
One Piece: Injustice Corrected

Galan, the boy who lived in the light was drenched in the abyss that is evil but he chose to climb out, vowing to destroy evil. Injustice will be corrected, Evil will be punished, no matter who does the deed. The abyss will be burned with the righteous flames of impartial justice. No matter the man or woman, they will face the wrath of the law, all the same. 18+ Very Graphic, Vulgar, May Include Homophobia, Racism, etc. -Gore Warning -Torture Warning Read at your own risk. You have been warned. (If you'd like more of this Fanfiction, there is a Side Story under the same name! > 'OP: Injustice (Side Story)' please go read there AFTER you're finished here!)

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

The Beginning

Galan stood on a platform at the back of a massive square, marines of all ranks littered the ground in front of him, scattered around the plaza like tightly packed ants, gripping their weapons tight.

They were scared but they had no choice!

The Fleet Admiral stood behind them and gave them orders to fight!

Galan pulled back all the dirty Marines from around the world, planting them in Marineford. He looked down on them all, his expression emotionless.

On the platform next to him, Ace was kneeling in chains.

Olvia wasn't here, she wasn't anywhere near the plaza! Who knows where she went…

Galan looked at the Warlords, Kuma, Moria, Doflamingo, Mihawk, and Hancock were here, but Blackbeard and Jinbe were not.

Jinbe was in Impel Down and Blackbeard disappeared mysteriously.

Galan didn't care at all, whether they were here or not was of no consequence.

Doflamingo chuckled to himself and said "So little Marines?" Moria snorted "At least 50,000 of them, how many could Whitebeard have?" Mihawk didn't speak but looked at Hancock, who was glancing at Galan behind them with a frown.

Mihawk suddenly asked secretly "Do you feel something's off too?" Hancock turned to him and frowned for a moment before replying quietly "There should be double the amount of Marines…"

Kuma was silent and Doflamingo laughed, "Idiots… The rest of the Marineforce is attacking Germa as we speak." Mihawk and Hancock looked at him, saying in shock "Huh?!" Doflamingo turned his head to look at Galan before chuckling "This guy is so ambitious~ Hehe~ Ambitious people die quickly."

Mihawk frowned slightly, not paying attention to Doflamingo… There was something seriously wrong here, attacking two places at once… What are you thinking, Galan… He looked behind him at the Marines and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Hancock noticed Mihawk's movements and got a little closer, whispering "See anything?" Mihawk wasn't the type of person to be swayed by beautiful women, he was only replying because he felt Hancock might've noticed something too.

He replied in a voice only the two could hear, "These Marines… If I'm not mistaken… All of them should be corrupt…" Hancock had a big question mark over her head, completely confused "Corrupt?"

Mihawk turned back to the front, crossing his arms as he sighed to himself, oh boy… He had a feeling… a real bad one. Hancock looked at his strangeness and her eyes widened slightly, turning to the front as she remembered what Galan said to her a long time ago.

'If you commit evil, I will come for you… I have ways to make you disappear.'

Her heart trembled in shock and she nearly shouted in terror.

An ice cold feeling surged from her toes to the top of her head, absolutely not! There's no way! This is too cruel!

Hancock was not in admiration of Galan's strength, nor swooned at the fact that he didn't care for her beauty… Mainly because this man wasn't human… He was a terrifying monster!

If he wanted to do what she thought he wanted to do, then he wasn't even a monster…

He was a Devil!

Galan looked down at everyone and said "Whitebeard's coming for you, boy." Ace stayed silent and Galan continued "He has to die because of your recklessness." Ace froze and Galan glanced at him, adding "You're an immature fool… But a good chess piece."

He turned back and ignored Ace's shocked look, picking up a snail as he said "Citizens of the World, I address you now."

People around the world looked at a screen in front of them, in awe of the Marine lineup. They started discussing if Whitebeard was really going to show up, some people didn't think so, while others were sure that he would.

All sorts of reporters were holding pens and notebooks, ready to detail today's world shaking events!

Marines vs. The Whitebeard Pirates!

How wonderful!

This is thrilling news!

Galan continued "For 22 years this world has been plagued by the evil scourge known as Pirates. All this started with one man, Gold Roger! Today you see the execution of a man inextricably tied to this world changing event!"

He held his hand out and said "This boy, Portgas D. Ace, may be the son of the World's Strongest Man, Edward Newgate, however! This is just a ruse to conceal his true identity! The evil criminal responsible for this world's chaos, Gold Roger had a son! And that son's name is Gold Ace!"

The people everywhere froze and dropped whatever they had in their hands, staring at the screen in shock, unable to believe what they were hearing!

The Marines and Warlords turned around in shock, staring at Ace on the execution stand!

Complete Shock!

Ace shouted "My father is Whitebeard!" Galan nodded and continued, "Yes, he took you in as a son, however your mother, Portgas D. Rouge was the one who gave birth to you! On a small Island in the South Blue, named Baterilla! She carried you for 20 months before dying during childbirth! This is fact!"

Ace hung his head as Galan said expressionlessly "You took on her name and started your career of Piracy 2 years ago, rising like a star! However… We knew this whole time! Whitebeard was protecting you! Now that's no longer a problem…"

The people of the world were shocked and stared at the screen as Galan held his hand out, saying "Because he came to us!" the screen moved and showed ships rolling in, dozens of them, all with different flags.

Galan added, "His entire fleet for you, shows your value! However, this value will be used today! Show yourself, Newgate!" the Marines tensed up, as did the viewers!

The water in the bay bubbled up and 4 ships surfaced from underwater! At the head of them, Moby Dick!

Whitebeard stood on the figurehead, laughing "Gurarararara! You better hope my son is well!" his tall figure with scars on his chest, holding a naginata, was quite the intimidating sight!

The People watching trembled and sucked in a cold breath, so scary!

Is this the Strongest Man in the World!?

Newgate laughed and crossed his arms, grinning "Come on!" before smashing them on the air.

The world rippled and the ocean started shaking.

Galan didn't seem to care at all, saying "You're here… Newgate." Whitebeard grinned, "Of course!" Ace shouted "You should've abandoned me! I went out against your orders! This is my fault! Why come for me!?"

Whitebeard chuckled, "I ordered you to go. Isn't that what I said, Marco?" Marco nodded and echoed, "Oh, yeah, I heard it… Right, Vista?" another man nodded, "That's what I heard too."

Ace muttered "You guys…" while tearing up.

Galan put the snail on his shoulder as he clenched his fists, saying "Look alive." while crossing his arms like Whitebeard.

Newgate looked at Galan and grinned, "Stealing my moves?" Marco was stunned, "Is he?" Vista laughed while sweating, "Don't be ridiculous! He couldn't possibly!"

Everyone looked at Galan as an enormous tsunami rolled in, coming for Marineford on both sides.

Galan swung his fists on, smashing the air!

The Tsunami froze and both sides suddenly exploded violently, raining down on Marineford.

The people watching were dazed and Galan said "Do it." the cannons on the wall surrounding the bay started firing at the ships.

Newgate laughed and punched out, destroying the wall with a single punch! He cleaved with his Bisento and chopped the rest of the wall, destroying all the cannons, saying "Sail in!"

The ships started sailing to the plaza as Galan threw his hand forward, shouting "For Justice! No retreat! Evil will be purged from this world!" Mihawk swallowed and Hancock shivered, they glanced at each other and saw the shock in the other's eyes!

This guy… too terrifying!

One sentence had so many meanings it made them dizzy!

Mihawk didn't care for the tsunami destruction because he could do it too. It wasn't actually that impressive. It sounded impressive, looked impressive, but very simple to do.

He could cut the Tsunami in half, Galan simply used Haki Emission to blow it up and make it rain down.

Plenty of people could do this easily…

However, Mihawk forgot that he was clearly a freak and the people he was thinking about were also freaks, normal people can't use Haki like Galan can. This is constant training by a genius for over 50 years!

There was no end to Haki, theoretically you could keep going stronger and stronger, however most people reached a bottleneck sooner or later.

Galan… hadn't touched anything of the sort…

This was a true monster.

However, even the 5 Elders watching didn't feel too shocked. They could do this as well. It's only normal for a Fleet Admiral to be able to. The Person behind them frowned slightly but didn't think too much. It was normal Haki emission, just slightly stronger.

Nothing threatening.

The ships behind Whitebeard charged forward as dozens of them jumped off into Marineford without a care in the world, these were the scum Whitebeard dragged here. He basically threatened them with their lives. After all, why sacrifice sons and daughters if these scum can push the front lines?

Don't be fooled, these two men were cooperating very cleanly.

It was much easier fooling the world with two people.

Whitebeard grinned as he watched these rats run amok in the Marineforce.

One by one the ships docked on the plaza as Whitebeard's real fleet lagged behind. Marco looked up and asked "Pops… Is this alright-yoi?" Whitebeard laughed and replied "Don't worry, this is part of the plan… Why do you think we went around collecting trash this past few weeks?"

The Whitebeard pirates looked at Whitebeard with admiration, saying "Pops is so smart! Damn! Why didn't I think of this!? Hahaha! That bastard Fleet Admiral is probably shocked, right?! Hahaahha!"

Whitebeard suddenly laughed loudly at this, saying "I just don't want my precious children getting hurt! Gurararararara!" all the Whitebeard pirates in the Fleet heard him and teared up, "Pops!"

Galan watched this touching display and said nothing.

Mihawk narrowed his eyes and muttered "Shouldn't be…" Doflamingo cackled in surprise, "Oh wow… This old man is still sharp. These ships… aren't part of the Whitebeard Fleet!"

Mihawk and Hancock shuddered, thinking the same thing!

There's no way… right!?

Galan watched the carnage unfold, the blood on the ground flowing like a river, dying the bay a bright red as the Marines and Pirates fought to the death. There was a wall mechanism that could pop up and surround the bay…

But why would Galan use it?

His bright blue eyes reflected flames as he watched in silence. The walls would be used, but not to keep the pirates out…

He crossed his arms emotionlessly.

And most certainly… not to keep these Marines safe.

A massive shadow loomed over Marineford, a giant hand controlling tens of thousands of people and it all stemmed from one person…