
One Piece: I ate Plant Fruits

Reborn in the era of the great pirate, mastering the ability of plant fruits. Befriend Luffy, learn from Zoro, taste Sanji cooking, and tease Usopp. Compete with Pirates, learn from the Four Emperors, and discuss justice with the world government. Within the four seas, we will be free to cross the great route. In a new era, a great hero will stand in the eyes of everyone. Patreon.com/Donatefic I don't own the cover of this book.

Nirjung_Dangi · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Part 3/3

Nami looked at the orange trees and said, "Well, please don't break them."

Roger went to one of the orange trees and used the plant fruit power.

This orange tree has been picked before, and what is left is some very green immature oranges.

Roger's hands worked on the orange tree for a while, and the immature oranges quickly changed from cyan to orange.

Even some of the positions that have been plucked again bloom and bear fruit, and oranges have grown.

Nami had already walked to Roger's side and looked at the oranges in surprise.

"It's amazing," Nami said.

Usopp also walked to Roger's side, patted Roger's shoulder in an eclectic manner, and said, "It's good, it's a lot of use on a boat like this. Okay, Roger. I'm a brave sea fighter, In the name of Usopp let you stay."

"Congratulations, Roger." Luffy's voice suddenly sounded.

"From today on, you will be a member of the Straw Hat Pirates." Luffy and Roger looked directly and said solemnly.

"Well, since the captain said that. We can take the risk with everyone at ease." Zoro said.

"Don't forget, give me more ingredients of my choice." Sanji said.

"Well, one more person. It's a gardener, very good." Nami said.

"Haha, Usopp has one more friend." Usopp said boldly.

Roger looked at the members of the Pirate Group and walked among them.

"From now on, Roger will share adversity with everyone and move forward!" Roger said firmly.

At the same time, on the top of the house in the harbour of Rogue Town, the dragon body in a cloak watched Merry's journey in the rain.

"Go... if that's the way you behave."

Smoker was on the ground not far away, watching the long journey of the Merry.

"Dragon, why are you helping them!" Smoker said.

Dragon did not look at him, and continued to watch Merry sail far.

"What can stop, a group of people chasing dreams set sail!"

After Dragon said these words, his figure disappeared like a ghost.

Smoker looked at the sea again.

"Prepare ships to chase them. Get ready to enter the great route!" Smaller orders.

Tashiqi hurriedly said: "I want to go too! Sir, I want to hunt down the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro."

"But Colonel Smoker, you are the chief who is stationed here..." a Marine soldier said quickly.

"Just tell them, don't point fingers at me!" Smoker said without any doubt.

Buggy, Alvida and others, who were defeated by Luffy and Roger, also took advantage of the chaos and fled to ships near the sea.


"What? Captain Buggy. We Enter the great route?"

Buggy had a sinister look and said, "Yes, in order to eliminate the rubber man and the kid who can attack with plants, we have to enter the nostalgic great route."

The Going Merry, which was sailing westward, was tossed in a severe storm.

"What's the matter?" Usopp asked.

There was a lighthouse faintly ahead, emitting a bright light.

Nami walked to the bow and looked at the light and the lighthouse.

"That is the navigation light, the entrance to the great route."

Everyone looked at each other, and a great legend was about to begin.

Sanji brought a wooden bucket and said, "Okay, let's have a ceremony to sail into the great route. It can be regarded as a welcome ceremony to Roger."

Sanji took the lead to put his feet on the barrel and said, "I want to find the blue ocean!"

Luffy put his feet on the barrel and said, "I want to be the King of pirates!"

Zoro put his feet on the barrel and said, "I want to be the world's number one swordsman!"

Nami also put her feet on the barrel and said, "I want to finish all the maps of the world!"

Usopp put his feet on the barrel emotionally and said, "I want to be a brave sea fighter!"

There are already five people's feet on the barrel.


Roger also put his feet on the barrel and said: "I want to experience a great adventure!"

Sanji took the barrel away, pointed it in the direction of the great route, and kicked it hard.

"Let's go!!! Go to the great route!!!"