
Devil ship

Nami: " Wah... Look the island is getting smaller, i am worried that mother will be angry if she found about that we left the Conomi Island. "

Jazz :" Don't worry.... we will return soon, and don't you want to find some big treasures.... "

Nami :" Treasure... " her eyes became Beri Sign. She Enthusiastically started jumping on the small boat.

Nojiko :" But i am worried that we will get lost in the ocean.... "

Jazz :" Didn't i tell you i have experience in sailing, with me nothing will go wrong. Now lets look for the treasure, in the map said we have to sail to this location and there we will find a Fire Skull....."

After sailing for 1 hour they completely lost the island view. Now there is nothing but blue ocean. Jazz felt that something is coming for them from the deep underwater.....

Nami :" Did you see that.... "

Nojiko :" What? "

Nami :" I felt the water moving unusually... "

The ocean surface suddenly started rocking and a Large Sea beast appeared.....

Nojiko / Nami :"..... " They were stunned and didn't move a muscle.....

Jazz tapped their shoulders, they came to their senses and screamed....

"" SAVE US ""


The beast roared and made a giant wave rocking the Boat.

Nojiko :" Wahhh..... I don't want to be food for a sea monster.... " she and Nami started crying....

Jazz :" Don't worry believe in me we will be alright... " he said confidently...

Nami :Really... " she believed in him.... Jazz glare at the Monster....

Jazz: " Return to the place where you come from sea monster... otherwise " he said while glaring at it..

Beast also looked at his eyes, they both starred at each other..... The longer the Best look into his eyes, the more he felt he is becoming a prey rather than a predator.

The beast slowly submerged himself leaving the girls stunned . Jazz sighed seeing the beast gone...

he looked at the girls who has their eyes sparkling looking at him.

Jazz :" What have I became somewhat handsome?"

Nojiko :" Yeah...." she has her cheeks red

Nami :" How did you scared it away... "

Jazz :" Didn't i tell you I am strong, i can eat beast like that for breakfast ..." he boasted about himself.....

Nami :" Show off, but I will believe that you are strong now...." she relaxed and believe that they will be fine from now on...

But how wrong they were, Suddenly a storm appeared and now they dont know where they are sailing....

Jazz :" Nami you are expert in reading Map, can't you tell us where are we... " The rain is getting heavier.

Both of the girls are scared, drenched in water and shaking in cold as night has already upon them . The rocking of boat made it more Harder for them to steer.

Jazz looked at them and thought they probably had enough for today, He sighed and cuddles them within a blanket and waited for the storm to pass.

Jazz was keeping them warm when the boat suddenly collided with with something. This awake the girls who were dozing a little....

In front of them was a Ship Bigger than any Galleon they had ever seen totally painted in Black, girls looked stunned as they can feel it that this ship has gone through many battle as there are some burned mark on the side of the ship . The smell from the ship gave them a felling of that they are in front of a giant beast. Threre are Giant cannons all over the edge of the ship. their boat scratched the side of the ship as the ship slowly sailed some distance away from them....

Jazz:" Look like we found our treasure.... "

Nojiko :" What..... where? " she looked around but the only thing that is visible in this darkness and storm is the ship....

Nami :" No way... "

she said as she pointed as the flag of a pirate on top of it, but the skull is on fire and its vivid like it is laughing at them.....

Jazz :" Lets go up... " he said and started paddling the boat toward the ship...

Nojiko :" Wait don't, it is a pirate ship. We will get killed... " she was afraid, today one thing went wrong after another and now no way she is going to board a pirate ship...

Jazz :" But the treasure is on it, don't you want to see.... "

Nami :" She is right J, i love treasure and money but I don't want to die from it... " she also pleaded him.

But suddenly a fishing net suddenly came and wrapped around their boat.

Nojiko :" What is happening, .... " she struggled to remove it but somehow it had tightly gripped all of them and now, they were being pulled up on the ship....

Nami :" We are being pulled, cut this net.... "

Even in the tension, Nami pulled out a small knife and started cutting....

Jazz looked at Nami and thought she did have a nice head on her shoulder, he looked up and nodded and the net was pulled instantly on the deck.


Nami and Nojiko are now behind jazz cowering in fear, Jazz is looking at the person in front of him...

They are now on the Deck and Anko is checking them out....

Anko :" Hmm not bad...." she said as she check out Nami and Nojiko.

Slowly more people started gathering....

Nami and Nojiko saw one after another beautiful girls keep coming out. They thought that they would meet their end today after encountering the pirates.

But things looked different...

Hancok :" Look what we caught in our fishing net. " she tried to as scary as possible....

Both the girls were first surprised by her beauty but they remember they are currently at a pirate ship....

Jazz :" Hello, we are kind of lost, can you tell us where can we find the treasure show....."

Jazz was interrupted as both Nami and Nojiko covered his mouth, he looked at them with puzzled look

Nami :" Are you trying to get us killed... "She wishpered

Nojiko :" Why are mentioning the treasure.... " she wishpered

Hancock :" What is this... " she picked up the The treasure map that jazz dropped.

Nami eyes widened seeing what Hancock is holding...

Jazz :" Oh its a treasure map and we are searching for the treasure showing on it.... Can you help us please Big-sis " he said with pleading gaze.

Hancok never seen him like that in his child body , his innocent face and sparkling eyes when he pleaded. Something clicked inside her she thought How cute....

She wanted to hug him and cuddle him but someone else beat her to it...

Marie :" Waaaaaaaa so cute, come on... call me big - sis also. I want to hear it. " she grabbed him and rubbed her cheeks with him

Jazz became slightly irritated, she is going to destroy his brave image in front of Nami and Nojiko. He pushed her slightly but she didn't give up...

Marie :" Its not fare, you called her big-sis but not me...."she started complaining, jazz seeing no end of it

jazz :" All right I will say it, Big -sis are you happy now... " Even though he felt grumpy girls that he was cute.

Anko :" Its my turn, come on say it big -sis to me. I will give you some reward.... " she licked her lips, jazz thought aren't they enjoying this too much. He tried to stugle out of her hug...

Anko:" your cover will be blown, stay like a scared lamb and i will you .....Maybe..." she smirked Devilishly, He knew now he just Dug his grave, these girls are enjoying this situation too much.....

Jazz:" i will get you later... Big-sis" he gritted his teeth

Anko:" Kyaaa you are so cute when you get angry, why don't you just stay like this forever...."

Tsunade:" Its a Nice idea...."

She also came and looked at him with amusing eyes....

( Jazz:" Just you wait all of you will get your turn when i return....)

Chaos:" This is one of a lifetime opportunities....."

Jazz:" Hey who just touched me down there, the hell.... where is my pant..."

Jazz was delima, he liked being surrounded by girls but this situation felt like he is being toyed with. Jazz looked at Nami's direction and pleaded with his eyes to save him from this embarrassment..

Nami:" What is going on, what they are doing with J, Nojiko we had to save him..." but she didn't notice a red haired girl was behind her and held both of them.....

Asterea:" Tchh...since everyone had their fun , it should be my turn.... i wonder he will taste great with Sauce or i gobbled him directly" she brought some utensils for making food.

Nojiko:" No you can't eat him...." She paled seeing they are planning to eat him.....

Hancock:" Ok its enough playing....." she took him from everyone else, she looked at him in this child form his every expression made him look cute, she couldn't resist and gave him a kiss on the lips....

Nami and Nojiko who saw them kissing felt their world spinning around and fainted from the shock...


Sometime later.

Nami:" Urg... where am i?"

she looked around and found herself on a mountain of gold and jewels. Her eyes became Beri instantly but she shook her head....

Nami:" Where are J and Nojiko..." she became worried she don't know what happen but she is suddenly on top of a treasure. It formed a small mountain, She looked around and found herself still inside the ship.

Nami:" Then these are all the treasure, this must belong to the Pirates..."

She soom found Nojiko and Jazz, they are also unconcious but in their case they are cuddling to each other in their sleep, she then remember Jazz getting kissed by a beautiful lady. She became pissed for some reason....


J:" AAAA..."

Nojiko:" My head ..."

Nami:" Hmph i see you two are awake...."