
One Piece: Luffy Elder Brother

One brother got to live under their grandfather, and the other lived under their father, living amongst danger, and fighting the good fight... This is the story of the Sun God

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The 5 Elders 1

"Boss!" Burst threw the door, Levi's eyes were wide as he had something huge to report.

"Your Brother is crazy, he just attacked a world noble," Levi said to which I nodded while getting up, leaving Reiju sighing as they were having a small date. I shot off...

At the moment at Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy and his crew were struggling to fight against Kuma. They threw everything at him, yet he just got up and kept attacking them like it was nothing. Zoro was badly injured from the last time he faced Kuma, leading to him almost dying in the battle a few times.

But with Copper, Franky, Chopper, Robin, Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp, and their new crew member Brook working together. they were able to defeat Kuma.

"You bastards, do you know how much creating just one of these things costs?" From a tree, a man jumped down with another Kuma following behind him. He had an annoyed look seeing the defeated Kuma, before turning back towards the straw hat crew.

Luffy gritted his teeth, his mind couldn't help but flash back to my words when I said they were not ready for the new world. Gritting his teeth, he ordered a retreat, having them all split up into groups of 3 while they ran off.

They ran, but the newcomer who called himself Sentomaru went after the Luffy group, while the new Kuma went after the Zoro group. Things were starting to look bad for them, and it only got worse when an Admiral appeared. Admiral Kizaru appeared, easily taking out Zoro. Everyone tried to save Zoro, only to find out Kizaru couldn't be touched.

Zoro would have died then, if not for the former first mate of Gol D. Roger appearing Zoro in the last seconds. This was a huge weight that got off everyone's back. While Kizaru was being held off by Dark King Rayleigh, they ran, but they still had to deal with Sentomaru and the other Kuma

They were almost defeated... almost, as the real Kuma appeared. this only got worse as he went around, with a touch, he caused everyone he touched to just disappear. be it Zoro, Franky, Sanji, and even the other Kuma, they just disappeared.

Luffy was brought to his breaking point watching them all disappear. these were his friends... no, these were his family. So, with another touch, Luffy disappeared along with the rest. It was an absolute defeat, 

"Kuma, you have a lot to explain pulling something like that off," Kizaru said with a deep frown while looking at Kuma. but his head slowly turned towards a tree branch, and his eyes narrowed seeing who was sitting on it... well, more like laying on it while watching everything.

"You..." Kizaru said drawing everyone's attention to me. I smiled slightly before I suddenly disappeared, Sentomaru's eyes widened as he fell to his knees, knocked out with a simple chop to the back of the head.

"that speed..." Kizaru said with a deep frown.

"I didn't come to fight, I came to speak with you. you and your unclear Justice..." I said with a smile, causing Kizaru's eyes to narrow...

A few hours later, I returned home with some injuries. I sighed softly, although the injuries were light as they only scratched my skin, I had to admit Kizaru laser sword was cool. I sighed while heading to Reiju who was waiting for me.

"What happened? The fact you're clothing didn't burn off shows you didn't fight all out." She said softly, to which I nodded.

"I was having some fun," I said while sitting back, but just as I sat down and explained everything, Reiju shook her head hearing what happened before speaking.

"Robin is here, i'm expecting you had something to do with that?" She asked to which I nodded lightly.

"I had spoken with Kuma to send her here," I said while looking towards the door where an unease Robin entered hearing I had returned.

"You knew?" She asked, she had been crying. during the small amount of time she had been with the straw hat, she had got to know what it felt like to be a part of a family. She knew I was there, in fact, everyone was sure I was there as Chopper had picked up my smell.

"Yeah, I could have stepped in to save you... but let's save it, Luffy isn't the type to listen when you tell him he is too weak. you have to show him. this would be a wake-up call, now he would take a step back and worry about training and not fighting... you too." I said to which Robin closed her eyes while nodding.

"go sit back and relax, Kuma is a close friend of mine. He wouldn't harm you, everyone was sent to the best possible place for them." I said to which Robin nodded lightly.

"why was there more than one Kuma?" Robin asked

"Kuma pretty much sold his body to the world government to save his daughter. What you saw is what they were able to create thanks to his body. they are called Pacifista... I forgot to get his daughter." I said while facepalming remembering who I forgot. I sighed, deciding to get her some other day. 

I sighed while I went on to show Robin to her room, where I gave her some space to herself. She thought she and everyone else were going to be erased by Kamu, the horror of watching them all disappear one by one was something she couldn't just forget...

"Whose this?" I asked while sitting before a table, writing some stuff down.

"It's me love," Boa said in a sweet voice, 

"I'm guessing this is about Luffy?" I asked to which the snail showed a shocked look for a moment, before sighing.

"Yes, Luffy wants to go to impel down to save Ace... I can't get him to change his mind." Boa said in a helpless voice,

"just let him go, help him to the best of your ability without blowing your cover," I said to which Boa looked at the snail in her hands in shock.

"but it's dangerous." She said while looking towards Luffy who was quietly listening in.

"If he knows the risk, then who am I to say anything else? he is not a kid who needs someone to hold his hands." I said calmly, to which Boa sighed while just nodding and looking at Luffy who was smiling in joy. Just moments ago, Boa was trying her best to change his mind, but seeing as it was pointless she had called me.

"Fine, but if he dies..." Boa said but I cut her off

"If he dies, it was because he was a dumbass," I said calmly, causing Luffy's smile to drop slightly.

"I have work to do, see you later," I said while hanging up. and so Luffy got his way to Impel Down, I didn't care to go over there. Instead, I went to check up on Kuma, who was currently chained up, unable to move.

"Sora, I have orders I must follow. I must return to Vegapunk, or they will come here." Kuma said emotionless while looking at me.

"You know I will not do that. you need not worry about the self-destructions, I had my man remove it when you were knocked out. If you were to leave, that last bit of free will you have would have been erased. Are you saying you want to be turned on your daughter one day without the hope of putting up a fight?" I asked causing Kuma to go quiet.

"As for if they come... well, 6 days from now, thats when they would have the manpower for such a thing. the sad thing is... well, you are the second most important thing to deal with right now after Ace. So, some might come looking. but none powerful enough to free you." I said with a smile

"Thank you... you can remove the tracker on me. although I don't know where it is." Kuma said to which I just shrugged.

"I don't care for such things. rest up, the next time you awaken would be when Bonny is here." I said making Kuma want to say no as he didn't want her to see her like this, but he was forced to go to sleep the next moment.

I went on to check everything, as Ace's execution was less than a week away... and that week went by quickly.

Next week, 3 hours before Ace's execution. In marine HQ, an army had gathered awaiting the Whitebeard pirates' attempts to come to save Ace. Ace death would be cool and all, but killing Whitebeard? that would make everything 100 times better.

With an army of 100,000 strong, plus the world lords, and the 3 admirals, they were awaiting their arrival. but before they arrived, Sengoku stepped onto the stage before the world. With everyone watching worldwide, Sengoku went on to tell the world that Ace was Gol D. Roger's son. this sent the world into chaos, as they all realized just how big of a deal Ace's death was.

What shocked the world, even more, was that Ace's mother held him in her stomach for more than 20 months to protect him. something that went against everything, but in the end she died after giving birth to Ace, and Garp took him in. Of course, the world didn't know that the world hero saved the pirate king's son, so Sengoku hid that small part.

It didn't take long for things to start happening, as the Whitebeard pirates managed to soon start making their appearance. Whitebeard being Whitebeard went on to show the world just why he was the strongest man alive.

The first move he made as soon as he arrived was to hit the air, causing the air to crack as if it were glass, causing the sea to shake. but after, Whitebeard just stood doing nothing. but the sea level did drop. this left everyone confused as to what was the point of that first move, but their answers were soon answered when the sea level began rising. as a huge tsunami was summoned.

Luckily for the Marines, they had an Iceman amongst them. Aokiji made his move, moving in and freezing the tsunami. there were two of which, and the whole island would have been swallowed, Aokiji easily did it and moved on to attack Whitebeard... just to be easily sent flying into the sea. but he acted quickly, freezing the whole sea, and locking the Whitebeard ships all in place.

With the sea frozen, the Whitebeard pirates jumped off their sea and ran into the battle, where they were met with the marines in battle. Mihawk, meanwhile, makes the first move out of the Warlords of the Sea, claiming he wants to see the difference in strength between himself and Whitebeard. He unsheathes his sword and lets out a tremendous slash that heads straight for the Moby Dick. However, before it can be hit, Jozu, the Third Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, who lives up to his title by covering himself in diamond, intercepts it.

Kizaru was the next major figure to make his move, attacking Whitebeard with a rain of countless light beams. But this was also intercepted, this time by First Division Commander Marco, It turns out that Marco has eaten a rare, mythical, Zoan Devil Fruit which grants him the ability to turn into a phoenix. He and Kizaru wage a short battle in the skies, and Kizaru is knocked to the ground but immediately recovers. 

Jozu made another move, throwing a huge piece of Ice toward the Marines. this forced Akainu to make his move.

the battle went all out, and although Hancock joined the battle, she attacked both marines and pirates. but even the pirates who were attacked by their ally ended up forgiving her as she was beautiful, as with beauty, one can get away with doing anything.

"You... you should have done what I told you," Garp said in a soft voice while looking at the battle down below. Ace didn't say anything, knowing this was all his fault, his family was fighting down below, and many of them were already kicking the bucket. Now there was Garp,

"You're not about to change your mind Garp," Sengoku said with a deep frown, to which Garp just shook his head while looking at the sky from time to time as if awaiting something... and soon his eyes landed on something falling from the sky.

everyone's eyes landed on the people falling from the sky, along with a marine ship. they were lucky as they just so happened to land where Joze had picked out the huge piece of ice, so they landed in the water, which knocked out a few, while the devil fruit users started to sink... luckily for them, there was a fish man amongst them. a former world lord of the sea, Jinbe who was also part of the Big Mom pirate crew.

Luffy upon getting up from the near-death experience of drowning, quickly looked around and his eyes soon found Ace amongst the chaos. 

"Garp! Your bloodline is at it again!" Sengoku said angrily while Garp covered his face. He could do nothing but just watch the scene that followed. Croco Mom moved to try and kill Whitebeard, just for Luffy to stop him. which annoyed Croco mom looking at his son, well, he now knew this brat was his own.

What followed was Luffy challenging the strongest man in the world, and Whitebeard of course wouldn't attack a brat, thats even more so the brother of his son, pretty much making Luffy his son, and he saw the potential within Luffy.

Luffy rushed off, quickly moving threw a bunch of the marines, while the Whitebeard pirates pushed forward. Luffy even met a few people he met not too long ago, and among them was a woman named Hana, who was one of the marines after the straw hats at Arabasta.

"Hana hates the fact you look just like him," Hana said angrily while looking at Luffy,

"Another one?!" Luffy said with a helpless cry, why were so many females hating him because of the way he looked? He quickly moved past Hana and shot off, 

"He was too fast... Hana failed." She said with a down look, before freezing while turning around, just to see someone who made her eyes widen.

"Hana is as beautiful as always," I said with a smile, causing Hana's face to turn red.

"You... Hana is now your enemy, Hana has to bring you in." Hana said weakly, to which I just pulled her into my arms.

"What can bind love? Hana your heart still beats for me, why not join me as a pirate?" I asked to which Hana shook her head, scared that she had even given such a thing a thought.

"Don't be like that, you're going to break my heart. how else can we be together if not as you following me?" I asked softly, completely ignoring the war happening around us.

"Thats true... but Hana can't be a pirate." She said while hugging me back, slight tears in her eyes.

"but is it not better for you to be a pirate to make sure I don't do evil?" I asked Hana's eyes widened as that made sense. She even ignored the shock everyone there just faced as they heard the announcement Luffy wasn't Ace's brother, but was instead related to me, and was the son of Dragon. This aimed more people towards Luffy.

"Y-you're right... Hana has to do this job." Hana said with a smile, to which I nodded lightly before we shared a deep kiss. but my attention was quickly caught by the fact Luffy was pinned down by Smoker, and it looked like no one was going to save him. 

"I will be back," I said while disappearing, appearing behind Smoker, grabbing his weapon, which he was using the pin Luffy down, and nullifying Luffy's powers. His weapon was made out of a sea prism stone, 

"You're here..." Smoker said looking at my smile with annoyance. 

"Brats, they run around and get into trouble. It leaves grown-ups to come clean things up" I said with a sigh, 

"Thanks, Sora. I owe you one!" Luffy said while getting out of Smoker's hold, and quickly running off. I grabbed Smoker's head, and electricity entered Smoker's head, erasing his memory of seeing me.

as for others seeing me, I had used electricity to make myself invisible. As for how I was doing that, I was controlling the magnetic field around me, pretty much bending light around me.