
Chapter One- Bastard

"The boy is beautiful my dear," said the man in the long red coat, and the woman lying on the bed holding the baby stood and kissed the man. They were my father and mother, from the start of my life I had despised the man, and in turn, I despised the name he gave me, I hated my mother for falling in love with this man who left us behind all the time, so not Portgas and not Gol, so then there was only one thing left for me to be, a Bastard. 

Bastar D Euce...

Euce for Deuce, the only part of the name he gave me that I liked. 

The day Ace, my little brother turned 3 years old Roger came to visit and I had turned 6 years old by that time, I didn't speak to the man as he walked in with another of his companions, a man with sleek black hair, but he dressed too well to be a part of my father's crew, he wore a white uniform, had a giant, muscular upper body and for some odd reason, very skinny legs, he skipped leg day, quite unfortunate. 

I overheard them talking as I went to my mother's room, they were going to take us away from here to somewhere else, I watched as my father left the room and bent down on his knees to look at me, "I know you hate me, but it was circum-" 

I raised my toddler-sized legs, which by the way were pretty muscular, I never skipped leg day, with nothing to do and no one to be fussed over by, I spent my early years exercising, it' 's all I have, anyway, I jumped and stretched out my foot and kicked the king of the pirates in the face, "If you cared about me, then you wouldn't be so ready to die!" 

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked up towards the man in front of me, I raised my fists and hit him in the chest, over and over again, my tears making a puddle on the floor," I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" 

Eventually, he stood up and looked at the man in the weird white uniform and said to him, "When I die, make sure you train him, make sure you look after him, you can try to recruit him, but he's my blood even if he hates that blood, he won't bend his knee, please Garp, take care of my sons!"

"With my life Roger, with my life, I will protect them from going astray!"

The pirate king smiled at my hateful face and ruffled Ace's hair as he sat in my mother's hands, kissed my mother, and left, Garp stayed behind, my mother Rouge looked at Garp and gave him Ace and she looked at me ruffled my hair and walked to her bedroom, she was gone for a few moments, Garp began to worry, I ran forward to her bedroom as I heard the bang of a gun going off, Garo placed Ace onto the table and followed suit, I watched as my mother's body lay on the floor twisting in agony for a second before laying still, a gaping hole in her head, I fell onto my knees and wept, tear after tear after tear. Falling onto the floor, Garp stood behind me unable to help.


Why was I so cursed? A father on his way to die and a mother dead in my arms, what have I done to deserve this?

"Mum, mum please look at me mum, please don't go, please don't leave me alone, I take back what I said, I don't hate you, please no!"

I hugged my mothers's lifeless corpse, my tears staining her floral dress as I continued to weep uncontrollably, "Mum, sing me that lullaby, mum please, the one you sang last spring, mum! Mum use your hand, Mum, touch my face, mess up my hair, do something, Mum, please don't go, please don't go! AHHHHHH!"

My eyes rolled up into my head as I passed out in grief, the last thing I saw was the old man reaching for me as I fell, and then everything was black.