
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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125 Chs

Chapter 63

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This is how Bai Ye described the devastating force of the world government, a force that could make 'Kong' stare death in the face.

If the 'Uranus,' one of the three ancient weapons believed to be under the World Government's control, focused all its attack energy in one place, Bai Ye could not deny the threat it posed to him in his current state.

Yet, only attacks resembling this incessant downpour, though they possess the capacity to obliterate any kingdom in the Grand Line effortlessly, seemed naïve in Bai Ye's view if intended to dominate the battlefield day and night.

Such an extravagantly dispersed attack was flashy but ineffective!

Even if his physical energy had truly dwindled from successive battles, his Reiatsu alone could crush it.

Boom...! Boom...!

At this moment, the core area targeted by 'Uranus' appeared as though the entire sky had been perforated, letting sunlight stream through and startling the entire Grand Line world.

The terrible aftermath of Uranus's unleashed attack now began unfolding.

The tsunami spread to the Sabaody Islands, Summit War, Calm Belt, and dozens of nearby islands, engulfing the first half of the Grand Line.

Everyone who witnessed the cataclysm was sucked back into reality by the overwhelming tsunami.

The first chilling thought that dawned on them was whether the world was truly on the brink of destruction.

Even pirates in Sabaody, brimming with ambition and yearning to conquer the 'New World,' collapsed powerlessly to the ground as they faced the devastating tsunami, their despair evident.

During the Summit War, when participants saw the sky pieced from afar, whether they were Marines or pirates, they all stood rooted to the spot.

Then, the discovery of a monstrous tsunami hundreds of meters high, heading towards Naval Headquarters, brought the battle to an abrupt halt.

"Am I dreaming? Is this all just a dream?" whether Marine or pirate, everyone was gripped by a sense of unreality.

After some time, Sengoku, privy to some insider information, was the first to snap out of it. He silently cursed the World Government for their insanity – to annihilate a man, they were willing to potentially eradicate half of the Grand Line.

Quickly after cursing inwardly, Sengoku rallied the Marines to brace against the incoming wave.

For the Whitebeard Pirates, a frantic Sengoku had no time to spare. After all, they needed to snap the Marines out of their shock, else they'd fall victim to the World Government's own onslaught.

Witnessing the overpowering tsunami engulf Marineford, Sengoku had no doubts it could decimate nearly half of the Headquarters.

By contrast, Whitebeard, quicker to act, also elected to suspend the Summit War without a second's hesitation.

Elsewhere, in the Calm Belt at Amazon Lily, Granny Nyon's eyes narrowed.

She sensed the power's aftermath that shook even the Calm Belt.

In a moment, Granny Nyon found herself on the fringes of Nine Snake Island, staring at the terrifying spectacle of the sky pierced over the distant sea.

Unlike those who were clueless about the perpetrator on the battlefield, Granny Nyon felt an overwhelming sense of dread, experiencing such a potent shock for the first time.

From North Blue emerged that lone monster. Could it truly have the potential to overthrow the World Government? At this moment, the mother-in-law, a witness to many eras, felt a tremor in her heart. Perhaps the Snake Princess wasn't being fanciful after all.

Meanwhile, and simultaneously, a terrible shock reverberated throughout the entire first half of the Grand Line. Within the World Government, in the sanctuary of Mariejois and Pangu City, a resounding boom was felt so intensely it seemed to penetrate the Red Line.

The Five Elders were startled by the overwhelming might of 'Uranus', yet they also experienced relief. They were convinced that the 'sinner', recognized as a threat to the World Government, would not survive this onslaught, nor would Four Emperors' Kaido. Despite the fact that the unleashing of such power would result in the sacrifice of countless innocents in the first half of the Grand Line, the Five Elders deemed it all justified. 

The elimination of evil at any cost was their mantra. The World Government would not tolerate the emergence of a second 'Rocks' pirate group in this era.

They were unaware of the hidden powers behind the solitary man, but they believed that by killing the 'sinner' with the strongest combat prowess, the World Government's objective to shock the world would be fulfilled. All that would remain is the gradual cleanup and the erasure of that man's existence from history, much like the way the history of the powerful Rocks pirates or Ohara, which sought to study historical texts, had been erased.

The Five Elders were adept at such cover-ups. After all, the World Economic News newspaper would not dare to defy the World Government's commands, and controlling public opinion was akin to controlling the world. They held the belief that those at the bottom had no right to know the truth or history.

"Is it over, Master Im?" asked the shaggy-bearded Elder, looking up ready to instruct someone to notify the World Economic News. The 'big news' for the day would proclaim, "The 'big sinner' who threatened world security has been personally eliminated by the World Government." The sinner would then be declared an 'enemy of the world'.

The Five Elders had meticulously planned each step, including blaming the 'sinner' for the destruction in North Blue, a perfect scapegoat to cover their earlier actions. 

Their plans were thorough and seamless. The shaggy-bearded Elder, poised to consult with the figure seated on the 'Void Throne', looked up. However, his expression shifted subtly; the Lord on the Throne did not exhibit any signs of triumph over the sinner's supposed eradication. Instead, the sinking gaze he perceived conveyed a different message.

 A premonition of dread washed over him as his mind raced to an inconceivable possibility. All thoughts converged into a single, shocking realization, and he whispered in disbelief, "Could it be that the sinner... survived? How can that be, with the power said to be sufficient to destroy the world?"