
One Piece: Luffy Elder Brother

One brother got to live under their grandfather, and the other lived under their father, living amongst danger, and fighting the good fight... This is the story of the Sun God

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


"You're up bright and early." The next morning, Makino woke up to see me carrying some logs to her house. I nodded lightly at her,

"I saw you were running low out of firewood..." I said lightly, making Makino laugh lightly as I was the one who used up the firewood from last night's attempt to cook. 

"Well, I will head off to go see my dad and tell him all about being a Marine," I said softly, stunning Makino who had never seen Luffy's dad, so she was stunned hearing about this. but as I dodged the subject about him, she realized he wasn't a simple topic as well.

Well, I went on to head over to see Dragon. his ship was still near the island, using my physical capability, I jumped the large distance between land and the ship, something which caught my father's attention, before he went on to summon wind which helped me land lightly on the ship.

"There you are, I thought I wouldn't ever see you again." a man/woman with a large head and a hood that struggled to cover her head said while appearing next to my side. This was Emporio Ivankov. Emporio Ivankov, or Iva for short, is the "Queen" of the Kamabakka Kingdom, known as the "Okama King" and a "Miracle Person". He is one of the Revolutionary Army's founding members, as well as the commander of the G Army, which covers the Grand Line.

It was unclear if he used to be a boy who became a female, or a female that became a male. I honestly didn't care for which one. 

"I realized what I wanted to do with my life... I might need your help for this one." I said softly, making Dragon's eyes narrow slightly at my words, he was happy. but he wasn't the type to smile.

"I'm planning to be a marine," I said causing the ship to go quiet as everyone went quiet, looking at me as if they couldn't believe what they heard. the son of their commander was talking about joining their enemy.

"With my skills and capability, I can easily become a high-ranking Marine... plus, i'm sure I can do more good that way. I will of course join you when the day i'm needed." I said softly, to which Dragon's eyes narrowed deeper.

"What is the real reason?" Dragon asked to which I sighed.

"High-ranking marines have personal chefs," I said making Dragon rub his head in annoyance. Everyone else was speechless at this, but it was the truth.

"it either that I become a pirate and get crew mates, which sounds like a pain... or I become a high-ranking marine who can travel the world," I said lightly, making Dragon sigh softly, he thought for some time before speaking.

"Then you're not allowed to kill a celestial dragon," Dragon said, making me frown slightly... I didn't like being told what to do, thats even more so when it's something I believed I would do.

"You can't kill them just yet... in fact, you can't kill a marine. either you agree, or you're not going." Dragon said while everyone looked at me, who was clearly in deep thought about the matter.

"Only if they don't bug me," I said coldly, Ivo and Dragon sighed at my words. how could they not know me when they have been watching over me for the past 18 years?

"... you will be with your grandfather, not my problem," Dragon said making me frown... I didn't like Garp, that guy was too strong and didn't think twice about throwing some punches, be it when he was happy or sad. his tough love is all thrown through his fists.

Sighing, I left the ship. jumping off it, and leaving the ship rocking back and forth. With a few more jumps, I landed near the village and went on to head to the bar where I ordered a few drinks while speaking with a few of the villagers, hearing all types of stories...

"Your village is peaceful... but it's too small," I said lightly while getting out of a shower and while in boxers. Makino's face turned red seeing my body which was wet at the moment. seeing this, I smirked slightly while drying my hair, although I could have just increased my body heat to dry myself up.

"G-go get dressed," Makino said lightly, to which I rolled my eyes.

"You're cute when blushing... it's a shame you avoid eye contact." I said lightly. while walking over to her. She lowered her head, unable to look up and look me in the eyes.

"I will be straightforward... I like you. I want to make you mine." I said softly, while gently lifting her head, to look at her. I pulled her close to me, causing Makino's hands to rest on my chest, but this caused her to be distracted by how hard my muscles were.

"you can touch them all you want," I said with a smile seeing how Makino was feeling my muscles without even noticing. This was a bit funny to me, and it was like something out of a movie. but a good physique does do wonder. this caused me to remember a scene from a movie called Captain America: The First Avenger. there was a scene where the female lead reached out to touch the male lead when he was shirtless, it was all subconscious and wasn't in the script, that was what just happened with Makino.

"N-no, it's not like that," Makino said in embarrassment realizing what she just did, all she wanted was to bury herself in some hole. 

"Oh? What was it?" I asked softly, making Makino's face bright red at a loss for words. but seeing my smile, Makino realized I was teasing her, which caused her to hide her embarrassment with a look of rage.

"Oh, even when you're angry you're cute. At this rate, I would have to marry you." I said with a smile, making the words Makino was about to say disappear. I looked at her wronged look, before patting her head.

"i'm teasing you... but my words are true." I said while letting her go, Makino was quiet, not knowing what to say to my words. But seeing me walking off to my room, she felt weird, this was the first time anyone was hitting on her like this... and someone handsome, strong, and charming was speaking to you like I was... well, it had an impact. that impact was even more so for someone who lived all their life on a small island, what village girl who was in her early late teens not be moved by such things?

Makino was such a person, and she was having a hard time accepting just how small her world was compared to the outside world. She was starting to feel... caged. 2 days since she met Luffy's elder brother, and she felt herself being charmed... and she didn't think it was a bad thing...

So, was it shocking when the next day, when I kissed her, she kissed back, leading to us falling in bed? it was a wild night where we both lost our first time, I was happy to release 18 years of pent-up energy, thanks to Sunshine, my pride wouldn't allow me to use my hands, so I was happy to unleash these long years' worth of stress finally... but I found out my sex skills were not normal.

It was odd, my kiss had a unique effect that made Makino's mind blank, I felt like I could have taken a step further, and made her forget. was this not Superman's ability?

But what was odder was when I sent my dragon into the golden gates. it was like my energy was focused there, leading to some effect like duel cultivation where Makino found herself in great pleasure, but that was just the side effect of my energy entering her... I didn't know what to think about this.

The fact if I'm captured and chained up could lead a group of powerful females being born didn't sit right with me. I also didn't like the fact I felt like a tool, I also hated the fact I couldn't control it. so long as my dragon was within that cave, it's like my energy is just sucked out, hopefully, there is a way around this.

What annoyed me most was Makino gained the same improvement I got from absorbing solar energy, without the drawback of the risk of her getting sun cancer. although I realized she could get fat if the energy she absorbed from me wasn't broken down fast enough, so it would be converted into fat.

to say the least, to come to such an understanding, a lot of rounds were held until Makino was begging for mercy, which called it a night. Makino fell asleep almost instantly, while I stayed up all night, lost in thought about the discovery of my ability.

I used to think my ability was some weird fusion of Sunshine and Superman's ability. but I what was this new touch? if I was like Superman, why didn't I have freeze breath or something like flight? then again, Smallville Superman only gained the power to fly towards the end of Smallville.

But I only had Superman's power to absorb solar energy, and that was all. Sunshine was more understanding, it made me arrogant, although my father helped me rain that arrogance down by humbling me.

Makino was out cold and woke up later than normal the next day. upon waking up, and finding herself sleeping in my arms, her face turned red remembering the late night of passion.

"Sorry about last night... I lost myself in my first time." I said softly, making Makino blush lightly. 

"Do you feel off? Your body did absorb my energy, try seeing if you're stronger." I said confusing Makino slightly. She didn't know what I meant, but she still tried and picked up something heavy around the house, and to her shock, she picked it up with one hand and not much difficulty 

"You were using up a lot of energy while having sex, leaving room for you to absorb more of my energy. I wonder how big of an improvement you got." I said lightly, leaving Makino also curious about the subject. She went on to try out many things, and she found herself to have the strength of a well-trained man. but she was a simple girl who never trained in her life, 

"This is great..." Makino said with bright eyes, of course, she was happy having such great strength, without the drawback of her physique growing a ton of muscles. I didn't say anything, just lost in the idea of how I was born, but in the end, I gave up on such pointless thoughts, while Makino headed to open the bar.

Time was peaceful, nothing troublesome came. no one dared to bother this village thanks to the fact a celestial dragon was currently on the island. everyone was on their best behavior, after all, thats why Dragon and I came here. Celestial Dragons could pretty much do whatever they wanted, if they wanted this whole island destroyed, then it would be done by the next day.

Dragon spent his time looking over the island with his Haki, I could sense how most of the time his Haki was on Luffy, and other times on me... by the way, I did learn Haki, but the quality of my observation Haki was unique. this is because I trained myself to sense inside my body, seeing every bit of cell as it absorbed solar energy. So, my Haki saw things far more clearly than others.

Dragon Observation Haki also improved this way as he was always checking my body to ensure my cells were alright. but his Haki was stronger than mine, allowing him to scan a whole island, with far greater quality than many others.

of course, the wider out you spread your Haki, the less detail it would pick up. everything would come back to you like a blur. and of course, Dragon wasn't keeping his Haki up all of the time, that would drain his meant energy... but from looking from time to time, Dragon did end up saving a kid the next day whose ship was destroyed by a celestial dragon.

Anyway, the week passed smoothly. I got to explore more of my powers with Makino, who was more than happy to explore them with me. but on the 7th day when my father left, a Marine ship came to pick me up, and I headed off towards Marine HQ... of course, with my strength and background, I would skip many things.

Although I had to leave the ship a few days when it was Noon, nothing too great happened, a smooth ride to HQ, where I stepped off the ship to meet an old man who was busy eating while glaring at me grumpily.

"What? Need a picture?" I asked with a sneer, making veins grow on Garp's forehead, as his hands tightened into a fist, followed by him covering it with Haki, I too covered my fist with Haki while we both glared at each other.

"That's it. That foolish son raised an arrogant spoiled brat. You will be on cleaning duty until I say so." Garp yelled angrily, 

"Keep dreaming old man, just because you can't use the bathroom on your own doesn't mean I will help you out. tell your son... oh wait, you can't." I said with a sneer, Garp looked at me his eyes narrowed dangerously. what was his greatest failure? the fact he allowed his oldest grandson to grow up to be such an arrogant brat, so he had to fix this... and what was the best way to fix it?

30 minutes later, within the Fleet Admiral office. Songoku, the current Fleet Admiral was looking outside his window towards the damage that was caused by a battle. from shock waves to things that were burnt to ashes, he was taking it all in.

"Tell me, where you thought it was a good idea to fight here?" Songoku said while turning to glare at Garp who was lazily eating some rice crackers. This only enraged Songoku who glared towards the person next to Garp who had a lot of bumps on his head, clearly something hard had hit this person... oh wait, that was me.

"And you want to be a marine with such an attitude? let's not forget who your father is." Songoku said to which I just rolled my eyes.

"Am I a marine or not? the last I checked, he was the one to throw the first punch, I simply acted in self-defense. are you saying I should have fought back with love and care?" I asked with a sneer, making Songoku's eyes twitch madly.

"Calm down old man, at the rate things are going, tomorrow I would be asking your ghost if I'm a Marine. didn't you eat some type of Buddha fruit? isn't Buddha all about being calm?" I said seeing the old man's face turning bright red in rage, but my words almost made Songoku throw his table at me.

"Calm Down! Do you know how big of a risk i'm just doing letting you become a Marine? I hear it's because you would have personal chefs. Tell me why I shouldn't have you arrested right now." Songoku yelled angrily, his Conquer Haki spread out, pressing hard upon me.

"You just said you're letting me become a marine... well, I will go catch pirates and rank up or whatever. I would send you a letter telling you the type of ship I want." I said while getting up and leaving the office, Garp couldn't keep it in any longer and burst out laughing seeing Songoku who was about to die of anger, but this only caused Songoku to glare at Garp, causing Garp's laugh to grow louder.

It was then Songoku realized something, Garp was a pain, and that grandson of his was a bigger pain. That brat might be the death of him... seeing as that brat knew how to bug Garp, a normally carefree man... well, why not put him under Garp and have Garp take responsibility for anything that happens?

"He would be your responsibility, I will be putting him under your wing," Songoku said causing Garp's laughs to disappear, replaced with a frown.