
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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124 Chs

Chapter 25

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Four billion Berries as a reward...!"

"Isn't this really a joke?"

"The Marine guys actually issued this kind of bounty in the first half of the Grand Line...?!"

"Hey, hey, to what extent is that man's threat in the eyes of the Marine government!"

When Bai Ye's latest reward order was announced, everyone around the world who saw this unprecedented reward order was shocked without exception.

Four Seas, the first half of the Grand Line, New World, etc.

After all, this bounty is almost equivalent to the monsters known as Emperors of the Sea in the New World!

Even the Marines, for the elderly man who came to the Grand Line alone, activated the combat readiness of all Marine branches distributed in the first half of the Grand Line!

Any one of these things would be enough to easily subvert the worldview of ordinary people.

Not to mention today's events, all borne by one person... gathered in one person!

Certainly, the behavior of the Marine government today, and the high reward Bai Ye was able to attain, are naturally inevitable with the intervention of the Celestial Dragons who have absolute 'privilege' in the World Government.

The Celestial Dragon was killed. Someone dared to provoke the nobles of the world, which is itself an intolerable event.

And the man who died was a future heir to the Celestial Dragon family.

The Celestial Dragons will definitely not choose to let it go.

But no one anticipated that it would be nearly impossible for the Marine's accidental extermination operation to fail, and for it to be completely reduced to ashes!

The Marines have lost face!

Facing such a 'monster' that was obviously tantamount to declaring war, even Mariejois and the other Celestial Dragons couldn't sit still.

As an absolutely privileged class that controls the World Government, the war between the Celestial Dragons vs. the Whitebeard Pirates and the Naval Headquarters didn't interest them at all.

Have fun as you want, they thought. That's a Marine matter.

But Bai Ye is completely different.

Since killing a Celestial Dragon in North Blue and now taking the initiative to come to the first half of the Grand Line and destroy the Marine Fleet, Bai Ye's behavior is already an active declaration of war on the World Government!

Therefore, no Celestial Dragon on Mariejois would allow such a person to live in the world!

So, the Celestial Dragons issued orders, leapfrogging the chain of command within the World Government. In addition to scolding Sengoku, the Marine Fleet Admiral, they demanded that Bai Ye be captured as soon as possible, to let the world know what kind of tragic end befalls those who cross the Celestial Dragons.

Now, it's "use all the power of the Marine" to destroy him as fast as possible!

Such a man must not be allowed to live in the world!

At the same time, the World Government will also participate in this action!



The first half of the Grand Line.

Bai Ye, whom the World Government was eager to wipe out immediately, happened to catch a reward order fluttering in the wind.

"Four billion Berries... The Marines are really generous."

Looking at the reward order, his current bounty was four billion Berries.

"If I'm not mistaken, some people in the World Government can't sit still."

Today is two days after Bai Ye destroyed Flying Squirrel and the others.

On his way to the World Government.

Along the way.

Surprisingly, Bai Ye was not impeded by any forces that dared to hinder his progress.

Even the Marine branches, which had entered a state of combat readiness, dared not attack him again.

Bai Ye had already had a rough premonition.

When he demonstrated his 'overwhelming' power before the world.

As long as the Marine government is not foolish.

There would be no more cannon fodder sent only to die.

This is also Bai Ye's warning to the Marine government.

"Little characters," like Marine Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, who aren't worth his time, are out of the question.

Such an outcome.

It can only mean that everything he passes will be turned to ashes, that's all.

In other words...

Feeling the atmosphere of a tremendous storm brewing on the Grand Line right now.

Bai Ye felt no fear or panic.

No matter who the enemy might be.

Everything will be ashes...!

Anyone who dares to block his path.

That is the only end!


Far away.

At sea.

"Damn, what's going on with the Marines..."

"We haven't succeeded in raiding for several days!"

"Yeah, but luckily, I remember there are places the Marines can't control."

"Hey, this time I must snatch ten or eight women. After all, the last one died too young, before I had fun for long. It's so boring. Killing all those women is dull. It's only fun when they resist."

A brutal ambition of turning a certain town into a hell on earth seemed like a joke coming from the mouths of the pirates.

When Bai Ye heard this, his eyes remained indifferent.

He looked up at the pirate ship.

In his eyes, these pirates were already dead.


To treat the dead.

There is no need for mercy.

There is an ability that can't be discerned as an 'experiment' and requires the cooperation of this group of 'dead people.'

With his current strength.

Could it be possible to use the present Reiatsu...

To forcibly erase the enemy's consciousness? To read memory?

By the way.

Now that we've met.

To eradicate evil.

Just like Bai Ye's attitude towards the World Government,

Since it is revenge, Bai Ye will not miss any potential enemies in the World Government!