Jazz:" What are all of you doing here?" He saw everyone even Illya is there with them.
Marie:" Of course to help you, what are you fighting?" She could only see lightning rumbling in the sky.
Jazz:" I understand that you came to help me but what is that guy is doing?" He indicated at Archer who has its bow pointed at him...
Rin:" Archer what the hell are you doing..." she was shocked...
Archer:" I am sorry Rin but i am instructed to deal with this Man."
Rin:" I said stand down Archer." She was angry other than her he was listening to someone else order, and used her command...
But to her surprise it didn't work...
Archer:" It is useless Rin, Grail war is on hold and Command seal wont work for now. Like i said we were instructed to kill him and those who can brought destruction to humanity."
Rin:" Wait a minute what do mean Destruction of humanity? and we?"
Suddenly alongside Archer all five more servants gathered surprising her.
Gilgamesh:" He means all of us..." he smiled victoriously... Archer,Gilgamesh, Lancer, Assassin,Caster and Saber were all gathered here.
Rin:" What is going on Archer? "she was seriously angry for his betrayal...
Archer:" sorry Rin, i am bound to it. It was my choice..."
The World is used to refer to either the Earth, Gaia, and the collective unconsciousness of mankind, Alayashiki (Alaya).
The Earth was initially formed from molten magma and gas. Life did not emerge until the inhospitable planet cooled and settled. The infernal landscape of the Earth before genesis has become part of the genetic memories of all creatures on Earth, and humans drew from this imagery when they created the concept of Hell.
Originally, gods existed in physical form as manifestations of nature itself, and ruled the Earth and its civilizations. During which the world followed laws based not on physics but on Mystery. This period is marked by a greater proliferation of Phantasmal Species and greater interaction between gods and mortals. This is the age of heroes and mythology, when rules of mankind and the laws of the world were different right down to the very fundamental physics of reality itself, but this period ended many years ago. Even Magecraft itself is described as being closer to Magic in this era and Caster's abilities reinforce this concept...
The Age of Gods ended entirely and the population of humanity grew explosively. Because the Earth obeys the law of the most prosperous species on its surface, the rules of the world were completely changed from one that obeyed Mystery to one that obeyed physics. The Phantasmal Species ceded the Earth's surface to humans and moved to the Reverse Side of the World, where Mystery still thrives.
The current age is identified as the Age of Man , where Mysteries such as magecraft are dwindling in favor of science. The Five Magics were born in this age.
"Magic" can be differentiated from "Magecraft" in that the consequences of its use are ostensibly "impossible" or "miraculous." The end output of a spell that creates fire is within dictates of the world because something as mundane as lighting a match can yield the same effect. Concepts like time manipulation, teleportation, spatial warping and quarantine, and the resurrection of the dead are miracles thought to be possible only through the application of Magic. The Denial of Nothingness, Operation of Parallel Worlds and Time Travel can all perform resurrections, but the resurrection of the dead through conventional methods is something that not even Magic has granted since the days of old.
Alaya is of particular relevance to magi, as those close to reaching the Root are deemed threatening by Alaya...
Gaia is the planet's will to survive. Gaia protects all creatures on Earth by using Spirits and creatures of the Earth, but as mankind becomes independent, Gaia increasingly perceives humans as a source of threat due to their reckless destruction of the environment.
To protect the planet or Environment it can manipulate the nature and weather, bringing disaster to humans but in the quick measure to solve a situation like Jazz, it releases phantasmal creature like this Humongous snake. Gaia absolutely despises
Alaya is the collective unconsciousness of mankind and the drive for its survival as a whole. Alaya constantly steers mankind away from extinction. And the collective fear of the people in Fuyuki city due to Jazz fight with the Phantasmal creature which is summoned by Gaia forced Allya to treat him as a Threat to Mankind
Usually Alaya interferes indirectly by guiding and empowering an individual to eliminate a threat. Alaya will deploy the Counter Guardians. The deployment of Counter Guardians is by no means subtle, as the threat will be eliminated with the surroundings, inflicting much collateral damage. The sinking of Atlantis was the work of Alaya.
Although Gaia and Alaya are intangible forces of will, each does enlist physical agents to deal with events too threatening to address with indirect intervention. The agents of Gaia consist of Spirits, Phantasmal Species, True Ancestors, and other species born from the planet. The agents of Alaya are human spirits who pledge their eternal service to Alaya in return for power during their lifetime. Agents employed in this way are referred to as Counter Guardians.
And now Servants with endless magic energy deployed by Alaya. While Gaia send the Phantasmal Creature with lightning raining on Jazz...
Gilgamesh:" You don't realise what have you done don't you then Let me tell you, you just made the whole world go against you.... ha ha ha...I kind of admire your courage..." Strangely the Phantasmal creature stopped attacking and now is glaring at him...
jazz:" So you are all going to fight us no kill us... Hmm..." His eyes went toward Saber...
Jazz:" Saber what do you think, are you ready for a fight to death with us... "
Saber:" We would have tofight for the Grail ....." before she could finish he interrupted
Jazz:" I told you Grail can't truly give you what you desire, and none of us have any wish to be granted. Even after this you want to fight us..."
Seeing her indecisiveness jazz sighed... He looked at Archer and Gilgamesh. He got a brilliant idea...
Jazz:" I have a brilliant plan but first Artoria, Xenovia show them what they are dealing with..."
Both of them nodded and step forward.
Xenovia:" All of you should be careful my Durandal is kind of hard to control some of you could die..." She took a stance with her sword on her overhead position. Artoria also took the same stance with her Excalibur...
Artoria:" Saber you know why i didn't want to spar with you, because i don't find you challenging..."
Their swords were pulsating with tremendous amount of energy... The other servant got serious seeing the power behind the attack...
Archer:" We need to work together ..."
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood.
I have created over a Thousand Blades,
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood Pain to create many Weapons
Yet those Hands will never hold Anything."
Gilgamesh:" You don't need to order this king." He eyed both Artoria and Saber " I can't wait to have both of you, this time i will make you my properties kings of knights."
Saber/Artoria:" I absolutely loath you Gilgamesh" they said in unison...
Caster:" Stop fighting among yourself, we need to combine our power..." She formed at least 30 magic circle and started charging magical power to maximum...
Assassin and Lancer didn't said anything but also took stance and started powering up their Nobel phantasm.
Both side are preparing their strongest attack, air started churning creating ripple. Ocean surface started vibrating by their shear power. All of their Noble phantasm were radiating tremendous power...
Xenovia:" DURANDAL"
Artoria:" EX CALIBER."
"VOOOOOOOM" Both of their attack combined creating a colossal wave of Holy energy which left a tearing mark in the sky.
On the other side, the servants heart thumped seeing the massive Sword wave coming toward them. It was towering threaten to swallow them up...
Saber:"EX CALIBER." she didn't wanted to lose
Archer: " Caladbolg " A drill designed sword transformed into arrow, he pull the bow with all his might aiming at the sword wave. He was about to summon his reality marble but stopped as he briefly glance at the Snake, who is shroud in some kind of illusion separating it from reality...
Caster rained 100s of magic arrows.... Assassin send a sword wave
Lancer:" Gae blog" he threw his red spear which cut throw the air as it moves forward...
Gilgamesh:" Enuma Elish... huh?"
At the same time the Humongous snake also attacked jazz....Jazz for a brief moment transformed in light transformation and fired a high density laser beam at the point of collision of all their attack.
A big explosion can be seen 100s of miles away, like nuclear explosion a rings of mushroom cloud of smoke and fire formed at the point of collision of their attack, sea water spit up showing the bottom of the sea floor, shock waves rip apart land and sky....
Truly Noble phantasm must not be underestimated....