
One piece: I can Repel Everything

Ethan is pleased. It's the year 1519, which means he's finally going out to sea. After transmigrating to the one-piece world, he obtained the paramecia devil's fruit of repulsion. This devil fruit, which was considered a Trash fruit, was brought to its maximum potential by Ethan, thus developing various abilities: Shinra Tensei, Repel Damage, Repel Space, Repel tiredness, etc... He is destined to become the strongest in this world! No one can stop it. His story begins here...

_Ni_ck_ · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Reiju And Sanji Meet!

On the Deck of the Ethan.

"Many people escaped."Honey Queen looked at the sea and in the distance saw many small boats desperately fleeing at an astonishingly fast speed.

Betty took a drag on the cigarette and said lightly: "I did the calculations and about a third of the fleet was wiped out. Those who escaped are probably just handymen."

"The other things are not important. I will first wander around the battlefield and see if there is any treasure." Carina said her face was full of emotion since what she liked most was stealing treasures.

Floating in the air, Perona said with a smile: "I'm going too, they have so many ships, there must be something good, Horohorohorohoro..."

Reiju shook his head slightly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "These two people just can't be idle."

At this moment, Ethan spoke and said calmly: "Let's go down." He took the lead and jumped directly onto the Baratie.

The others didn't say much and followed Ethan one by one.

"Welcome to Baratie the Sea Restaurant" Seeing Ethan and the others appear, Zeff quickly gave them a warm welcome without saying much about the previous carnage.

"Welcome..." Paddy waited a bit and quickly did the same.

Sanji was about to welcome them, but suddenly he froze and his cigar fell to the deck. "Reiju..."

Similarly, when Reiju saw him, his eyes lit up in disbelief and a shocked expression appeared on his face. "Sanji…"

Except for Ethan, people on both sides are very puzzled.

Are they known?

In an instant, Paddy and the other chefs relaxed upon seeing this and thought that they would be fine since Sanji knew someone from the other group.

Honey Queen looked at Sanji, then at Reiju, with a somewhat surprised look, and then she understood what was happening. "Reiju, he has the same type of eyebrows as you, maybe you two are related?"

Betty agreed and then said: "Anyone can have curly eyebrows but that doesn't mean that everyone who has them like that is relative but in this case with the reaction when they see each other it is obvious that they are family."

Ethan completely ignored that situation and entered directly into the restaurant.

"You go in first, I'll go later." Reiju said to Baccarat and the others, then turned to look at Sanji, smiled, and said, "Let's go aside and talk."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the side corner.

"What are you still doing standing here, go and talk to her, hurry up you bastard Sanji!"

Paddy waited for the cook and quickly cursed him.

Zeff looked at Sanji and said seriously: "Boy, remember to be nice when dealing with women, do you understand?"

"Okay, old man I understand...So Reiju, let's talk." Sanji lit a cigarette and walked directly in the direction of Reiju...

Inside the restaurant.

When the diners saw Ethan enter, they remained silent and no one dared to speak.

Seeing the attitude of the diners, Burgess felt very proud, cheerfully raised his arms high, laughed, and said: "Captain, everyone is afraid of us, Wiiihahahaha..."

"After all we are pirates, Hehehe~~" Doc Q showed a strange smile, looking around him, as if he was looking for prey.

Hawkins said in a deadpan voice, "We just killed so many people, how can they not be afraid of us?"

Honey Queen looked around him and said with a smile: "There are many diners here, the food must be quite delicious."

Betty shrugged and said lightly: "We'll know when we order."

At that moment, Ethan stopped and crossed his arms in front of his body with a calm look. He said, "I am the captain of the Ethan Pirates, Ethan if you want to join us, you can come and register." After speaking, he went directly to an empty table on the left.

Lafitte twirled his staff, looked around him, and said with a slight smile: "The captain must have found a good seedling, who will be the lucky one?"

Law agreed"The captain can't say these words for no reason, it is inevitable."

"If the captain likes him, that person's potential must be very good." Hawkins' voice was still low and extremely firm.

Burgess looked around him, laughed, and said: "If you want to join, hurry up, don't be Slow, Wiiihahahaha..."

The guests looked at each other in dismay, completely confused by the situation.

"It is incredible that there is an idiot who dares to recruit in front of so many people." Several of the diners thought, but these words should not dare to be said to the face, so everyone remained silent.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that this group of people would not cause trouble, they were not such fierce pirates.

"It seems okay, hurry up, prepare some food, and entertain these distinguished guests well." Paddy and the other chefs immediately ran to the kitchen without saying a word and got to work.

"When did such a powerful young man appear in the sea? He is quite terrifying!"

Zeff looked in Ethan' direction and secretly sighed. He wasn't an ordinary chef before. He was a pirate who managed to enter the Grand Line, but by chance, his crew was destroyed and he ended up settling in the East Blue.

He could feel that this young man's strength was very terrifying.

He is the strongest among all the people he has seen in his life, none of them.

Suddenly, a voice rang from a nearby table: "Captain Ethan, I want to join his crew, is that possible?"

Hearing the sound, the guests were stunned for a moment and quickly looked up.

Is there anyone who wants to join that group of pirates?

Amazingly, there are people crazy enough to join them.

Ethan leaned on the chair, crossed his legs, and glanced lightly at the menu on the table as if he didn't hear this person's voice.

As for Lafitte and the others, it was different, they all looked in the direction of the voice…

061: The Beautiful Bartender Moodie Appears!.

With two strangely shaped weapons on his belt, Gin walked slowly in front of Ethan, ignoring the gazes of the people around him.

"Captain Ethan, my name is Gin and I now apply to join the Ethan Pirates." His tone was cold and his demeanor incomparably direct. You could say that he was a ruthless character.

Burgess looked him up and down and said contemptuously, "Your name is Gin, right? Why do you look so weak and ugly?"

Doc Q chuckled, "He has a very cold personality, he must be someone quite ruthless."

"From the looks of it, he'll be joining us today." He said in a low tone. Hawkins was reading the letters, surrounded by his typical melancholic aura.

Lafitte straightened his top hat and said "Having the courage to stand up, this in itself shows that he is quite capable."

Honey Queen looked at Betty and muttered in a low voice, "This man looks so cruel that he seems like a typical evildoer."

"What does it matter, no matter how fierce he looks, he can't compare to Ethan." Betty shrugged and said something casually.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Baccarat couldn't help but roll his eyes and say angrily, "What are you talking about? You describe Ethan as if he is a simple bandit."

At this moment, Ethan looked at Lafitte and said calmly, "Tell him the Rules."

Gin looked at Lafitte with a perplexed expression, not knowing what Ethan was referring to.

"First of all, congratulations on joining the Ethan Pirates!" Lafitte stood up and said politely: "I am Lafitte, the deputy captain of the regiment. Next, I will tell you the rules of the ship."

Hearing Lafitte's words, Burgess shook his head, feeling very helpless, "Deputy captain of the regiment, he has to add more words every time, he likes to show off!"

"You only have a few times left. After a while, this position will be mine." Doc Q looked at Lafitte's figure and said with a wicked smile.

Hawkins looked at him and said in a dead voice: "According to what the cards say, you are not destined to be the deputy captain."

Law agreed with Hawkins "Although you are a Logia fruit user, compared to Lafitte, there is still a big gap you have to cross."

"Deputy Captain Lafitte, the rules of this ship are very suitable for me." Gin's eyes were fierce, and he said with a cruel smile: "We are pirates, how can we talk about rules? Everything is solved with fists."

All the surrounding diners were very surprised when they heard Laffitte say such a strange ship rule and began to talk in a low voice


"Is this a pirate? They have battles to decide their position, they're too scary!"

"I don't know, this group of pirates is really strange, I have never seen anything like this before."

"They fight to decide the position on the Ship so that young man must be quite strong if he had not already been removed from his position a long time ago"

"It's too dangerous to be here, let's go quickly."

Likewise, Zeff was also surprised to hear these words; he had never heard of such a strange ship rule or a crew that decided everything by force.

"His next destination should be the Grand Line, I'm already looking forward to seeing what this kid will achieve." He is very optimistic about Ethan and believes that this young man will be a famous big shot in the future.

At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded from him.

"Captain Ethan, I want to join you too."

They saw a slender woman with pale blonde hair walking slowly in front of Ethan. That Beauty's name is Moodie.

This time, the guests were truly stunned. A woman of such beauty asked to join the Pirates. And the worst of all is that she is not forced but voluntarily.

It made them feel inferior and, at the same time, feel envious of Ethan, this young man is so strong, and besides the fact that a beauty asked to join his crew when he is surrounded by so many, that is fucking unfair.

"Captain Ethan, my name is Moodie and I am a professional bartender. If you let me join your crew I can mix all the delicious wines that you will all drink in the future." Moodie stroked her hair, she looked at Ethan, with a sweet smile on her face, she looked really beautiful.

Burgess immediately became interested, laughed, and said: "That's good, it's really good that there is just a bartender missing on board, now I don't have to worry about drinking anymore, Wiiihahahaha..."

Doc Q coughed, "Cough...Now we have Singers and Waiters, the crew is getting more and more useful people."

Lafitte twirled his cane and said cheerfully: "You came at a very good time. We need a person like that on board captain, what do you think?"

Ethan crossed his hands in front of his body and said two words quietly: "I agree."

Hearing what Ethan said, Moodie showed a sweet smile: "Thank you, Captain, and please take care of me in the future."

When the guests saw this beautiful woman, they truly joined the pirate group.

All of them were extremely depressed and their hearts were broken!!

How could such a beautiful woman end up in such a dirty place? It was a pity.

At this moment, Honey Queen looked at Moodie, waved her hand, and said with a smile: "Come and sit here, let's have a good chat."

"My name is Betty, nice to meet you." Betty leaned back in her chair, crossed her legs, and took a drag on her cigarette. She had a small smile as she was happy that more female members were joining.

Baccarat brushed his crimson hair and said with a smile: "Welcome to the crew. My name is Baccarat. It's a pleasure to have another female member on board."

"Thank you for welcoming me, it's good to have female colleagues to talk to. I would like to know more about the crew." Moodie said with a smile on her face and walked towards the chair next to Honey Queen...