
Duty of a father

Jazz :" Can we tag along part of the way... " He lightly smiled...

When Nami and Nojiko saw him their heart started beating faster... Their eyes widened for a moment but quickly their expressions became doubtful...

Luffy :" You want to Join my pirate crew?.... "

Jazz :" Not join you, but i want to have a little adventure so I would like to spend some time with you guys. If its alright with you?"

After for a bit Luffy came to conclusion... (Spend some time with them + adventure =..... )

Luffy :" Ha ha ha one more crew member. " Jazz sighed at his idiocy, Luffy is Luffy with his own pace and unusual thinking...

Zoro :" Captain he only said part of the ways means he didn't join us..." He tried make his new captain understand...

Luffy :" All right we will party on the occasion of gaining new Crew members. " but Luffy didn't listen and lead them to nearby restaurant.

Jazz:" You will have a tough time in the future...I am DJ and these two are Tiger and Maria... " Suddenly two small head pooped out from each of shoulders...

Tiger/Maria:" Dabu"( Yo..) They gave a short greetings getting all the attention of the four.

Zoro:" You want to sail the sea with pirates with two kids?" He looked at him as he was insane...

Nami:" I don't think he is that mad..." she believed that no parents will be this much insane.

Nojiko:" NO he did said 'we' before."

Jazz:" Ha ha you guys don't need to worry they are not your average kid...Tiger show them what can you do..."

Tiger jumped off his shoulder landing perfectly on the ground, this surprised all of them. He went on a slightly higher ground , he now felt as a celebrity as everyone looked at him, getting all the attention on himself he felt good .

What he did was made their jaw opened, he brought his hand forward and concentrated. A orb of energy started gathering on his hand when it became as big as the size of his head he shot it toward marine headquarter...


It destroyed the building in an instant leaving only a crater in its place. thank god it was empty now because of Luffy beat everyone away... He proudly jumped back on jazz shoulder.

They were stunned no it almost as their souls have left them.

Jazz:" I think we should go..." He indicated that marines are gathering...

Luffy:"Run ha ha " He was the first one to get out of his shock....

They all followed him, Tiger also laughed...

Nojiko:" Hey are they your kids.." she asked while running...

Jazz:" Yeah, aren't they strong..." he asked with a smile

All:"""" They are freak """" they all shouted in unison...

Jazz:" Ha ha ha... Tiger you are being praised..."

Tiger:" Dabu?" (Really?) He has doubts...


On a small boat 5 Adult and 2 kids are sailing to a nearby island...

""Waaaaaaa"" For few minutes the kids are crying...

Jazz:" Just bear with it for a while i will definitely get you some food.." he tried his hard to pacify them but

"GROWWWWL" A much strong stomach growling was heard.

""WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" They now started wailing

Nami and Nojiko couldn't stand it and took the kids from him and did all their best to calm the kids down.A miracle happened the kids started sleeping soundly soon after...

All of them sighed...

Jazz:"Thank you..." He whispered not wanting to wake them...

Nojiko:" How careless can you be, you didn't brought any milk with you..." She started berating him and all jazz could do was silently listen.

Zoro:" You know even if they are abnormal kid, open sea is not the place for them." He said in serious tone. Nami also nodded...

Jazz:" I want to have them mature as soon as possible, don'y worry as long i am around they will be fine..." Zoro didn't said any further...

Suddenly " GROWLLLL" Their heart stopped they thought the kids are awake but found that they were still sleeping ...

Luffy:" Sorry wrong alarm..." He said tapping his empty stomach...

Nami felt as kicking him off the boat....


Soon they reached a island which buggy has taken as a base...

Nami:" This is Orange Town where a fearsome pirate Captain Bugy resides. I heard a rumor that he has map which can get us to the Grand Line."

Luffy :" If he is strong then i would like to fight him..."

Nami:" Just divert his attention and i will clear his treasures..." her eyes became Berri sign

Zoro:" You definitely have some ulterior motive.... "

Jazz(DJ):" All right you should go, if you find any thing for kids be sure to bring it back."

Nojiko:" what are you going to do..."

Jazz:" Preparing for a main course..." They didn't understand but nodded and left ...

Jazz looked at the two sleeping kids in his arms, he sighed and with his will his omnitrix glowed and its dial moved repeatedly finally stooping on a particular transformation.

Jazz:" Earth Barrier:" A thick transparent spherical barrier formed around him. With it he jumped into the water....

After few minutes...

5 Sea monster were thrown out of the sea...

He gathered some fire wood and started making barbecue... Smelling the fragrant of meat being roasted Tiger and Maria instantly woke up...

Tiger/Maria:" Daba Ayiiii" ( Meaaattt) they immediately jumped on it but jazz grabbed them.

Jazz:" Wait its not ready yet..." They started crying again....

" I said wait at least for 1 hour..." He forcefully restrained them

It was pure hell for the kids they in hunger started biting him and covering him their drool, jazz could hear sound of explosion , fighting and shouting of Luffy from the Town. But within 1 hour it died down when he saw a silhouette of Buggy flying across the sky like a shooting star...

Jazz:" It finished quickly may be due to Nojiko Involvement..." After few minute all of them returned with some food but they were shocked 5 Giant sea monsters being cooked on the beach...

Nami:" What the hell is this?" Nami was caring injured Nojiko on her back. But the grand display of 5 Sea monsters being roasted brought extreme shock to her...

Jazz:" Food for the kids... how was your thieving mission..."

Luffy:" Meattttt..." he toward it jazz pined him down under his foot..

Nami:" I only steal from pirates, and did you just say 'for Kids?'" she then looked at the two kids who were biting at jazz hand and legs but jazz didn't let them go. Their eyes turned red in hunger she felt shivered ran down her spine when they looked at her with drool coming out of their mouth...

Jazz:" What happened to her?" He was worried, he saw sword wounds on her stomach.

Nami:" She fought with the Buggy, he has a Devil fruits ability and she was caught off guard..."

Zoro:" But we defeated them and now we have these much treasure..." He said while sitting on a heap of treasure when suddenly a kick knocked him away....

Nami:" That is my treasure you thief..." Zoro rubbed his chin and looked angrily at her....

Zoro:" You evil thieving witch aw aw aw..." Look like he was also injured, Jazz used some medicine on Nojiko, her wounds started healing rapidly. He sighed in relief seeing that it didn't left any scar.

Nami:" What is this medicine...?" she asked him not minding that he is touching Nojiko exposed belly...

Jazz:" From my hometown, it is very expensive you know. So how are you going to pay for it..." he slightly smirked and Nami quickly hide her treasure...

jazz:" It completed the small one on the corner is for you guys ..." He pointed at a much smaller sea monster which is ready and cooked.

Luffy instantly jumped at it when jazz released him...followed by others when they saw him practically devouring the sea king alone....

Jazz:" These 4 are you two..." As soon as he said that Tiger and Maria completely devouring the 4 huge sea monsters in minutes. Not leaving even the bones...

This again surprised the group' Yup they are monsters'....

Nojiko slowly woke up and jazz gave her some meat which he saved for her...

Jazz(DJ):" How are you..." He said and sat beside her...

Nojiko:" I am fine..." she started eating her share...

Seeing that she does not want talk much for some reason and Luffy is burping while holding his bulging stomach but there is still lots of meat remain so he made his way to it and started eating...

She then went with Nami to someplace where they can't hear them and started discussing something... Jazz was curious but didn't eavesdrop on them...

They came later in the night... Jazz could feel their Gaze on him. But he maintain his sleeping face...


Next Day....

Nami/Nojiko:" We will join your crew luffy..." they suddenly said... Zoro just smiled but luffy was has doubtful expressions

Luffy:" Didn't you joined me already...."

Jazz felt something is definitely going on here, he is now feeding the kids again....

Nami:" But i want to return to our home town and say goodbye to our mother..."

Luffy:" All right lets go..."

They again started sailing on the small boat. Jazz really hate this small boat he want to lay down and sleep and this boat is too small...

Jazz:" Before that we need a bigger ship..."