
I Against The World IX


Chapter 190: I Against The World IX


The seriousness on Luffy's face told him all he needed to know... He saw Shanks' head, "Very well, let's start."

Just as Yovan sought to move, he saw something quite interesting in the future, and he allowed it to happen as part of his body exploded, unable to contain what appeared within.

Im literally spurted from his body, surprising him a little bit. It seems that she has a teleportation ability similar to that of his own. While he can teleport to feathers, she can teleport to water.

So she used the water in his body as a gateway to destroy him inside out before sliding her saber through his heart, holding him in place to allow the attacking Luffy to get a clean hit.

Now imagine Im's surprise once she was sent flying by the punch, and so did Yovan as Luffy attacked them both.

Yovan scattered into a bunch of feathers, appearing not far away with a smile of amusement as he eyed Luffy, then Im whose face wasn't looking so good.

"I don't need your help," Luffy stated, infinite anger seemingly held down within him, "Both of you don't deserve to... Gear 4!!" He seems to know a little about Im? Which is why doesn't trust her at all.

So he strangely bit on his forearm as he coated his entire arm in Armament Hakim, resulting in quite the strange scene.

He blew an incredible amount of air into his body, resulting in the inflation of his muscular structure before distributing the air throughout his body, with emphasis on his upper half.

The form named as Gear 4, seems to make extensive usage of his Busoshoku Haki by coating his arms, legs, and much of his torso in it to the point that they turn black from hardening.

The Haki coating across his body resembles the wispy ends made from flames, giving it the appearance of tattoos, and he gained shading around the inner and outer edges of his eyes.

He also grew significantly taller, standing around 4 meters tall, continuously emitting steam in this form, quite fitting considering his anger.

Shanks seemed to have been very dear to him, which is why he waited no a moment longer before attacking, basically flashing toward Yovan with a speed akin to teleportation.

It was still short of true teleportation, however, and Yovan showed him that as he vanished, teleporting without the need for feathers, the move he use back before losing it.

And now that he has his reason back, he used it again, although it's a bit more complicated than simple teleportation, as to a certain extent, it does need his feathers, just not in the present.

Indeed, the place he teleported to, while there was no feather in it at the moment, there will be in the future, and he used that feather in the future to appear there.

And while that can't allow him to travel through time, it was enough to allow instant teleportation as he appeared right above Luffy, infusing a punch of his own with not only Haki but also the heat of the sun.

The punch hit, planting Luffy deep in the ground which he seemingly treated as air, spinning around to release a punch while deep in the ground, his arm stretching so far for his punch to reach Yovan.

The timing of the punch was perfect as Im appeared to interfere, trying to keep Yovan occupied, using her own teleportation method to again beak Yovan inside out, although she strangely never targeted his weakness, his brain.

Im knows that Yovan will rarely care about the harm that comes to his body unless it's his weakness, in which case, he will certainly act.

Now, however, he not only allow himself to be harmed, he even smiled as his wings enveloped himself and Im, "Well, let there be hell, I guess?"

Oh, hell there was, an instant hell, almost as if he created a blazing domain miles around him, even the sky turning red.

With him as the center, a golden wave spread about, a wave so hot even the ground was melting. Seconds were all it took for the surroundings to literally turn into a hellhole.

Even the air was burning, and most importantly, not a speck of water was left in the surroundings, not even the small unseen particles in the air which Im should be able to teleport through... No more.

Even Yovan was burning, turning into a mix of ink and golden flames, and Im was nowhere to be seen. She reacted fast enough to escape, although Yovan can still sense her not too far away.

So Yovan turned his attention to the one who didn't escape, whose entire body was infused with Haki, protecting him from the heat, heat even he wouldn't be able to survive.

Luffy rose from the hole in the ground, his body steaming like never before as if he was being cooked alive, holding his breath for there was no oxygen to breathe around.

"Hhahaha, not bad," Yovan said as he floated to the melting ground, standing eye to eye with Luffy.

"Why?" Luffy asked, his eyes speaking of anger and regret. He was too late, and to be fair to him, things happened too fast, so the Starwhats simply couldn't react fast enough, and ended up late to the party.

And in the end, all Luffy found were bodies, dead bodies everywhere, and the wreckage of the Red Line, destruction as far as he could see.

He could only hold back his tears and leave behind his greatest treasure, the straw hat. He returned it to who it belongs, albeit too late. When he arrived, shanks was... Only a cold dead head.

"Why?" Yovan shook his head, "If you speaking about Shanks, then it's personal. He annoyed me, then stood between me and my goal. He must've expected this outcome before doing so."

"Why kill?" Luffy asked, his trembling tone speaking of how much anger he was holding back.

"Why Kill?" Yovan let out a wicked smile before saying, "I felt like it, and I..." Whatever he wanted to say came to a halt as he got punched.

Luffy was letting out his anger even as killing intent burned bright in his eyes... He truly wanted to kill Yovan, and he had never killed anyone before.

Another punch followed, then another, and another, Yovan taking them like a champ, each destructive punch only causing him to take a step back.

Punches rained upon Yovan, pushing him back and back, punches that would've killed the majority of people in the World, yet Yovan seemed to be barely affected, "Ahh, that's it?"