
One Piece: Luffy Elder Brother

One brother got to live under their grandfather, and the other lived under their father, living amongst danger, and fighting the good fight... This is the story of the Sun God

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


"I don't want to sound rude... but this is hard to believe." Under the sea, one would find there was an island. an island that was protected by a bubble that kept the outside water out. at that moment, I was before King Neptune.

"Understandable, but if the world does flood, can I say I have your help?" I asked to which King Neptune nodded seriously. 

"the world government has enslaved my people... their hatred towards my kind would be understandable if they fear the fact my kind would have the upper hand underwater. but they are powerful, a war between us and them, even underwater might lead to many of my people dying." He said with a sigh

Fishmen, having both humanoid and fish-like features, are completely amphibious, having both gills to breathe underwater and lungs to breathe on land. However, when underwater, their gills cannot be blocked or filled with any substance other than water, or they would not be able to breathe, similar to how a human's airways cannot be blocked or filled with water.

From birth, fishmen possess ten times the physical strength of normal humans. This disparity is magnified underwater, where a human's power is cut in half, while a Fish-man's power is doubled. So yes, the world Noble has all right to hate this race.

"Well, I should get going... I will send a fish man under my crew to come for further talk."I said to which although the King was shocked I had a fish man in his crew, he nodded while watching me fly off.

"Okay, thats the fish man... now it's time for the number one swordsman," I said while shooting off, flying towards where Mihawk was located. 

Mihawk lived on Kuraigana Island. Kuraigana Island is a dark and gloomy place somewhere in the Grand Line. It was once the home of the now-fallen Shikkearu Kingdom.

Within a castle, Mihawk sat while cleaning his blade Yoru. Mihawk wields one of the 12 Supreme Grade Blades, the "Black Blade" Yoru, as his main weapon. Yoru is a curved, single-edged black blade in the shape of a Latin cross, with a golden crossguard decorated by red cabochons, and a hilt wrapped in bandages, with a particularly big cabochon at its extremity.

He stopped cleaning his sword and looked towards the sky, where something was shooting towards him at extreme speed. He narrowed his eyes slightly, slight surprise in his eyes, but above all was the will to fight. This was a man who used to fight with Shanks, their fight was so huge that the clashes echoed all over the world. he was the number one swordsman, and that wasn't limited to the outside world.

Getting up, he put the sword on his back and headed outside. there he saw the scene of me flying over. He watched as I went on to land on the island, my eyebrow raising slightly.

"You can see far into the future," I said while looking into the future, just to see Mihawk was a step ahead of me each time. 

"What are you doing on my island?" He asked coldly, to which I smiled slightly.

"Well, I came to see if you would join me in the upcoming war with the world government. I'm sure you know better than me their plans seeing as you're part of them." I said causing Mihawk's eyes to narrow.

"It seems I was right, honestly It was a guess. I always wonder how you have a deep bond with Shanks," I said with a smile,

"I have no bonds with Shanks." He said in annoyance, honestly he would have attacked if I didn't bring up the topic of me fighting the world government. he had reasons to hate them, birth from a slave who was raped by a world noble, his mother gave him a chance to escape at the cost of her own life, but he was free. He tried to become a marine just to go back and one day save his mother, but he quickly found out that the Marines didn't care for the crimes the world nobles were doing.

But that didn't stop him as he ran to the island his mother was from. at first, his grandparents and other family members welcomed him seeing as he was the son of their daughter, but he soon was hit with the reality that they sold his mother into slavery, and they wanted to send him back. He was captured, by the marines who came to get him.

He managed to break free from the cell holding him when a pirate ship attacked the marines. from there he jumped into the sea to escape, the next time he knew it he woke up on an island, where a woman saved him. A woman who he would come to love, a woman who would go on to teach him the way of the sword... and a woman who would go on to nearly kill him because he carried the blood of a world noble.

She threw away everything about him, the only thing she saw was a world noble. This broke him, so he closed himself off from the outside world. Every friend he ever made always managed to turn their blade towards him. the only person to ever love him was his mother, and she paid the price.

Soon, the Marines found he was alive and came hunting for him. so, he vented all of his rage and hatred towards them. at the same time, he wanted to show the woman he loved that he was different, so he aimed to become the world's best swordsman. He went from the man being hunted to the hunter as marines soon started to be slaughtered by him, he even went as far as hunting them down. He went around challenging everyone, slowly walking up to be known as the strongest swordsman... yet it was all for what?

In the end when he was titled the number one swordsman, who was the first person to come challenge him to a duel to the death? the woman he loved. As a swordsman, he had to accept it, and he cut her down. but What broke him, even more, was her dying words, her apologizing to him. Apologizing to him that she couldn't love him in this life, and how she was sorry she couldn't overlook that blood running through him. Her last words were on how maybe in the next life if they meet, she wished to leave her hatred of the world noble behind... and yes, she was a former slave.

He was one of the strongest people in the world, with his current strength he could have saved his mother, but she had long died. hunt the Marines? he lost motivation for that and only did that in his free time. back then, his Rival Shanks was someone whom he challenged for a good fight as that made him feel alive again... but Shanks wasn't his match after losing his arm. Shanks was still strong, he wasn't the same swordsman after losing his arm.

Now he lived alone on an island, waiting for the day a worthy swordsman would come knocking on his door and defeat him. He was suffering from success, 

"Sure, but I'm about to start a war like none other. Do I have the strongest swordsman on my side?" I asked making Mihawk's eyes narrow.

"Why would I fight?" He asked to which I sighed for a moment while giving him a paper, but Mihawk didn't need to see the paper, this was a man whose Observation Haki was far sharper than mine. I might have the greater range, but Mihawk Observation Haki was sharpened to sense the rhythm of all things.

"... I see. This is what Shanks was trying to say," Mihawk said putting the pieces together in his head. He sighed for a moment before he looked at me.

"You need not worry about our side, I have Kaido and Big Mom under my crew," I said to which Mihawk nodded lightly. although he had never fought those two, he understood their strength. Coming to fame, he had no interest in fighting non-Swordsman, Kaido and Big Mom were two he never got the chance to clash with. That was even more so when someone like Shanks, and other swordsmen were out there.

"If you want to fight, I have no interest in fighting on my home," Mihawk said to which I smiled seeing he saw through me. Someone with better Haki than me, I wanted to fight him, so I offered to go elsewhere, to which Mihawk nodded calmly.

That day, the whole grand line was shaken at the fact that Mihawk showed the world once more why he was called the number one swordsman. the sea was cut for as far as one could see. In a battle that lasted a few hours, earthquakes shook the grand line non-stop... and in the end, the world was shocked to see Mihawk lost.

"What happened to you?" On Sky Island, Shiki's eyes almost fell out seeing me entering while holding my cut-off hand in my mouth. I was covered in injuries from head to toe, with cuts that reached the bone. The most deadly one was one that ran down my face and to my neck.

"I just fought Mihawk," I said calmly while going to sit on my throne. taking my arm from my mouth, I placed it back at the spot where it was cut off. I closed my eyes and slowly used lightning and solar energy to heal myself.

"Oh... you didn't use armament and Observation Haki killing?" Shiki asked in shock, to which I nodded lightly. Shiki shook his head at this. what did it mean to be the number one swordsman? it meant that you had trained your Observation Haki to a level where your sword could cut anything, be it steel, diamond, or even someone like Kaido.

Mihawk was called Hawk Eye. This is because of his sharp senses, even without using Observation Haki, Mihawk's senses were unmatched as he could easily cut steel. with Observation Haki, Mihawk could even cut an atom. So yes, I found my arm cut off like it was butter at the start of the battle.

to counter that, I needed to use Observation Haki killing or boost my durability with armament Haki. But I didn't, I used only my solar power and lightning to fight him while putting all of my attention into Observation Haki to get the same quality as Mihawk. 

I was able to match Mihawk's level of Observation Haki after a few hours of fighting. It was a nice battle, it's been a long time since I felt like someone could kill me. my durability was above the like of Kaido, even if Kaido used armament haki to boost his durability, it would not match mine.

"Any news of late?" I asked with a yawn as all of my injuries disappeared, leaving behind not even a hint of a scar.

"Your little brother was here, the woman known as Robin wanted to see you but you were not here or answering your phone snail... which you left behind," Shiki said with some annoyance. 

"I was busy. Did they get what they wanted?" I asked lazily.

"Yes... but is it wise to let such talents go all to your brother? the girl named Nami is skilled at navigating, and I'm still not sure why you didn't take in Robin." Shiki said to which I just sighed.

"I'm too lazy to explain... well, get ready, you and I will go declare war on this world in a month or so," I said to which Shiki's smile grew, years' worth of work, research, and waiting... but now the world was about to shake.

"... But I'm sure you not planning on just letting anyone sit upon that throne right?" Shiki asked to which I smiled.

"At first I had no interest in such things, but with all of the work I put into this nonsense... if in the end it's not worth it. well, I will personally destroy the world," I said softly, to which Shiki laughed thinking it was a joke.

In the end, I sighed seeing as there was nothing to do, I just told Shiki to send Jack from the beast pirates to Fishman Island to speak with the king there, and also a female to Amazon Lily. after, I left and went to see Reiju. She wasn't on Sky Island, even heaven would look normal after staying there for long enough. 

"I thought you forgot about me," Reiju said while reading a book,

"didn't we just meet a few days back," I asked with a roll of my eyes, wasn't it this woman who had told me to take Yamato out on a date?

"Yeah, then I heard about this gut feeling thing." She said while looking away from the book to look at me.

"I thought you said the girl you would most likely like was Boa Hancock?" She asked to which I nodded while taking a seat.

"But I didn't spend all my time building a bond with you just to forget about you," I said with a yawn while resting my head on her lap, Reiju wanted to show she was upset with me, but she sighed while running her hair through my head. After a moment, her head lowered as she kissed me, which led to a night of pleasure...

On Amazon Lily, Gloriosa had a deep frown while looking at Hancock whose face was red. Hancock was trying to keep a strong look, but as someone who once fell under the effect of Love Sickness, Gloriosa could see Hancock was sick.

"Are you thinking about that boy?" She asked with a deep frown while looking at Hancock who was playing with a piece of paper. Hearing her voice, Hancock was annoyed, 

"the symptoms are showing, this means you have yet to fully fall in love with him." She said softly, Hancock only had something like a small crush at the moment. but over time, the deeper she thought of that boy, the bigger this crush would grow. so Gloriosa was worried.

"Princess, a pirate from the big mom pirates has arrived, saying she is here on Sora's behalf." a woman ran in before Hancock could do anything, stunning Hancock. Hancock quickly got up and went to see this woman, who happened to be Charlotte Smoothie, and a few of her sisters.

Charlotte Smoothie was tall, a shocking 15'3. She stepped on the island while looking at Boa Hancock, who had come, but seeing as someone wasn't there, she lost all interest and left the talk to someone else... but this event only made her sickness worse. Honestly, if she was thinking straight, she would have known he wouldn't be here.

Gloriosa took over the talk, and she was almost in tears hearing how the kingdom would be supported in many things, from resources, and other such things. of course, there were many turms but she happily accepted it...

After the hour-long talk, and once Charlotte Smoothie left, Gloriosa returned just to find Hancock in bed, the sickness causing a high fever. She panicked seeing as the illness had grown worse. how could she fall in love with someone who had barely been on the island for a little more than a dozen minutes? but those few minutes did impact Hancock to the core, freeing her and her sisters from the chains binding them. She gritted her teeth before she went on to make a call...

At water 7, Sanji looked at the paper that Robin left Chopper before she disappeared. With a cigarette in his mouth, Sanji made the call.

"Who the hell is calling." With a yawn, I lazily answered the call.

"Sora... right?" Sanji asked catching me off guard, I thought for a moment, before realizing CP-0 most likely had gotten to Robin and she left my number with them.

"What do you want Judge Boy?" I asked causing the 3 boys in front of me to raise an eyebrow

"Is that Sanji? That trash is still alive?" They asked with disdain hearing their little brother was still alive. Instantly, Sanji went quiet on the other end, he was unable to breathe for a moment hearing those voices which brought back the torture he went through as a kid.

"Did I allow you to speak?" the air went still as I glared at the 3, normally they were lifeforms that felt no fear, but as my conqueror Haki spread out, destroying everything around them, they went quiet out of fear.

"Did you forget your places? To have the nerves to speak over my call." I said coldly, causing the 3 to have sweat cover their forehead. they fell to their knees, unable to say or do anything. I did not take disrespect lightly, I would have killed them if not for them being Judged's kids.

"Sir Sora, please forgive my boys. they didn't mean no harm." Judge said with fear in his eyes,

"Leave my sight," I said coldly, to which they all left, not daring to stay back. Once they left, I turned towards the snail in my hands, which I made sure didn't suffer under my conqueror Haki which leaked out.

"What do you want, as you can see, i'm busy," I said coldly.

"... Robin disappeared, and only left this paper behind to Chopper," Sanji said softly, to which I sighed in annoyance 

"I only told her to call me if it looks like things are hopeless. If you and her didn't even put up a fight, then don't bother calling me. Sit still and accept death. I have no time to waste on those who accept their fate." I said while hanging up. 

"It's not..." Sanji yelled, but as the snail showed that the other party hung up, he slammed his arm on the wall behind him, sending cracks up it. He gritted his teeth, and quickly called me back, just to find out I wasn't picking up. Sanji trusted Robin, and she wouldn't have done this for no reason, but seeing as I wasn't picking up, he gave up on me.

"I swear if this is Sanji," I said coldly. I had no interest in saving someone who had no will to fight back. If Robin did just give up, then she could go and die. Even after the talk we had, the most she could do was give the raccoon dog a paper?

"No, this is Gloriosa." the other side of the snail said quickly

"Did the talk not go well? Or did Hancock get sick?" I asked calmly, I knew how big my actions would have on Hancock, but I also didn't think she would have fallen in love with me just like that. But then again, her people seem to fall in love quicker and harder compared to others.

"The fact you can guess it means you expected as much." She asked to which I just shook my head

"the fact you're calling me tells me as much. I'm sure she wouldn't have given you that paper." Gloriosa's pupils rank as she turns to see me standing behind her while talking.

"I can move at the speed of light. reaching this place in less than a second is easy work for me." I said calmly while walking over to Hancock.

"you being here would only make things worse," Gloriosa said only to sigh at her words. She knew if I didn't come Hancock would most likely die, but if I came, then Hancock's love towards me would only grow.

"I will take her off the island. I will bring her back when she is alright." I said while waking Boa up. As Boa's eyes opened, they landed on me with a lost look.

"You're here..." She said softly,

"I heard you fell under Love Sickness. I came to take you away until you're okay." I said with a smile, stunning Boa whose face turned red at my words...