
Working hard you can reach everything

The way how Mac one of the strongest of the crew members got defeated was shocking. The somewhat weaker crew mates weren't even able to understand what happened since they were so fast they lost to sight. But he Stronger ones were able to witness it and were able to get a grasp of how strong Lucifer is. They at first all thought that it was weird that Lucifer wanted to train first but know they kind of understand why they shut tarin. The only thing that interested them know is what made Lucifer so strong even to get an observation haki so strong to avoid Macs high-speed kicks and hits is insane, even his speed was insanely and he even used Fishman karate too. The question now is not only how he got so strong but how he really is.

"Man how did you turn into such a monster?" Asks Tolga Lucifer how to now was standing behind the unconscious Mac in his hybrid form with is crimson red eyes glowing and his horns on his head appears like a demon.

"I trained harder than everyone else. I gave everything. I trained myself to the verge of death 100 of times and so I became so strong." Shouted Lucifer with conquering haki.

His words hot into everyone's head. The lone existence of someone his age being so strong says everything about him he was talking the truth.

Than Lucifer continued "I want you to train. I want you to believe in yourself. And so you will get stronger in no time but that is only if u try harder than ever before and never giving up while training." Implied with conquering haki his shouting could be heard from everyone on the ship. It basically burns in his crewmates. A raging desire to get strong appeared in everyone. Lucifer's yell worked like a war cry and I gave all the crew members a boost in motivation and the desire to become stronger.

30 minutes later

No time was wasted and they were already holding a gigantic party

"Hihehehe" Lough Tolga while he was talking to Mac "isn't that cool our captain is so strong I wouldn't have believed it if I haven't seen it with my own eyes."

"You have to fight him too then you see just how terrifying he really is." Said Mac in a serious voice. "Shahahaha You still mad that you couldn't see how strong he really was. Shahahaha." Said Amos how has drinking with Tolga. They first started with hey both have to drink we ever the other drinks. Tolga is a rum fan and drunk one bottle of run after another. So Amos had to drink that too and was now completely drunk.

"Shahahaha. Hey Lucifer how is the party going for you." Said Amos while being drunk as fuck. Lucifer was sitting on a big sofa with Paula on his chest and Reyna next to him.

"Everything is good my friend. Can't you see?" Said Lucifer with the most ironic voice possible.

The party was better than in Lucifers dreams. Everyone had their fun and after some time even Mac who he beat up wasn't mad anymore.

Everyone was listening to music and dancing or was just drinking liquors and wine. The food was excellent as well and the decision to buy some professional maids was a good idea. They provided great service and soon had become the great thing anyone wanted to have for the night.

The maids had all the same outfits but all of them where looked different than the other but all had one thing in common they were beautiful and had a nice body in odas way of drawing. They had big breast and big asses. But most importantly, they were wearing really slutty short outfits almost showing everything there is to see. Lucifer bought them on the black market for a sheep price since they all were rebellious and where said after to have killed their owners. Lucifer doesn't use them as slaves and is even paying them for there job. For the maids, they also have the freedom to go whenever they want but they are grateful of Lucifer for at least giving them the opportunity to have there on decisions.

The Party was still going to the night to 4 am. The war cry from Lucifer was still in their heads so no one could sleep without seeing him telling how he got so strong. It was like magic. Everyone woken up at 6 am and got the self ready for training. Tolga how also woke up designed a short training with Amos and Mac. Corben was still at the outlook to watch if anyone would be attacking them or just someone insight to raid.

Lucifer was surprised. When he got out of his master bedroom/Capitan berth. He saw the complete crew doing pushups on the main deck. He was not only surprised that they were training even the whole ship was cleaner than ever before.

To make it a challenge Lucifer exerted his conquering haki and increased it little by little. The crew makes accepted the challenge and fought against the mighty conquer haki that Lucifer used while making pushups. Over hole training, Lucifer removed his hole suppression on his conquer haki and was finally able to not have to worry about that. Lucifer had perfect control over his amount of conquering haki and at a certain point of mastery he is releasing it all the time but when he is around weaker beings he just knocks them out all the time so he has to restrain his haki from leaking out too much. While most of the crewmates are at there limit they are still not giving up the fight through it and come out stronger. For Mac, Tolga, and Amos this intensity is not that hard so Lucifer thought of something special for them.

And so 2 weeks pass in no time while Lucifer is just training his crewmates different types of martial art and Rokushiki. No one has mastered anything jet but they got a basic understanding but he didn't teach them that for no reason. Lucifer is not retarded so he knows all his crewmates who are motivated as fuck and give everything when training under the enormous pressure of Lucifers conquer haki now have an extreme power-up in basic strength and will power. So he trained them Rokushiki to gain control over there power and to use it not in brute force only. The technique like finger pistol and moonwalk are very often learned already but shave is only learned by the ones how gave more than 100%. These ones are now on one level with cp 9 agents. (A/N not as strong as Luci but stronger than that door guy.)

For Tolga, Mac, Reyna, Paula, Amos, and Corben most of them are not fighting with bare hands so he trained them in different ways.

For Tolga, Reyna, and Corben he trained them in sportsmanship. He not only showed them how to be more efficient and effective he also showed them how to use haki on their blades. Lucifer also let them train Rokushiki or improve their mastery level on it.

For Paula who has made very much progress since eating the Candy fruit and gaining many skills she also got tones of pure power so he helped her to awaken her devil fruit. It was not as easy as it sounds and Paula gave 120% of her power into it. She also broke her own limitations and become much stronger than before. Her Fruit now allows her to turn objects into Candy and giving it the strength of her upgrading it. As an example, she can take her sword and make it a candy sword. It then can take 1/4 of her power and become almost unbreakable but if it gets destroyed all the power in it gets lost.

Mac got extra special training. In just 2 weaker he not only got stronger he got so strong Lucifer couldn't believe his improvement. First of Mac was a brawler he fights with his hands and fists. He was also capable of Rokushiki but he had no control over it. For his Training, Lucifer beat him up all-day with all he got to get everything in him out. It was not only painful but Mac too almost got no sleep. For Mac, it was pure hell but he knew he will stand true this training. So he always got up and gave more than before. Lucifer was also very impressed and decided to train his Rokushiki. In almost no time Mac had moderate skill in all 6 fields and trained even harder than ever. Mac himself changed his personality and his fight style. He made faster improvements than Lucifer back when he was training like that. Over his training, Mac didn't sleep much and sparred against 2 to 3 of the stronger crewmates at the same time. (A/N So people like Tolga, Reyna....) His Haki got stronger too, he now has extremely strong observation haki, as well as armaments haki. He even got advanced amendment haki and awakened conquer haki. Mac now being on a whole nother level than before he now is stronger than a Vice Admiral but not at Admiral level jet.

As for Amos, he trained in observation haki. He fought against middle strong crewmates completely blind. He made fast improvements too. It is rather hard to notice but he also had undergone major changes in his training he to trained Rokushiki but with focus on the finger pistol. He also had armament haki before to use it on this projectiles but when he experienced the technique called advanced armament haki from while fighting with mac he changed. He trained in advanced armament haki to and got mostly a beginner understanding but he is now even more devastating than any canon he ever used. To get this results he combined finger pistol with advanced armament haki forming a sting around his finger and his observation haki to create an undodgeable attack hitting even the strongest crewmates onboard.