
One Piece: Hitman

Ose Takeshi an emotionless man with an unknown background, at first all he wanted was just to survive but human greed has no boundary, and so do he. Being weak is a sin in a world where the strong prey on the weak, people died everyday especially the weaker one. You can't trust nobody, not even your family. Ose Takeshi who only have One Piece plots and his body previous host core memory in his mind after being transmigrated is like a blank piece of paper, he doesn't know what is good or bad, nor what happiness or sadness is, resulted in him not feeling much emotions and being indifferent towards life. How far could he go? How long could he survive? How would this world shape him?

Sandd · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: A dual against Roronoa Zoro

But swordsmanship alone can't really determine an absolute victory in a life-and-death battle, a lot of things are still need to be considered such as physical strength, Haki, and overall fighting capability.

In terms of physical strength, Ose Takeshi has an absolute advantage when it comes to stamina, speed, and strength which are the most important foundation for a swordsman.

Another thing is Haki, having consumed another soul made his soul slightly stronger than the average people, which allowed him to have an unusually stronger Haki compared to other people, especially his peers.

Thus gave him the advantage when fighting against other people like his peers and even older people, not to mention that Roronoa Zoro is just younger than him and hasn't reached his peak development stage yet.

As for his fighting capability, Ose Takeshi could guaranteed that no one in the entire dojo could be compared to him when it came to killing except the teachers, after all in the past few years he had issued out many unofficial challenges to many people that took place outside the dojo.

In these unofficial challenges, he had always regarded it as a life-and-death battle and never let go of the opportunity to sharpen and enchant his art of killing by targeted their vital spot, which resulted in an increasing amount of casualties, but no death rate whatsoever as the dojo restricted their students from using real swords in any form of challenge.

Gradually he was known and called as the second strongest in the dojo by many, be it students or teachers.

So despited the high rate of casualties among the challengers, many people in the dojo still continued to challenge him hoping that they could replace his place one day, which allowed Ose Takeshi to gained many rich experiences far surpassing that of Roronoa Zoro.


Eventually, the sun set down along with the warm sunny light that kept the whole island bright, replaced by the dark full moon that kept rising until it reached far above the clouds, accompanied by a cold and peaceful light that was radiated by it as if to remind people that everything in life is just a temporary thing.

The entire island suddenly turned quiet as people started to fall into their dream world.

The brightly lit house turned dark one by one as time went on until the entire island was shrouded by nothing but a cold lonely light, blended in with the seemingly endless dark terrifying sea and the unreachable sky.

On the edge part of the island, stood 2 people, one short and one tall staring into each other soul while they both held a real sword in their hands.

"The day finally come huh..."

"I'm too sleepy, let's just end this quickly." Said Roronoa Zoro sleepily in a childish voice.

Ose Takeshi got into his unique battle stance, adjusted his breathing and rushed up to Roronoa Zoro immediately, giving no time for his opponent to get ready.

Seeing this Roronoa Zoro opened his eyes wide and fully awake, as he didn't expect his opponent to fight this dirty.

Roronoa Zoro then raised his sword up and slashed it toward the upcoming sword.


Ose Takeshi then jumped back by a bit, taking advantage of the momentum, he kept slashing toward his opponent's vital spots.

Roronoa Zoro panicked while he kept blocking the sword coming at him in terror, having realized that this wasn't just a normal challenge as he could sense the killing intent from every move of his opponent.


Eventually, as time goes on the sound of panting coming from Zoro is getting faster and louder.

His body is covered in blood and injuries, he shivered as the clothes that protected him from the frosty night wind had countless cuts in them.

"Hey brother, you're not serious about killing me right? This is a joke right?"

Ose Takeshi didn't reply, instead he took advantage of Zoro having his attention on the negotiation, he leaped forward and appeared instantly in front of his opponent.

He chopped his sword down.

Roronoa Zoro groaned in pains as he felt the sword motion within his arm.

"Arghhhh..." He grasped his shoulder and looked toward his missing arm with his shocked bloodshot eye.

Seeing this, Ose Takeshi coated his sword in Haki and slashed toward his head without waiting for Roronoa Zoro to plead for mercy.

{Dings, Target has been eliminated successfully}

After killing Roronoa Zoro under the chilly moonlight, the forest returned back to soundless just as it had previously.

Ose Takeshi scanned his surroundings to make sure that nobody had seen him killing Zoro as to determined how much time he had left to escaped from this island.

Seeing that nobody had witnessed this, he picked up the corpse and took a few steps forward toward the end of the cliff.

His shoulder-length hair flew steadily along the strong wind as he faced the unfathomable sapphire sea, the very place where the strong rose and the weak fall.

'Time to remove all the crucial evidence.'

Just when he was about to threw Roronoa Zoro body into the waving sea, the thunder suddenly struck down.


Right after the thunder struck down, the rain started to pour down heavily washing the blood of his enemy away deep into the sea.

Ose Takeshi looked up at the glooming dark sky and smiled slightly, he expected that something like this would happen after he killed Roronoa Zoro, after all he is someone who is close to the son of destiny in this world, Monkey.D Luffy.

Throughout the entire Luffy's journey, Zoro played a major role in the Straw Hat Pirate, he gave everyone in the crew a sense of security as he was a very mature guy and the strongest after Luffy, but more importantly he was like a big brother to all of them.

During this whole fight, Ose Takeshi never dared to slack off even for a bit, he had his Observation Haki on the entire time to be on guard against the unexpected miracle that could potentially happen at any time.

He still maintained his cautiousness and composure, even after the fight had ended because he knew that a slight mistake could cost him his life.