
One Piece: Luffy Elder Brother

One brother got to live under their grandfather, and the other lived under their father, living amongst danger, and fighting the good fight... This is the story of the Sun God

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


"You seem oddly quiet..." Ruiju said weakly while looking at me as I lay on the bed, lost in deep thought.

"Thats because I can't tell if I loved you more or sex more, it's even," I said calmly while sitting up to look at her stunned look. I looked at her slightly, before sighing

"So, after having sex. Can you tell me that you can marry knowing that the sex life would be trouble? The feeling of knowing you can never be satisfied." I asked calmly, Ruiju was quiet for some time before she spoke.

"It depends. If my love for you outweighs anything, then I can endure my lust. If not, then its best things end... but at the same time, I can see why some endure marrying someone they don't love for pleasure if its that good... in the end, I can see both sides." Ruiju said softly, making me look at her slightly, before smiling.

"So, how about you become my girlfriend? If things work out, then we can marry... if not, then sex friends." I said to which Ruiju slowly nodded with a faint blush. 

Modified Humans are humans who have been biologically modified through genetic enhancements to have enhanced physical traits. Modified humans are humans whose Lineage Factor has been manipulated, usually at the embryonic stage. By manipulating this "blueprint of life", the growth of the life form in question can be changed accordingly.

Vinsmoke Judge engineered his four sons to possess superhuman traits, by applying the procedure to them during their fetus stage, against the wishes of his wife, Vinsmoke Sora. By doing so, he ensured they would develop a secondary, hardened skeleton known as an Exoskeleton, as well as other physical enhancements.

However, while Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji all adapted to their father's engineering, Sanji did not gain any of the genetic enhancements due to their mother taking a powerful drug intended to negate the surgery's effects. The drug rendered Sanji alone a "normal human" at birth.

Reiju, although not born alongside her four brothers, was also modified by her father to possess such enhancements, but rather than being born without emotions, she was modified to prevent her from directly disobeying Judge.

of course, I fucked the modification out of her... well, more like sending my solar energy through her body to erase the modification. but since it was done through sex, I pretty much did fuck it out of her.

So, time passed. Time which I spent either training, relaxing, or together with Reiju, which led many women to start hating Reiju to the bone. But I ignored them all. Ace became a pirate not too long ago and created The Spade Pirates, I was too lazy to go see him... well, that was until a few months later when he found himself in Wano and was fighting Yamato.

In the anime, they were equal when they fought. but now? well, Yamato was stronger and Ace was going to be defeated until I popped up and caught Yamato's weapon, which was about to hit Ace.

"What the!? Sora, what the hell?" Yamato asked seeing me just appear, Ace was about to be hit and was also stunned seeing me. He looked at me as if seeing a ghost.

"He is like my little brother or something... So, no killing him. Plus, he is here to kill Kaido, and you want Kaido dead... so why are you two even fighting?" I asked with a clear look of annoyance 

"He was going around rampaging and stuff, I hate my old man. but he attacked when he wasn't here and is causing pointless damage." Yamato said stunned while looking at me and back at Ace, Sighing, I turned to leave.

"Wait! You're just going to leave?" Ace asked, to which I just blankly looked at him, a look of disdain clear on my face.

"Why? A man who doesn't even know if he should live or not, why should I speak to you? Fix your daddy's problem first, Roger was a shitty father, but he died fixing a mistake he made in the past." I said calmly, causing Ace's face to drop at the thought of his father,

"What do you mean?" Ace asked with a slightly cold frown,

"Garp became known as a Hero because he and Roger teamed up to defeat Rocks. Roger only found out that was a mistake as Rocks might have been the only man capable of defeating the world nobles. His dying words were for 2 reasons. the first was to send people out to sea as the world noble would soon flood the world. and second, motivate people to search for the One piece. Roger didn't leave it behind, he just found it." I said calmly, stunning Ace and Yamato

"Plus, Roger turned himself in because he was dying. You are hating a man you never met, just because people say he was evil? The truth of the matter, he had more important things to worry about than his son. saving the world and trying to set Joy Boy out to sea is far more important than playing a happy family." I said leaving Ace gritting his teeth at that last part, as it didn't need to be said.

"... wait, his father is Roger? Oden joined Roger's crew to help him find the one piece. Oden also wanted to open Wano to help Joy Boy... wait, you know something." Yamato said while looking at Ace and back towards me.

"Are things not clear? Zunesha is over 20 miles tall, Wano is nearly impossible to flood and go into the sky and you would find an island in the clouds. the Grand Line is about 20 miles tall as well. all of these places have something to do with Joy Boy, adding the fact that world nobles all have on suits built to allow them to breathe air even underwater, plus their hatred towards sea man... well, is it not clear?" I asked calmly,

"There are also the many underground cities, built to survive floods. Roger's last words started the great Pirate era, pretty much getting the world used to the idea of living on the sea... although these troubles could have been avoided if he and Garps let Rocks just stormed the world nobles." I said calmly while turning to leave

"leave before Kaido returns. You're not his match." I said calmly while disappearing. Ace stood there with a complex look, Yamato hesitated for a moment, before reaching into her breast and pulling out a book.

"This was left behind by Oden, he noted his adventure with Whitebeard before he joined Roger... you can read it, but you must return it," Yamato said softly, stunning Ace who didn't know if he should take the book or not...

I returned back to my island, where I sat back... what? was I cruel to Ace? I thought I was nice. I had a hard time coming off as gentle to people, so it wasn't my fault if he was too soft.

Ace didn't stay in Wano to fight Kaido, he instead promised to return one day to help Yamato and free Wano. It didn't take long for him to make waves at sea as he defeated a world lord and even caught the attention of Whitebeard who went on to have him join his crew...

"It should be about this time Kuma loses his humanity..." I said while putting the newspaper which held the news of the War Lord's defeat. After Ace defeated this warlord, a new one would have to take his place. that would be Kuma, who would have given up everything for his daughter. I still didn't have a way to help Kuma,

"How is the research going?" I asked calmly while the newspaper in my hands turned to dust.

"well, things are going perfectly. the animals we had raised and gathered would all be powerful, if given a bounty they would have a bounty in the millions. I say at least 100 million, we only have 900 of such animals, but once they start having offspring, we should have about 10,000 by the end of the year." Levi said calmly,

The animals that were mutated grew at an extreme speed before suddenly slowing down at their peak of health. at the same time, they had a high reproduction rate, at the cost of them only being able to live for about 10 or so years. but they were powerful and had the wisdom to learn even Haki which was being taught to them.

"Clone research is also growing smoothly. we can clone those animals and even humans. However depending on how strong the original is, would determine how long we have to wait for the clone to reach the original strength. They are working on having at least 100,000 clones by the end of the year," Levi continued 

"the human modification is also going smoothly, as many humans have become powerful fighters. Although we only have 1,000 such fighters, they are all capable of fighting those with a bounty of around 400 million or so." 

"Lastly, the Artificial Zoan devil fruit had made great improvement. we have improved the chances of one becoming a gifter. at first, it was 10%, now it's at 25%. there are currently 100 of such people who were lucky enough to become a gifter." Levi said to which I nodded lightly,

With Big Mom, Kaido, and Shiki working together, this is what was created. sure the 3 were stupid, but those under them were anything but stupid. 

"Lastly the androids, we are currently set to have about an army of 500,000 androids in 5 years. We just need the parts, so we need to have more land to mine if we wish to keep this out of the world government's eyes." Levi said, to which I just shrugged

"our money should be saved for the bounty system we will set up soon, so for now, doing this in secret is for the best. Have the androids that are already built do the mining to save money," I said calmly, to which Levi nodded

"How is the search for the two devil fruits coming?" I asked to which Levi shook his head.

"We found many devil fruits, but those two devil fruits are most likely with the world nobles, or somewhere we can't reach. There are many devil fruits we try to get, such as the Rumble-Rumble Fruit which is one of the strongest Logia devil fruits, but it's nowhere to be found." Levi said with a sigh,

"It's not so wise to have a crew full of devil fruit users. there is a reason why no one on Shanks crew has them." I said softly while thinking about the Rumble-Rumble Fruit. I knew where it was... the question was should I go capture the person who ate it, kill him, and have the fruit reform near a fruit of mine and eat it? I didn't care for the power of lightning, what I did care was for the boost my senses would have.