
The Butcher Pirates

Once Viktor and Raven got on deck, they took charge of the situation. Like Blitzo said, there was a pirate ship on their tail that wasn't letting up. Fortunately, the ship hadn't attacked yet, but that could be that they weren't in range yet.

Viktor's first thought was to try and outrun the pirate ship, but the navigator told him otherwise. Viktor was understandably frustrated and let Jake, the navigator, know his frustration.

" What do you mean we can't outrun that ship? I thought you guys came from the Grand Line, so how can your ship be so crappy?"

Jake was scared as he remembered how Viktor singlehandedly knocked out everyone on board and how Raven dealt with the rest of the crew, including the captain.

" I'm sorry captain. We had a much better ship when we were in the Grand Line, but the ship was destroyed, and we fled back to the West Sea. We hijacked the first ship we came across and haven't got the chance to replace it. Please don't kill me!" Jake begged.

" * Sigh* I won't kill you. Since we can't run away, we'll have to fight. "

Viktor then turned to Blitzo and ordered him to have the crew combat ready in 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, a similar conversation happened on the pirate ship.

The captain of the pirate ship is a burly man over 7 feet tall that goes by the name of Jason the Butcher and the pirate crew was called the Butcher pirates. With a bounty of 15 million berries, he's in the upper echelon of pirates in the West Blue. Like his epithet suggests, Jason is a cruel, sadistic person that revels in butchering others.

Like Viktor, Jason was unhappy at his ship's slow pace. He could see his prey in front of him but couldn't act because of how slow his ship is. The navigator shivered in terror as Jason's been known to butcher his own crew when he's angry.

The navigator tried to appease Jason, " Sorry boss, it looks like it'll be about another 5 minutes before we'll be in range. However, there is some good news. I used the spyglass and there are some kids on board the other ship that meet your aesthetics."

While Jason enjoys butchering anyone, he still has his preferences. More specifically, he enjoys butchering kids. Something about snuffing the life out of kids that are still full of potential and even optimism really excites him. It's because of this that Jason's bounty is so high. Just based on his strength, Jason would barely have a bounty of 10 million berries.

Jason grabbed the spyglass and saw Raven and Viktor out on the deck. Given how everyone on the opposite ship seemed to gravitate towards them and heed their orders, Viktor and Raven seemed to be the young master/mistress sort. This fact excited Jason to no end and he forgave his navigator for the delay. He then prepared himself for the feast of carnage to come.

Back on our protagonist's ship, the entire crew assembled and were ready for battle. As is customary, Viktor gave a pre- battle speech to motivate the troops.

" All right everyone, as you can see, there's a pirate ship bearing down on us. I know none of you have forgotten what happened the last time you encountered pirates. We just got our freedom back, and I refuse to give it up. Are you with me?!"

" Yeah!!!!" The crew yelled in agreement.

" I know some of you were previously civilians and you may have some trepidations about killing people, even if they're pirates. There is only one thing I'll say to you. Anyone, and I mean anyone, that tries to kill you, or God forbid take away your freedom, they deserve no pity."

Viktor's eyes turned cold, " They will show no mercy, so you can't show mercy. In this world, it's survival of the fittest and morality is a luxury that we can't afford right now. "

" Fuck Yeah! They're going to try to fuck us over, so we're going to fuck them over. We'll fuck them so hard they can't stand afterward! " Blitzo exclaimed with a perverted grin on his face.

Viktor cooked his eyebrow in response, " Blitzo, I understand you have certain fetishes, but try to reign it in. We have not only children, but girls aboard, so tone it down."

Viktor pointed to Katara, who was beet red in embarrassment, " Look at Katara here. She's still an innocent young girl, yet you're bombarding her ears with your filth. Don't forget about Toph. She's from a noble family and is still a bit sheltered- "

It was at this moment that Toph used what little bits of earth on the deck of the ship to make a strap-on dildo and screamed, " Let's fuck them over really good!"

" What?! How the hell do you even know what a dildo is and what it looks like? * Sigh* Well, never mind Toph, it seems she's already been corrupted. "

Viktor turned to Loona but found she was unperturbed by Blitzo's actions, " I was going to say your daughter Loona, but it seems she's been around you for too long. As for Raven, well-"

" I can't believe you Blitzo, saying such a thing in the presence of an innocent maiden such as myself. "

Upon hearing this, Viktor burst into laughter. After all, Raven was the furthest thing from innocent he could think of.

Before Raven could get mad, Viktor steered the conversation back to the upcoming battle. He then assigned everyone different positions in accordance with their skill sets.

Katara would take to the sea to manipulate the sea currents to bring the pirate ship closer to theirs so that the rest of the crew, except for Toph, could board it. Since the pirate ship had superior firepower, they needed to board the ship before their own ship sank and then take out the crew.

Unfortunately, all the chemical weapons such as sleeping gas that was used when Viktor was captured were spent and all the weapons Viktor and his crew had at their disposal were several cannons, swords and guns.

This meant they'd have to capture the ship the old-fashioned way, but with Viktor and Raven's powers, they were confident they'd succeed.

Since Toph was at sea and there was only enough earth around to make a dildo, her combat power was practically zero. Thus, she was asked to stay on the ship out of harm's way. As you'd expect, Toph didn't take this to well.

" What do you mean I'm staying on the ship? Do you really think I'm helpless? I know I'm at a disadvantage on the sea, but I can pull your own weight."

" Toph, you have to listen to me. I know you want to prove you're independent and don't need help, but it's okay to ask for help. The reason we have friends is to help us deal with the things we're not good at. "

" I know how much of a badass you are on land. In fact, I'd probably ask for your help when we're on land, but we're out on the sea. You should know even better than I do how weak you currently are. I can't fight and worry about your safety at the same time. Please stay on the ship. "

Toph reluctantly agreed and went to the ship's hold. The enemy ship opened fire, and several cannonballs hurled towards the ship. Viktor used his devil fruit ability to predict the cannonballs flight path and shot at the cannonballs with his gun and changed their trajectories to avoid casualties.

With Katara's assistance, their ship pulled up right next to the pirate ship and they began boarding the pirate ship.

Viktor and Raven lead the charge, taking out those with guns first. After killing over a dozen men, Viktor and Raven were stopped by the captain Jason and his vice-captain Jack, worth 15 million and 8 million berries respectively.

There were no words spoken by anyone as they were busy fighting for their lives. At first, Jason and Jack looked down on Viktor and Raven because they were kids, but their disdain turned into cautiousness as Viktor and Raven slaughtered their men.

Jack immediately tried to close the distance between him and Raven because he saw from his men that if she finished her incantation, he'd be done for. His aggressiveness surprised Raven and she barely managed to draw her sword in response.

This caused her to be on the defensive and she couldn't use her devil fruit powers. However, ever since she ate her devil fruit, she received a massive boost in strength, going from a doriki value of 30 to 150. She's even stronger than Viktor, who currently had a doriki value of 125.

This meant that in terms of bodily strength, she was just as strong, or even stronger. However, she was still inexperienced in combat and couldn't use her strength effectively. All she could do was defend against Jack's onslaught and she knew that if this kept up, she'd loose.

Ever since Raven unlocked her mindscape, she found she could communicate and even swap places with her other personalities.

In a stroke of genius, she realized that she could also partially give up control of her body and achieve a pseudo 2 minds-1 body state. She could defend against Jack's attacks and channel her devil fruit ability at the same time.

After a quick negotiation with her other selves, she managed to convince Red Raven to share her body and fight with Jack while she charged the finishing blow.

Since Red Raven represents Raven's angry and sadistic side, she's also the strongest of her personalities and even managed to go on the offensive, albeit with a few minor injuries in exchange.

Jack noticed that Raven was chanting Azarath Metrion Zinthos and tried to press on the attack to distrust her concentration, but it was already too late. In a desperate bid for survival, he tightened his grip on his sword to make it more difficult to disarm him.

However, Raven instead targeted his shoes and caused him to trip. This caught Jack totally off guard, and he offered no resistance as Raven delivered the finishing blow.

Meanwhile, Viktor was fighting for his life against the pirate captain Jason. Unlike his previous fight with a pirate captain, there wasn't an overwhelming physical gap between the two of them. Jason has a doriki value of about 200, while Viktor has a doriki value of 125.

With the use of Viktor's observation haki and devil fruit ability, he was able to predict his opponent's moves and held the advantage in the fight. After fighting for a couple of minutes, Viktor was able to analyze Jason's fighting style and was ready to finish the battle.

When Viktor parried Jason's next attack he was able to predict Jason's attack so accurately that he was able to angle his parry to knock Jason's sword out of his hand. Viktor then finished the fight by chopping Jason's head off.

The deaths of the captain and vice-captain in quick succession caused the Butcher pirates crew's morale to hit rock bottom and they tried to escape. Unfortunately, there was nowhere for them to run and before long all of the Butcher pirates were wiped out.

Viktor and his crew cheered when they realized that they'd won. They fought for and managed to actually keep their freedom.