson of their esteemed Marine hero, Garp?

Sengoku stood there dumbfounded, his expression a mix of shock and bewilderment.

Once he collected his thoughts, anger flared within him as he glared at Garp.

"Do you see what your grandson has done? He's become the fifth emperor of the sea, and you show no concern?"

"Do you wish for him to follow in the footsteps of your son, becoming a grave threat to the entire Navy and even the World Government?"

In the face of Luffy's earth-shattering news, Garp didn't react with anger. Instead, a proud smile graced his lips.

Confronted by Sengoku's admonishment, he remained unfazed, meeting the gaze with an indifferent expression. "How could I control him? If I could, would he be a pirate?"

Sengoku's expression darkened at Garp's retort.

Damn, he's right, but he can't argue against it...

The Red-Haired Pirates!

"Will Luffy become one of the Emperors of the Sea?"

Shanks stood up abruptly at this revelation!

The entire crew, including Shanks himself, was taken aback by this news!

However, once the initial shock wore off, jubilant cheers erupted throughout the crew!

"That kid Luffy, always surprising us!"

"Who would've thought that the little brat from back then would grow into such a force? It's unbelievable!"

"I never imagined Luffy would become this formidable. What a pleasant surprise!"

"Hey, Captain, looks like Luffy's status is on par with yours now!"

Shanks didn't show any signs of annoyance at his crew's jests; instead, he joined in their laughter.

"Not bad at all!"

"Isn't Luffy growing up too fast?"

"In no time, he's earned the title of the fifth emperor of the sea. But that's fantastic; I'm genuinely thrilled!"

"I can't wait to meet this guy more and more. Haha..."

Shanks' hearty laughter resonated throughout the small island, lingering in the air for what felt like an eternity!

Whole Cake Island!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

At that moment, Big Mom was seething with rage!

Her eyes blazed crimson, as if she were on the brink of madness.

This struck fear into the hearts of her children and countless ministers from around the world, all dreading the possibility of Big Mom succumbing to her infamous Sirexia. If she were to lose control again, it could spell destruction for the entirety of Cake Island!

Now, with her eyes ablaze, Big Mom was ready to charge out and confront Luffy!

After all, his potential ascension to the Fifth Emperor of the Sea was a direct result of his meddling in her affairs!

It was tantamount to seeking fame at her expense, an act both intolerable and unforgivable!

For years, Big Mom had been the one manipulating others to her advantage, never allowing anyone to outmaneuver her on such a grand scale.

The more she dwelled on the chaos caused by Luffy and his crew over the cake, the more her fury intensified!

In that moment, she harbored thoughts of not only killing Luffy but obliterating the entire Straw Hat crew, reducing them to nothing but dust and ashes!

Yet, in her current state of blind fury, she had lost track of Luffy's whereabouts, leaving her to seethe impotently!

She vented her rage by pounding the ground before her with such force that it caused the entire island to tremble!

Her outburst struck terror into the hearts of the residents of Cake Island, who cowered in fear, trembling in their corners.

Simultaneously, news of Big Mom's wrath spread like wildfire, sending shockwaves through the Navy Headquarters, the Red-Haired Pirates, and all the nations along the Grand Line.

From powerful factions to ordinary civilians, the world collectively held its breath in anticipation of the aftermath...

And as if mirroring the turmoil below, the scene unfolding in the sky above continued to unfold with

[Following the cake incident, the bounties for all members of the Straw Hat Pirates were soon to be unveiled!]

The moment this announcement echoed, it seized the undivided attention of everyone present. 

After all, they were all eager to discover the bounty rankings bestowed upon Luffy and his crew after causing such a ruckus across the nations. 

Luffy, now hailed as the Fifth Emperor of the Seas, demanded a bounty that matched his stature. 

Given the enormity of the incident, where Luffy not only vanquished numerous high-ranking members of the Big Mom Pirates but also turned the entirety of Cake Island upside down, escaping unscathed from the clutches of Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors, it was inevitable that their bounties would soar to unprecedented heights. 

As anticipation reached its peak, the live broadcast from the skies began to unveil the new bounties for Luffy and his crew.

[Due to their non-involvement in the recent events, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, and Franky's bounties remain unchanged.]

[Captain: Monkey D. Luffy, bounty increased to... 1.5 billion beli!]

[Chef: Vinsmoke Sanji, bounty increased to 330 million beli!]

[Musician: Brook, bounty increased to 83 million beli!]

[Navigator: Nami, bounty increased to 66 million beli!]

[Ship Doctor: Chopper, bounty increased to... one hundred beli!]

[Helmsman: Jinbei, officially joining the Straw Hat Pirates, bounty...

438,000,000 beli!]


With the revelation of Luffy and his crew's new bounties, shockwaves reverberated throughout the entire world once again!!!


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